import { Action, IActionHandler } from '../flux/action'; import { MiddlewareArg } from '../flux/middleware'; import { Dispatch } from '../flux/store'; import { IApplicationStoreState } from '../store/applicationStore'; import { AddErrorInfoAction, ErrorInfo } from '../actions/errorActions'; const baseUrl = `${ window.location.origin }${ window.location.pathname }`; export class ApiAction extends Action { constructor(public endpoint: string, public successAction: { new(result: TResult): TSuccessAction }, public authenticate: boolean = false) { super(); } } export const apiMiddleware = (store: MiddlewareArg) => (next: Dispatch) => (action: A) => { // So the middleware doesn't get applied to every single action if (action instanceof ApiAction) { const user = store && store.getState().framework.authenticationState.user; const token = user && user.token || null; let config = { headers: {} }; if (action.authenticate) { if (token) { config = { ...config, headers: { ...config.headers, // 'Authorization': `Bearer ${ token }` authorization: "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=" } } } else { return next(new AddErrorInfoAction({ message: 'Please login to continue.' })); } } fetch(baseUrl + action.endpoint.replace(/\/{2,}/, '/'), config) .then(response => response.json().then(data => ({ data, response })) ) .then(result => { next(new action.successAction(; }) .catch((error: any) => { next(new AddErrorInfoAction((error instanceof Error) ? { error: error } : { message: error.toString() })); }); } // let all actions pass return next(action); } export default apiMiddleware;