import { Action } from '../../../../framework/src/flux/action'; import { Dispatch } from '../../../../framework/src/flux/store'; import { Ltp } from '../models/availableLtps'; import { PerformanceHistoryService } from '../services/performanceHistoryService'; /** * Represents the base action. */ export class BaseAction extends Action { } /** * Represents an action causing the store to load available ltps. */ export class LoadAllAvailableLtpsAction extends BaseAction { } /** * Represents an action causing the store to update available ltps. */ export class AllAvailableLtpsLoadedAction extends BaseAction { /** * Initialize this instance. * @param availableLtps The available ltps which are returned from the database. */ constructor(public availableLtps: Ltp[] | null, public error?: string) { super(); } } /** * Represents an asynchronous thunk action to load available distinctLtps by networkElement from the database and set the returned first Ltp as default. * @param networkElement The network element sent to database to get its available distinct Ltps. * @param selectedTimePeriod The time period selected sent to database to get the distinct Ltps of the selected network element. * @param selectedLtp The Ltp which is selected in the dropdown. * @param selectFirstLtp The function to get the first ltp returned from the database to be selected as default on selection upon network element. * @param resetLtp The function to verify if the selected ltp is also available in the selected time period database else reset the Ltp dropdown to select. */ export const loadDistinctLtpsbyNetworkElementAsync = (networkElement: string, selectedTimePeriod: string, selectedLtp: string, selectFirstLtp?: Function, resetLtp?: Function) => (dispatch: Dispatch) => { if (selectedTimePeriod == "15min") { dispatch(new LoadAllAvailableLtpsAction()); PerformanceHistoryService.getDistinctLtpsFrom15minDatabase(networkElement).then(distinctLtps => { if(distinctLtps) { let ltpNotSelected: boolean = true; selectFirstLtp && selectFirstLtp(distinctLtps[0].key); distinctLtps.forEach((value: Ltp) => { if(value.key === selectedLtp) { ltpNotSelected = false; } }); resetLtp && resetLtp(ltpNotSelected); dispatch(new AllAvailableLtpsLoadedAction(distinctLtps)) } }).catch(error => { dispatch(new AllAvailableLtpsLoadedAction(null, error)); }); } else { dispatch(new LoadAllAvailableLtpsAction()); PerformanceHistoryService.getDistinctLtpsFrom24hoursDatabase(networkElement).then(distinctLtps => { if(distinctLtps) { let ltpNotSelected: boolean = true; selectFirstLtp && selectFirstLtp(distinctLtps[0].key); distinctLtps.forEach((value: Ltp) => { if(value.key === selectedLtp) { ltpNotSelected = false; } }); resetLtp && resetLtp(ltpNotSelected); dispatch(new AllAvailableLtpsLoadedAction(distinctLtps)) } }).catch(error => { dispatch(new AllAvailableLtpsLoadedAction(null, error)); }); } };