/** * ============LICENSE_START======================================================================== * ONAP : ccsdk feature sdnr wt odlux * ================================================================================================= * Copyright (C) 2021 highstreet technologies GmbH Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * ================================================================================================= * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================================== */ import { Button, Grid, InputLabel, makeStyles, MenuItem, Select, Slider, TextField, Typography } from '@material-ui/core'; import { NetworkMapSettings, ThemeElement } from '../../model/settings'; import * as React from 'react' import connect, { Connect, IDispatcher } from '../../../../../framework/src/flux/connect'; import { IApplicationStoreState } from '../../../../../framework/src/store/applicationStore'; import { updateSettings } from '../../actions/settingsAction'; import ThemeEntry from './themeElement' import * as mapboxgl from 'mapbox-gl'; import { OSM_STYLE } from '../../config'; import mapLayerService from '../../utils/mapLayers'; import { requestRest } from '../../../../../framework/src/services/restService'; import { NavigateToApplication } from '../../../../../framework/src/actions/navigationActions'; type props = Connect; let map: mapboxgl.Map; let myMapRef = React.createRef(); const default_boundingbox = "12.882544785787754,52.21421979821472,13.775455214211949,52.80406241672602"; const mapProps = (state: IApplicationStoreState) => ({ settings: state.network.settings, }); const mapDispatch = (dispatcher: IDispatcher) => ({ updateSettings: (mapSettings: NetworkMapSettings) => dispatcher.dispatch(updateSettings(mapSettings)), navigateToApplication: (applicationName: string) => dispatcher.dispatch(new NavigateToApplication(applicationName)), }); const styles = makeStyles({ sectionMargin: { marginTop: "30px", marginBottom: "15px" }, elementMargin: { marginLeft: "10px" } }); const CustomizationView: React.FunctionComponent = (props) => { const [opacity, setOpacity] = React.useState(Number(props.settings.mapSettings?.networkMap.tileOpacity) || 100); const [theme, setTheme] = React.useState(props.settings.mapSettings?.networkMap.styling.theme || ''); const [latitude, setLatitude] = React.useState(Number(props.settings.mapSettings?.networkMap.startupPosition.latitude)|| 52.5); const [longitude, setLongitude] = React.useState(Number(props.settings.mapSettings?.networkMap.startupPosition.longitude)|| 13.35); const [zoom, setZoom] = React.useState(Number(props.settings.mapSettings?.networkMap.startupPosition.zoom) || 10); //used to make opacity available within the map event-listeners //(hook state values are snapshotted at initalization and not updated afterwards, thus use a ref here) const myOpacityRef = React.useRef(opacity); const setOpacityState = (data:any) => { myOpacityRef.current = data; setOpacity(data); }; const classes = styles(); const currentTheme = props.settings.themes.networkMapThemes.themes.find(el => el.key === theme); React.useEffect(() => { mapLayerService.settings = props.settings.themes; map = new mapboxgl.Map({ container: myMapRef.current!, style: OSM_STYLE as any, center: [longitude, latitude], zoom: zoom, accessToken: '' }); map.on('load', (ev) => { mapLayerService.addBaseSources(map, null, null); if(props.settings.mapSettings?.networkMap.styling.theme !== theme){ mapLayerService.addBaseLayers(map, currentTheme); }else{ mapLayerService.addBaseLayers(map); } mapLayerService.changeMapOpacity(map, myOpacityRef.current); getData(); }); map.on('moveend', () => { const center = map.getCenter(); setZoom(Number(map.getZoom().toFixed(4))); setLatitude(Number(center.lat.toFixed(4))); setLongitude(Number(center.lng.toFixed(4))); }); }, []); React.useEffect(() => { recenterMap(); }, [latitude, longitude, zoom]); const setState = () => { if (props.settings.mapSettings?.networkMap.styling) { setTheme(props.settings.mapSettings.networkMap.styling.theme); mapLayerService.changeTheme(map, props.settings.mapSettings.networkMap.styling.theme); } const propOpacity = props.settings.mapSettings?.networkMap.tileOpacity; if (propOpacity) { setOpacityState(propOpacity); } } React.useEffect(() => { setState(); }, [props.settings.mapSettings]); const onOpacityChange = (event: React.ChangeEvent, newValue: number) => { setOpacity(newValue); mapLayerService.changeMapOpacity(map, newValue); }; const onChangeTheme = (e: any) => { const newTheme = e.target.value; setTheme(newTheme); mapLayerService.changeTheme(map, newTheme); } const onCancel = (e: React.MouseEvent) => { e.preventDefault(); props.navigateToApplication("network"); } const onSaveSettings = async (e: React.MouseEvent) => { e.preventDefault(); const updatedSettings: NetworkMapSettings = { networkMap: { tileOpacity: opacity.toString(), styling: { theme: theme }, startupPosition: { latitude: latitude.toString(), longitude: longitude.toString(), zoom: zoom.toString() } } }; console.log(updatedSettings); await props.updateSettings(updatedSettings) props.navigateToApplication("network"); } const recenterMap = () => { if (!isNaN(latitude) && !isNaN(longitude) && !isNaN(zoom)) map.flyTo({ center: [ longitude, latitude ], zoom: zoom, essential: false }); } const getData = () => { //get data of boundingbox from networkmap const links = requestRest("/topology/network/links/geojson/" + default_boundingbox); const sites = requestRest("/topology/network/sites/geojson/" + default_boundingbox); Promise.all([links, sites]).then(results => { if (map.getSource('lines')) { (map.getSource('lines') as mapboxgl.GeoJSONSource).setData(results[0]); } if (map.getSource('points')) { (map.getSource('points') as mapboxgl.GeoJSONSource).setData(results[1]); } if (map.getSource('selectedPoints')) { (map.getSource('selectedPoints') as mapboxgl.GeoJSONSource).setData(results[1].features[0]); } }); } /** * Style property names to readable text * @param text propretyName * @returns readable text */ const styleText = (text: string) => { const textParts = text.split(/(?=[A-Z])/); //split on uppercase character const newText = textParts.join(" "); return newText.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + newText.slice(1); } return (<>


Startup Position
setLatitude(e.target.value as any)} style={{ marginLeft: 10 }} label="Latitude" /> setLongitude(e.target.value as any)} style={{ marginLeft: 5 }} label="Longitude" /> setZoom(e.target.value as any)} style={{ marginLeft: 5 }} label="Zoom" />
Tile Opacity 0 100 Style of properties Theme { currentTheme &&
{ //skip the 'key' (theme name) entry Object.keys(currentTheme).slice(1).map(el => ) }
) } export default connect(mapProps, mapDispatch)(CustomizationView);