/** Represents the elestic search db type for maintenence enrties */ export type MaintenenceEntryType = { node: string; // According to the arrangement from 2019.02.15 there will be currently only one element in the filters array. filter: [{ definition: { "object-id-ref": string ,problem: string}, description: string, /** The end date for the maintenence mode formated as ISO date string in UTC. */ end: string, /** The start date for the maintenence mode formated as ISO date string in UTC. */ start: string }], /** Determines if the filter set is activated or not. */ active: boolean; } export const spoofSymbol = Symbol("Spoof"); /** Represents the type for an maintenence entry. */ export type MaintenenceEntry = { [spoofSymbol]?: boolean; _id: string; mountId: string; description: string; start: string; end: string; active: boolean; }