module netconfnode-state { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:netconfnode-state"; prefix "netconfnode-state"; import data-provider { prefix "data-provider"; } description "sdnr-wt-netconfnode-state-service Api Module"; revision "2019-10-11" { description "Initial revision"; } container fault-notification { description "Handle fault problem notification of a network-element"; uses data-provider:object-change-reference; uses data-provider:fault; } container attribute-change-notification { description "Handle attribute change notification of a network-element"; uses data-provider:object-change-reference; uses data-provider:attribute-change; } rpc push-fault-notification { description "Forward fault problem notification of a network-element"; input { uses data-provider:object-change-reference; uses data-provider:fault; } } rpc push-attribute-change-notification { description "Forward attribute change notification of a network-element"; input { uses data-provider:object-change-reference; uses data-provider:attribute-change; } } rpc get-status { description "Returns status information"; output { list status { description "Provides a key value list with status information"; key key; leaf key { type string; } leaf value { type string; } } } } }