module onf-ethernet-conditional-packages { namespace "urn:onf:params:xml:ns:yang:onf-ethernet-conditional-packages"; prefix onf-ethernet-conditional-packages; import core-model { prefix core-model; } organization "ONF (Open Networking Foundation) Open Transport Working Group - Wireless Transport Project"; contact "WG Web: WG List: WG Chair: Lyndon Ong WG Chair: Giorgio Cazzaniga Editors: Thorsten Heinze Martin Skorupski "; description "This model adds conditional packages to the ONF CoreModel in order address Ethernet use cases."; revision 2017-04-02 { description "Initial version"; reference "ONF TR 532: A YANG Data Model for Wireless Networks."; } /*********************** * package object-classes **********************/ list ethernet-pac { key 'layer-protocol'; leaf layer-protocol { type leafref { path '/core-model:network-element/core-model:ltp/core-model:lp/core-model:uuid'; } description "none"; } container ethernet-capability { config false; uses ethernet-capability-g; description "none"; } container ethernet-configuration { uses ethernet-configuration-g; description "none"; } container ethernet-status { config false; uses ethernet-status-g; description "none"; } container ethernet-current-problems { config false; uses ethernet-current-problems-g; description "none"; } container ethernet-current-performance { config false; uses ethernet-current-performance-g; description "none"; } container ethernet-historical-performances { config false; uses ethernet-historical-performances-g; description "none"; } description "none"; } grouping ethernet-capability-g { description "none"; } grouping ethernet-configuration-g { leaf vlan-id { type int16; description "value = 0: frames on ingress must be untagged, frames on egress get untagged; value = any other positive integer < 4096: frames on ingress must be tagged with this VLAN ID, frames on egress either already have or get this VLAN ID attached;"; } description "none"; } grouping ethernet-status-g { description "none"; } grouping ethernet-current-problems-g { description "none"; } grouping ethernet-current-performance-g { description "none"; } grouping ethernet-historical-performances-g { description "none"; } }