/** * Copyright 2010-2013 Ben Birch * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this software except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ // find *Spec.js files in the src directory next to the corresponding source file var test = window.test = {}; test.cb = (function( jasmine ) { var callbacks = []; return { use: function() { callbacks = []; }, createSpy: function( name, arg, data, context ) { return jasmine.createSpy( name ).and.callFake( function() { callbacks.push( { cb: arguments[ arg || 0 ], data: data, context: context } ); }); }, execOne: function() { var exec = callbacks.shift(); exec.cb.apply( exec.context, exec.data ); }, execAll: function() { while( callbacks.length ) { this.execOne(); } } }; })( this.jasmine ); test.clock = ( function() { var id = 0, timers, saved; var names = [ "setTimeout", "setInterval", "clearTimeout", "clearInterval" ]; var byNext = function( a, b ) { return a.next - b.next; }; var mocks = { setTimeout: function( fn, t ) { timers.push( { id: id, fn: fn, next: t, t: t, type: "t" } ); return id++; }, clearTimeout: function( id ) { timers = timers.filter( function( timer ) { return timer.id !== id; } ); }, setInterval: function( fn, t ) { timers.push( { id: id, fn: fn, next: t, t: t, type: "i" } ); return id++; }, clearInterval: function( id ) { timers = timers.filter( function( timer ) { return timer.id !== id; } ); } }; return { steal: function() { timers = []; saved = {}; names.forEach( function( n ) { saved[n] = window[n]; window[n] = mocks[n]; }); }, restore: function() { names.forEach( function( n ) { window[n] = saved[n]; }); timers = null; saved = null; }, tick: function() { if( timers.length ) { timers.sort( byNext ); var t0 = timers[0]; if( t0.type === "t" ) { timers.shift(); } else { t0.next += t0.t; } t0.fn(); } } }; })();