/** * Copyright 2010-2013 Ben Birch * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this software except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ (function( $, app ) { var ux = app.ns("ux"); /** * Provides drag and drop functionality
* a DragDrop instance is created for each usage pattern and then used over and over again
* first a dragObj is defined - this is the jquery node that will be dragged around
* second, the event callbacks are defined - these allow you control the ui during dragging and run functions when successfully dropping
* thirdly drop targets are defined - this is a list of DOM nodes, the constructor works in one of two modes: *
  • without targets - objects can be picked up and dragged around, dragStart and dragStop events fire
  • *
  • with targets - as objects are dragged over targets dragOver, dragOut and DragDrop events fire * to start dragging call the DragDrop.pickup_handler() function, dragging stops when the mouse is released. * @constructor * The following options are supported *
    an argument passed directly to jquery to create a list of targets, as such it can be a CSS style selector, or an array of DOM nodes
    if target selector is null the DragDrop does Drag only and will not fire dragOver dragOut and dragDrop events
    a jquery selector. The pickup_handler is automatically bound to matched elements (eg clicking on these elements starts the drag). if pickupSelector is null, the pickup_handler must be manually bound $(el).bind("mousedown", dragdrop.pickup_handler)
    the jQuery element to drag around when pickup is called. If not defined, dragObj must be set in onDragStart
    the class(es) added to items when they are being dragged
    * The following observables are supported *
    a callback when start to drag
    a callback when we drag into a target
    a callback when we drag out of a target, or when we drop over a target
    a callback when we drop on a target
    a callback when we stop dragging
    */ ux.DragDrop = ux.Observable.extend({ defaults : { targetsSelector : null, pickupSelector: null, dragObj : null, draggingClass : "dragging" }, init: function(options) { this._super(); // call the class initialiser this.drag_handler = this.drag.bind(this); this.drop_handler = this.drop.bind(this); this.pickup_handler = this.pickup.bind(this); this.targets = []; this.dragObj = null; this.dragObjOffset = null; this.currentTarget = null; if(this.config.pickupSelector) { $(this.config.pickupSelector).bind("mousedown", this.pickup_handler); } }, drag : function(jEv) { jEv.preventDefault(); var mloc = acx.vector( this.lockX || jEv.pageX, this.lockY || jEv.pageY ); this.dragObj.css(mloc.add(this.dragObjOffset).asOffset()); if(this.targets.length === 0) { return; } if(this.currentTarget !== null && mloc.within(this.currentTarget[1], this.currentTarget[2])) { return; } if(this.currentTarget !== null) { this.fire('dragOut', this.currentTarget[0]); this.currentTarget = null; } for(var i = 0; i < this.targets.length; i++) { if(mloc.within(this.targets[i][1], this.targets[i][2])) { this.currentTarget = this.targets[i]; break; } } if(this.currentTarget !== null) { this.fire('dragOver', this.currentTarget[0]); } }, drop : function(jEv) { $(document).unbind("mousemove", this.drag_handler); $(document).unbind("mouseup", this.drop_handler); this.dragObj.removeClass(this.config.draggingClass); if(this.currentTarget !== null) { this.fire('dragOut', this.currentTarget[0]); this.fire('dragDrop', this.currentTarget[0]); } this.fire('dragStop', jEv); this.dragObj = null; }, pickup : function(jEv, opts) { $.extend(this.config, opts); this.fire('dragStart', jEv); this.dragObj = this.dragObj || this.config.dragObj; this.dragObjOffset = this.config.dragObjOffset || acx.vector(this.dragObj.offset()).sub(jEv.pageX, jEv.pageY); this.lockX = this.config.lockX ? jEv.pageX : 0; this.lockY = this.config.lockY ? jEv.pageY : 0; this.dragObj.addClass(this.config.draggingClass); if(!this.dragObj.get(0).parentNode || this.dragObj.get(0).parentNode.nodeType === 11) { // 11 = document fragment $(document.body).append(this.dragObj); } if(this.config.targetsSelector) { this.currentTarget = null; var targets = ( this.targets = [] ); // create an array of elements optimised for rapid collision detection calculation $(this.config.targetsSelector).each(function(i, el) { var jEl = $(el); var tl = acx.vector(jEl.offset()); var br = tl.add(jEl.width(), jEl.height()); targets.push([jEl, tl, br]); }); } $(document).bind("mousemove", this.drag_handler); $(document).bind("mouseup", this.drop_handler); this.drag_handler(jEv); } }); })( this.jQuery, this.app );