/** * Copyright 2010-2013 Ben Birch * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this software except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ i18n.setKeys({ "General.Elasticsearch": "Elasticsearch", "General.LoadingAggs": "Loading Aggregations...", "General.Searching": "Searching...", "General.Search": "Search", "General.Help": "Help", "General.HelpGlyph": "?", "General.CloseGlyph": "X", "General.RefreshResults": "Refresh", "General.ManualRefresh": "Manual Refresh", "General.RefreshQuickly": "Refresh quickly", "General.Refresh5seconds": "Refresh every 5 seconds", "General.Refresh1minute": "Refresh every minute", "AliasForm.AliasName": "Alias Name", "AliasForm.NewAliasForIndex": "New Alias for {0}", "AliasForm.DeleteAliasMessage": "type ''{0}'' to delete {1}. There is no undo", "AnyRequest.DisplayOptions" : "Display Options", "AnyRequest.AsGraph" : "Graph Results", "AnyRequest.AsJson" : "Show Raw JSON", "AnyRequest.AsTable" : "Show Search Results Table", "AnyRequest.History" : "History", "AnyRequest.RepeatRequest" : "Repeat Request", "AnyRequest.RepeatRequestSelect" : "Repeat request every ", "AnyRequest.Transformer" : "Result Transformer", "AnyRequest.Pretty": "Pretty", "AnyRequest.Query" : "Query", "AnyRequest.Request": "Request", "AnyRequest.Requesting": "Requesting...", "AnyRequest.ValidateJSON": "Validate JSON", "Browser.Title": "Browser", "Browser.ResultSourcePanelTitle": "Result Source", "Command.DELETE": "DELETE", "Command.SHUTDOWN": "SHUTDOWN", "Command.DeleteAliasMessage": "Delete Alias?", "ClusterOverView.IndexName": "Index Name", "ClusterOverview.NumShards": "Number of Shards", "ClusterOverview.NumReplicas": "Number of Replicas", "ClusterOverview.NewIndex": "New Index", "IndexActionsMenu.Title": "Actions", "IndexActionsMenu.NewAlias": "New Alias...", "IndexActionsMenu.Refresh": "Refresh", "IndexActionsMenu.Flush": "Flush", "IndexActionsMenu.Optimize": "Optimize...", "IndexActionsMenu.Snapshot": "Gateway Snapshot", "IndexActionsMenu.Analyser": "Test Analyser", "IndexActionsMenu.Open": "Open", "IndexActionsMenu.Close": "Close", "IndexActionsMenu.Delete": "Delete...", "IndexInfoMenu.Title": "Info", "IndexInfoMenu.Status": "Index Status", "IndexInfoMenu.Metadata": "Index Metadata", "IndexCommand.TextToAnalyze": "Text to Analyse", "IndexCommand.ShutdownMessage": "type ''{0}'' to shutdown {1}. Node can NOT be restarted from this interface", "IndexOverview.PageTitle": "Indices Overview", "IndexSelector.NameWithDocs": "{0} ({1} docs)", "IndexSelector.SearchIndexForDocs": "Search {0} for documents where:", "FilterBrowser.OutputType": "Output Results: {0}", "FilterBrowser.OutputSize": "Number of Results: {0}", "Header.ClusterHealth": "cluster health: {0} ({1} of {2})", "Header.ClusterNotConnected": "cluster health: not connected", "Header.Connect": "Connect", "Nav.AnyRequest": "Any Request", "Nav.Browser": "Browser", "Nav.ClusterHealth": "Cluster Health", "Nav.ClusterState": "Cluster State", "Nav.ClusterNodes": "Nodes Info", "Nav.Info": "Info", "Nav.NodeStats": "Nodes Stats", "Nav.Overview": "Overview", "Nav.Indices": "Indices", "Nav.Plugins": "Plugins", "Nav.Status": "Indices Stats", "Nav.Templates": "Templates", "Nav.StructuredQuery": "Structured Query", "NodeActionsMenu.Title": "Actions", "NodeActionsMenu.Shutdown": "Shutdown...", "NodeInfoMenu.Title": "Info", "NodeInfoMenu.ClusterNodeInfo": "Cluster Node Info", "NodeInfoMenu.NodeStats": "Node Stats", "NodeType.Client": "Client Node", "NodeType.Coord": "Coordinator", "NodeType.Master": "Master Node", "NodeType.Tribe": "Tribe Node", "NodeType.Worker": "Worker Node", "NodeType.Unassigned": "Unassigned", "OptimizeForm.OptimizeIndex": "Optimize {0}", "OptimizeForm.MaxSegments": "Maximum # Of Segments", "OptimizeForm.ExpungeDeletes": "Only Expunge Deletes", "OptimizeForm.FlushAfter": "Flush After Optimize", "OptimizeForm.WaitForMerge": "Wait For Merge", "Overview.PageTitle" : "Cluster Overview", "Output.JSON": "JSON", "Output.Table": "Table", "Output.CSV": "CSV", "Output.ShowSource": "Show query source", "Preference.SortCluster": "Sort Cluster", "Sort.ByName": "By Name", "Sort.ByAddress": "By Address", "Sort.ByType": "By Type", "Preference.SortIndices": "Sort Indices", "SortIndices.Descending": "Descending", "SortIndices.Ascending": "Ascending", "Preference.ViewAliases": "View Aliases", "ViewAliases.Grouped": "Grouped", "ViewAliases.List": "List", "ViewAliases.None": "None", "Overview.IndexFilter": "Index Filter", "TableResults.Summary": "Searched {0} of {1} shards. {2} hits. {3} seconds", "QueryFilter.AllIndices": "All Indices", "QueryFilter.AnyValue": "any", "QueryFilter-Header-Indices": "Indices", "QueryFilter-Header-Types": "Types", "QueryFilter-Header-Fields": "Fields", "QueryFilter.DateRangeHint.from": "From : {0}", "QueryFilter.DateRangeHint.to": " To : {0}", "Query.FailAndUndo": "Query Failed. Undoing last changes", "StructuredQuery.ShowRawJson": "Show Raw JSON" }); i18n.setKeys({ "AnyRequest.TransformerHelp" : "\

The Result Transformer can be used to post process the raw json results from a request into a more useful format.


The transformer should contain the body of a javascript function. The return value from the function becomes the new value passed to the json printer


\ return root.hits.hits[0]; would traverse a result set to show just the first match
\ return Object.keys(root.nodes).reduce(function(tot, node) { return tot + root.nodes[node].os.mem.used_in_bytes; }, 0); would return the total memory used across an entire cluster


The following functions are available and can be useful processing arrays and objects


When Repeat Request is running, an extra parameter called prev is passed to the transformation function. This allows comparisons, and cumulative graphing


\ var la = [ root.nodes[Object.keys(root.nodes)[0]].os.load_average[0] ]; return prev ? la.concat(prev) : la; would return the load average on the first cluster node over the last minute\ This could be fed into the Graph to produce a load graph for the node\ " }); i18n.setKeys({ "AnyRequest.DisplayOptionsHelp" : "\

Raw Json: shows complete results of the query and transformation in raw JSON format


Graph Results: To produce a graph of your results, use the result transformer to produce an array of values


Search Results Table: If your query is a search, you can display the results of the search in a table.

\ " }); i18n.setKeys({ "QueryFilter.DateRangeHelp" : "\

Date fields accept a natural language query to produce a From and To date that form a range that the results are queried over.


The following formats are supported:

\ \ " });