module devicemanager { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:devicemanager"; prefix devicemanager; import data-provider { prefix data-provider; revision-date 2020-11-10; } organization "highstreet technologies GmbH"; contact "Web: ONAP: "; description "DeviceManager Api Module Copyright 2019 highstreet technologies GmbH Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License."; revision 2019-01-09 { description "Initial revision"; reference ""; } rpc set-maintenance-mode { description "Set maintenance mode for network element"; input { uses data-provider:maintenance-entity; } output { uses data-provider:maintenance-entity; } } rpc get-maintenance-mode { description "Get maintenance mode Configuration"; input { leaf mountpoint-name { type string; description "Mountpoint-name as key of node"; } } output { uses data-provider:maintenance-entity; } } rpc test-maintenance-mode { description "Send test pattern similar to notification that are test from algorithm"; input { leaf mountpoint-name { type string; mandatory true; description "mountpoint for test"; } leaf object-id-ref { type string; mandatory true; description "object id for test"; } leaf problem-name { type string; mandatory true; description "problem for test"; } leaf test-date { type string; mandatory true; description "point in time used for the test"; } } output { leaf result-string { type string; mandatory true; description "Describin if mountpoint was found and result of maintenance mode testing"; } uses data-provider:maintenance-entity; } } rpc show-required-network-element { description "Get information for required network element"; input { leaf mountpoint-name { type string; mandatory true; description "Mountpoint-name as key of the node to be displayed."; } } output { container required-network-element { leaf mountpoint-name { type string; description "The name of the mountpoint"; } leaf status { type string; description "Status: pre-provisoning, installed, end-of-life (Later enum)"; } leaf description { type string; description "Device description"; } description "An output object presenting a network element (or device, NetConf server, network function) which is expected to be connected."; } } } rpc get-required-network-element-keys { description "Returns a list of netconf nodes for each data store space"; output { leaf-list mountpoint-names { type string; description "List of required-network-element keys that are the mountpoint-names"; } } } rpc clear-current-fault-by-nodename { description "try to clear alarms and sync the alarm with the devices currently connected"; input { leaf-list nodenames { type string; description "list of network-elements to clear alarms for nodenames, if list empty then all"; } } output { leaf-list nodenames { type string; description "list of network-elements alarms cleared"; } } } rpc push-fault-notification { description "Forward fault problem notification of a network-element"; input { uses data-provider:object-change-reference; uses data-provider:fault; } } rpc push-attribute-change-notification { description "Forward attribute change notification of a network-element"; input { uses data-provider:object-change-reference; uses data-provider:attribute-change; } } }