module devicemanager { yang-version 1; namespace "urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:devicemanager"; prefix "devicemanager"; import data-provider { prefix "data-provider"; } description "DeviceManager Api Module"; revision "2019-01-09" { description "Initial revision"; } rpc set-maintenance-mode{ description "Set maintenance mode for network element"; input{ uses data-provider:maintenance-entity; } output { uses data-provider:maintenance-entity; } } rpc get-maintenance-mode{ description "Get maintenance mode Configuration"; input{ leaf mountpoint-name{ mandatory true; type string; description "Mountpoint-name as key of node"; } } output { uses data-provider:maintenance-entity; } } rpc test-maintenance-mode{ description "Send test pattern similar to notification that are test from algorithm"; input{ leaf mountpoint-name { mandatory true; type string; description "mountpoint for test"; } leaf object-id-ref { mandatory true; type string; description "object id for test"; } leaf problem-name { mandatory true; type string; description "problem for test"; } leaf test-date { mandatory true; type string; description "point in time used for the test"; } } output { leaf result-string { mandatory true; type string; description "Describin if mountpoint was found and result of maintenance mode testing"; } uses data-provider:maintenance-entity; } } rpc show-required-network-element { description "Get information for required network element"; input { leaf mountpoint-name { mandatory true; type string; description "Mountpoint-name as key of the node to be displayed."; } } output { container required-network-element { leaf mountpoint-name { type string; description "The name of the mountpoint"; } leaf status { type string; description "Status: pre-provisoning, installed, end-of-life (Later enum)"; } leaf description { type string; description "Device description"; } } } } rpc get-required-network-element-keys { description "Returns a list of netconf nodes for each data store space"; output { leaf-list mountpoint-names { type string; description "List of required-network-element keys that are the mountpoint-names"; } } } rpc clear-current-fault-by-nodename { description "try to clear alarms and sync the alarm with the devices currently connected"; input { leaf-list nodenames { type string; description "list of network-elements to clear alarms for nodenames, if list empty then all"; } } output { leaf-list nodenames { type string; description "list of network-elements alarms cleared"; } } } rpc push-fault-notification { description "Forward fault problem notification of a network-element"; input { uses data-provider:object-change-reference; uses data-provider:fault; } } rpc push-attribute-change-notification { description "Forward attribute change notification of a network-element"; input { uses data-provider:object-change-reference; uses data-provider:attribute-change; } } }