module firmware-1-0 { yang-version 1.1; namespace "urn:onf:yang:firmware-1-0"; prefix firmware; import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } import core-model-1-4 { prefix core-model; } organization " proposal to Open Networking Foundation (ONF)"; contact "WG Web : WG List: Editor : Thorsten Heinze Email :"; description "Augment to the ControlConstruct for managing firmware on the device. Copyright 2021 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License."; revision 2021-04-01 { description "Model for the Transport SDN Introduction at Telefonica. Please view for changes."; reference " Model definition ONF TR-512 Core IM incl. Profile and enhanced Equipment definition"; } identity FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE { description "none"; } identity FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE_UNKNOWN { base FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE; description "none"; } identity FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE_OTHER { base FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE; description "none"; } identity FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE_DRIVER { base FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE; description "none"; } identity FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE_CONFIGURATION_DATA { base FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE; description "none"; } identity FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE_CONFIGURATION_SOFTWARE { base FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE; description "none"; } identity FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE_APPLICATION_SOFTWARE { base FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE; description "none"; } identity FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE_INSTRUMENTATION { base FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE; description "none"; } identity FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE_FIRMWARE_BIOS { base FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE; description "none"; } identity FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE_DIAGNOSTIC_SOFTWARE { base FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE; description "none"; } identity FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE_OPERATING_SYSTEM { base FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE; description "none"; } identity FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE_MIDDLEWARE { base FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE; description "none"; } identity FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE_FIRMWARE { base FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE; description "none"; } identity FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE_BIOS_CODE { base FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE; description "none"; } identity FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE_FPGA_CODE { base FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE; description "none"; } identity FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE_SUPPORT_SERVICE_PACK { base FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE; description "none"; } identity FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE_PACKAGE { base FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE; description "none"; } identity FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE_RESERVE { base FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE; description "none"; } identity FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE_DOWNSTREAM_DEVICE { base FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE; description "none"; } identity DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE { description "none"; } identity DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE_IDLE { base DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE; description "There is no download status to be represented. The device is available for starting some."; } identity DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE_DOWNLOAD_IN_PROGRESS { base DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE; description "Download process is currently in progress."; } identity DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE_SUCCESSFUL { base DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE; description "Download process successfully accomplished."; } identity DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE_INVALID_URI { base DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE; description "Download process could not be started, because of invalid URI."; } identity DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE_UNABLE_TO_CONNECT_TO_SERVER { base DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE; description "Download process could not be started, because client could not reach the server."; } identity DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE_ALIGNMENT_FAILURE { base DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE; description "Download process failed, because client and server could not align."; } identity DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED { base DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE; description "Download process could not be started, because client could not successfully authenticate at the server."; } identity DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE_FILE_NOT_FOUND { base DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE; description "Client could connect to the server, but download process could not be started, because the file could not be found."; } identity DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE_NO_SPACE_AVAILABLE { base DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE; description "Client could authenticate at the server and find the file, but download process has been aborted, because there is not sufficient storage space for the file on the client."; } identity DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE_TRANSFER_MECHANISM_NOT_AVAILABLE { base DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE; description "Client could authenticate at the server and find the file, but download process could not be started, because transfer mechanism is not supported."; } identity DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE_NETWORK_FAILURE { base DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE; description "Download process could be started, but got interrupted, because client lost connection to the server."; } identity DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE_SW_UNIT_CHECK_FAILURE { base DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE; description "Client could connect to the server and download the file, but the file was corrupted."; } identity DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE_INCOMPATIBLE_FILE { base DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE; description "Client could connect to the server and download the file, but the file cannot be used due to incompatibility with either hardware of other firmware components."; } identity DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE_SW_RELEASE_CHECK_FAILURE { base DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE; description "Client could download the file, but the file cannot be used due to release mismatch with other firmware components."; } identity DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE_INTERNAL_ERROR { base DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE; description "Download process has been terminated due to an error internal to the client."; } identity DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE_ABORTED { base DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE; description "Client could connect to the server and start downloading the file, but the download process was interrupted by the client."; } identity DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE_FAILED { base DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE; description "Download process failed due to a reason, which is not more specifically described by any other value in this enumeration."; } identity DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE_NOT_YET_DEFINED { base DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE; description "none"; } identity FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_STATUS_TYPE { description "none"; } identity FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_STATUS_TYPE_ACTIVE { base FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_STATUS_TYPE; description "none"; } identity FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_STATUS_TYPE_STAND_BY { base FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_STATUS_TYPE; description "none"; } identity FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_STATUS_TYPE_COMMITTED { base FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_STATUS_TYPE; description "Firmware component will be used after reboot."; } identity FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_STATUS_TYPE_LIKE_SUPERIOR_FIRMWARE_COMPONENT { base FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_STATUS_TYPE; description "none"; } identity FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_STATUS_TYPE_NOT_APPLICABLE { base FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_STATUS_TYPE; description "none"; } identity FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_STATUS_TYPE_INCOMPLETE { base FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_STATUS_TYPE; description "none"; } identity FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_STATUS_TYPE_NOT_YET_DEFINED { base FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_STATUS_TYPE; description "none"; } typedef firmware-component-class-type { type identityref { base FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE; } description "none"; } typedef download-status-type { type identityref { base DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE; } description "Status or result of the download process, which had been started last."; } typedef firmware-component-status-type { type identityref { base FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_STATUS_TYPE; } description "Current operational status of the firmware component."; } grouping object-creation-notification { description "none"; leaf counter { type int32; default "-1"; config false; description "Counts object creation notifications."; } leaf timestamp { type yang:date-and-time; default "2010-11-20T14:00:00+01:00"; config false; description "none"; } leaf object-id-ref { type leafref { path "/core-model:control-construct/firmware:firmware-collection/firmware:firmware-component-list/firmware:local-id"; require-instance false; } config false; description "none"; } leaf object-type { type string; default "Type of created object not specified."; config false; description "none"; } } grouping object-deletion-notification { description "none"; leaf counter { type int32; default "-1"; config false; description "Counts object deletion notifications."; } leaf timestamp { type yang:date-and-time; default "2010-11-20T14:00:00+01:00"; config false; description "none"; } leaf object-id-ref { type leafref { path "/core-model:control-construct/firmware:firmware-collection/firmware:firmware-component-list/firmware:local-id"; require-instance false; } config false; description "none"; } } grouping attribute-value-changed-notification { description "To be sent when an attribute has changed and one or more controllers have to update their data."; leaf counter { type int32; default "-1"; config false; description "Counts attribute value changed notifications."; } leaf timestamp { type yang:date-and-time; default "2010-11-20T14:00:00+01:00"; config false; description "none"; } leaf object-id-ref { type leafref { path "/core-model:control-construct/firmware:firmware-collection/firmware:firmware-component-list/firmware:local-id"; require-instance false; } config false; description "none"; } leaf attribute-name { type string; default "Attribute name not specified."; config false; description "Name of the attribute that has been changed."; } leaf new-value { type string; default "New value not specified."; config false; description "Attribute value converted to a string (xml, json, ...)"; } } grouping firmware-cc-spec { description "none"; container firmware-collection { description "none"; uses firmware-collection; } } grouping firmware-collection { description "none"; list firmware-component-list { key "local-id"; config false; description "none"; uses firmware-component; } container download { config false; description "Currently on-going download."; uses download-type; } } grouping firmware-component { description "none"; container firmware-component-pac { config false; description "none"; uses firmware-component-pac; } leaf-list subordinate-firmware-component-list { type leafref { path "/core-model:control-construct/firmware:firmware-collection/firmware:firmware-component-list/firmware:local-id"; require-instance false; } config false; description "none"; } uses core-model:local-class; } grouping firmware-component-pac { description "none"; container firmware-component-capability { config false; description "none"; uses firmware-component-capability; } container firmware-component-status { config false; description "none"; uses firmware-component-status; } } grouping firmware-component-capability { description "none"; leaf firmware-component-name { type string; default "Firmware component name not yet defined."; config false; description "Name of the firmware component."; } leaf firmware-component-version { type string; default "Firmware component version not yet defined."; config false; description "Version of the firmware component."; } leaf firmware-component-class { type firmware-component-class-type; default "FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_CLASS_TYPE_UNKNOWN"; config false; description "Class of firmware component."; } leaf individual-activation-is-avail { type boolean; default "false"; config false; description "True = Firmware component could be individually activated. False = Firmware component would be activated together with a superior component."; } leaf-list related-kinds-of-equipment-list { type string; default "Affected equipment types not yet defined."; config false; description "Kinds of equipment using this firmware component after activation. Values should be identical with entries in Equipment::ManufacturedThing::EquipmentType::modelIdentifier attribute. Might be empty, if firmwareComponentClass==PACKAGE."; } } grouping firmware-component-status { description "none"; leaf firmware-component-status { type firmware-component-status-type; default "FIRMWARE_COMPONENT_STATUS_TYPE_NOT_YET_DEFINED"; config false; description "Operational status of the firmware."; } leaf firmware-component-activation-date { type yang:date-and-time; default "2010-11-20T14:00:00+01:00"; config false; description "Date and time of the activation of this firmware component."; } leaf-list is-active-on-equipment-list { type leafref { path "/core-model:control-construct/core-model:equipment/core-model:uuid"; require-instance false; } config false; description "none"; } } grouping download-type { description "none"; leaf filename { type string; default "Filename not yet defined."; config false; description "none"; } leaf download-status { type download-status-type; default "DOWNLOAD_STATUS_TYPE_NOT_YET_DEFINED"; config false; description "Status of the download, which had been initiated last."; } leaf download-status-description { type string; default "Status description not yet defined."; config false; description "Free text field for additional information about the download status."; } } augment "/core-model:control-construct" { description "none"; uses firmware-cc-spec; } rpc download-firmware-component { description "Operation for downloading some firmware component (e.g. package) from a server onto the device."; input { leaf source-uri { type string; mandatory true; description "URI specifying the remote-file-path for downloading the firmware component. Format:://[:port]/path'."; } leaf filename { type string; mandatory true; description "Name of the file, which is to be downloaded."; } leaf username-at-file-server { type string; description "Username to access the file server."; } leaf password-at-file-server { type string; description "Password to access the file server."; } leaf ssh-key { type string; description "Client key for accessing the file server."; } leaf force-download { type boolean; mandatory true; description "Files to be downloaded, even if already present on the device."; } } } rpc abort-firmware-download { description "Currently on-going download of a firmware component shall immediately be terminated."; } rpc activate-firmware-component { description "Operation for activating some firmware component on the device. (Attention! Invoking this operation might cause the device to reboot.)"; input { leaf firmware-component { type leafref { path "/core-model:control-construct/firmware:firmware-collection/firmware:firmware-component-list/firmware:local-id"; require-instance false; } mandatory true; description "Reference of the firmware component, which shall be activated."; } leaf activation-delay-period { type uint64; mandatory true; description "Number of seconds the device shall delay the execution after receiving the invokation of the activation operation."; } } } notification object-creation-notification { description "none"; uses object-creation-notification; } notification object-deletion-notification { description "none"; uses object-deletion-notification; } notification attribute-value-changed-notification { description "none"; uses attribute-value-changed-notification; } }