module cera-linkbonding-profile { yang-version 1.1; namespace "urn:onf:params:xml:ns:yang:cera-linkbonding-profile"; prefix cera-linkbonding-profile; import core-model-1-4 { prefix core-model; } import cera-common { prefix cera-common; } import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } organization "Ceragon Networks"; contact " Editors: "; description "This model contains a collection of YANG definitions for managing Ceragon wireless network equipment."; revision 2022-08-19 { description "Initial version"; reference ""; } identity PROFILE_NAME_TYPE_CERA_LINKBONDING_PROFILE { base core-model:PROFILE_NAME_TYPE; description "none"; } grouping cera-linkbonding-profile-spec { description "none"; container cera-linkbonding-profile-pac { description "none"; uses cera-linkbonding-profile-pac; } } grouping cera-linkbonding-profile-pac { description "none"; container cera-linkbonding-profile-attributes { description "none"; uses cera-linkbonding-profile-attributes-g; } list cera-linkbonding-profile-member-attributes { key "member-id-ref link-bonding-members-config-vlan-id"; description "none"; uses cera-linkbonding-profile-member-attributes-g; } } grouping cera-linkbonding-profile-attributes-g { description "This container contains the attributes of the linkbonding group."; leaf link-bonding-groups-config-max-bandwidth-allocated { type enumeration { enum "max-bw-10G" { value 0; } enum "max-bw-20G" { value 1; } enum "max-bw-30G" { value 2; } } description "The Max bandwidth allocated."; } leaf link-bonding-groups-config-lbg-mod { type enumeration { enum "standard" { value 0; } enum "enhanced" { value 1; } } description "The Link Bonding group mode."; } leaf link-bonding-eth-type { type enumeration { enum "eth-type-0x9908" { value 0; } } config false; description "The ETH type of the link bonding segments"; } leaf link-bonding-tpid-type { type enumeration { enum "tpid-type-0x88a8" { value 0; } enum "tpid-type-0x9200" { value 1; } enum "tpid-type-0x9100" { value 2; } enum "tpid-type-0x8100" { value 3; } } config false; description "The ETH type of the VLAN (if used) of the link bonding segments"; } leaf link-bonding-control-channel-supported { type cera-common:no-yes; config false; description "Indicates whether the Link Bonding control channel supported by Hardware"; } list logical-termination-point-list { key "logical-termination-point vlan-id"; description "List of interfaces, which are part of the group."; leaf logical-termination-point { type leafref { path "/core-model:control-construct/core-model:logical-termination-point/core-model:uuid"; require-instance false; } } leaf vlan-id { type int32 { range "0..4097"; } } } } grouping cera-linkbonding-profile-member-attributes-g { description "Attributes of the interfaces, which are part of the group."; leaf member-id-ref { type leafref { path "/core-model:control-construct/core-model:logical-termination-point/core-model:uuid"; require-instance false; } } leaf link-bonding-members-config-vlan-id { type int32 { range "0..4097"; } description "The link bonding member VLAN ID"; } leaf link-bonding-members-config-admin { type cera-common:enable-disable; description "Admin configuration of the member"; } leaf link-bonding-members-config-shaper-max-bitrate { type uint32; description "Member shaper maximum bit rate in Kbits per second"; } leaf link-bonding-members-config-bw-ctrl-port-id { type uint32; description "Port ID in the received BNM packet"; } leaf link-bonding-members-config-bw-ctrl-vlan-id { type int32 { range "0..4097"; } description "VLAN ID in the received BNM packet"; } leaf link-bonding-members-config-bw-ctrl-src-mac-address { type yang:mac-address; description "Source MAC address in the received BNM packet"; } leaf link-bonding-members-config-bw-ctrl-ifindex { type uint32; description "Interface location of the BNM receiving port"; } leaf link-bonding-members-config-l1-header-compensation-enabled { type cera-common:no-yes; description "L1 header compensation enabled"; } leaf link-bonding-members-config-l1-header-compensation-value { type int32; description "L1 header compensation value in bytes"; } leaf link-bonding-members-config-l2-header-compensation-enabled { type cera-common:no-yes; description "L2 header compensation enabled"; } leaf link-bonding-members-config-l2-header-compensation-value { type int32; description "L2 header compensation value in bytes"; } leaf link-bonding-members-status-clear-on-read { type cera-common:no-yes; description "Clear counter statistics after reading"; } leaf link-bonding-members-status-num-tx-packets { type uint32; config false; description "Number of Tx packets"; } leaf link-bonding-members-status-num-tx-bytes { type uint32; config false; description "Number of Tx bytes"; } leaf link-bonding-members-status-num-rx-packets { type uint32; config false; description "Number of Rx packets"; } leaf link-bonding-members-status-num-rx-bytes { type uint32; config false; description "Number of Rx bytes"; } leaf link-bonding-members-status-shaper-actual-bitrate { type uint32; config false; description "Member shaper actual bit rate in Kbits per second"; } } augment "/core-model:control-construct/core-model:profile-collection/core-model:profile" { when "derived-from-or-self(./core-model:profile-name, 'cera-linkbonding-profile:PROFILE_NAME_TYPE_CERA_LINKBONDING_PROFILE')"; description "none"; uses cera-linkbonding-profile-spec; } }