module qos-profile-1-0 { yang-version 1.1; namespace "urn:onf:yang:qos-profile-1-0"; prefix qos-profile; import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } import core-model-1-4 { prefix core-model; } organization " proposal to Open Networking Foundation (ONF)"; contact "WG Web : WG List: Editor : Thorsten Heinze Email :"; description "Copyright 2019 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License."; revision 2020-01-24 { description "Model for the Transport SDN Pilot at Telefonica Germany. Please view for changes."; reference " Model definition ONF TR-512 Core IM incl. Profile and enhanced Equipment definition"; } revision 2019-07-12 { description "Model for the Transport SDN Pilot at Telefonica Germany. Please view for changes."; reference " Model definition ONF TR-512 Core IM incl. Profile and enhanced Equipment definition"; } identity PROFILE_NAME_TYPE_QOS_PROFILE { base core-model:PROFILE_NAME_TYPE; description "none"; } augment "/core-model:control-construct/core-model:profile-collection/core-model:profile" { when "derived-from-or-self(./core-model:profile-name, 'qos-profile:PROFILE_NAME_TYPE_QOS_PROFILE')"; uses qos-profile-spec; description "none"; } /**************************************** * package notifications **************************************/ notification object-creation-notification { uses object-creation-notification; description "none"; } grouping object-creation-notification { leaf counter { type int32; default "-1"; config false; description "Counts object creation notifications."; } leaf timestamp { type yang:date-and-time; default "2010-11-20T14:00:00+01:00"; config false; description "none"; } leaf object-id-ref { type leafref { path "/core-model:control-construct/core-model:profile-collection/core-model:profile/core-model:uuid"; require-instance false; } config false; description "none"; } leaf object-type { type string; default "Type of created object not specified."; config false; description "none"; } description "none"; } notification object-deletion-notification { uses object-deletion-notification; description "none"; } grouping object-deletion-notification { leaf counter { type int32; default "-1"; config false; description "Counts object deletion notifications."; } leaf timestamp { type yang:date-and-time; default "2010-11-20T14:00:00+01:00"; config false; description "none"; } leaf object-id-ref { type leafref { path "/core-model:control-construct/core-model:profile-collection/core-model:profile/core-model:uuid"; require-instance false; } config false; description "none"; } description "none"; } /**************************************** * grouping statements for object classes **************************************/ grouping qos-profile-spec { container qos-profile-pac { uses qos-profile-pac; description "none"; } description "none"; } grouping qos-profile-pac { container qos-profile-capability { config false; uses qos-profile-capability; description "none"; } container qos-profile-configuration { config false; uses qos-profile-configuration; description "none"; } description "none"; } grouping qos-profile-capability { leaf profile-naming-is-avail { type boolean; default "false"; config false; description "1 = There is a free text field available for naming the profile."; } leaf-list available-queue-list { type queue-name-type; config false; min-elements 1; max-elements 8; description "List of queues, which are available at the physical interface."; } leaf drop-precedence-at-be-queue-is-avail { type boolean; default "false"; config false; description "1 = Configuration of the drop precedence is available at the best effort queue."; } leaf drop-precedence-at-af-queues-is-avail { type boolean; default "false"; config false; description "1 = Configuration of the drop precedence is available at the assured forwarding queues."; } leaf drop-precedence-at-prio-queues-is-avail { type boolean; default "false"; config false; description "1 = Configuration of the drop precedence is available at the priority queues."; } leaf available-qos-profile-kind-list { type qos-profile-kind-type; default "QOS_PROFILE_KIND_TYPE_NOT_YET_DEFINED"; config false; description "List of header information that are supported to be base of the QoS definition."; } description "none"; } grouping qos-profile-configuration { leaf profile-name { type string; default "Name of profile not yet defined."; description "Identifier of the profile. Could be a name, could be a number. Free text field to be filled by the operator."; } leaf qos-profile-kind { type qos-profile-kind-type; default "QOS_PROFILE_KIND_TYPE_NOT_YET_DEFINED"; description "Defines whether the sorting into queues is done based on VLAN, MPLS or IP header information."; } list ingress-8021p-to-per-hop-behavior-mapping-list { key "queue-name drop-precedence-inside-queue"; min-elements 8; max-elements 8; uses per-hop-behavior-type; description "Only relevant when qosProfileKind == IEEE8021P. Associates the value of the three p-bits of the VLAN header with a per hop behavior at the physical interface. First entry in the list [0] relates to p-bit value '0'. Last entry in the list [7] relates to p-bit value '7'."; } list ingress-exp-to-per-hop-behavior-mapping-list { key "queue-name drop-precedence-inside-queue"; min-elements 8; max-elements 8; uses per-hop-behavior-type; description "Only relevant when qosProfileKind == MPLS_EXP. Associates the value of the three p-bits of the MPLS header with a per hop behavior at the physical interface. First entry in the list [0] relates to p-bit value '0'. Last entry in the list [7] relates to p-bit value '7'."; } list ingress-ip-dscp-to-per-hop-behavior-mapping-list { key "queue-name drop-precedence-inside-queue"; min-elements 64; max-elements 64; uses per-hop-behavior-type; description "Only relevant when qosProfileKind == IP_DSCP. Associates the value of the 8 dscp bits of the IP header with a per hop behavior at the physical interface. First entry in the list [0] relates to dscp value '0'. Last entry in the list [63] relates to dscp value '63'."; } leaf writing-per-hop-behavior-into-8021p-is-on { type boolean; default "false"; description "1 = Original content of 802.1p bits is overwritten with local per hop behavior."; } list egress-per-hop-behavior-to-8021p-mapping-list { key "mapping-number"; max-elements 24; uses egress-per-hop-behavior-to-priority-bits-mapping-type; description "Only relevant if (writingPerHopBehaviorInto8021pIsOn==1). Translates (queue and drop precedence) into values of the three p-bits of the VLAN header."; } leaf writing-per-hop-behavior-into-mpls-exp-is-on { type boolean; default "false"; description "1 = Original content of MPLS EXP bits is overwritten with local per hop behavior."; } list egress-per-hop-behavior-to-mpls-exp-mapping-list { key "mapping-number"; max-elements 24; uses egress-per-hop-behavior-to-priority-bits-mapping-type; description "Only relevant if (writingPerHopBehaviorIntoMplsExpIsOn==1). Translates (queue and drop precedence) into values of the three p-bits of the MPLS header."; } leaf writing-per-hop-behavior-into-ip-dscp-is-on { type boolean; default "false"; description "1 = Original content of IP DSCP bits is overwritten with local per hop behavior."; } list egress-per-hop-behavior-to-ip-dscp-mapping-list { key "mapping-number"; max-elements 24; uses egress-per-hop-behavior-to-priority-bits-mapping-type; description "Only relevant if (writingPerHopBehaviorIntoIpDscpIsOn==1). Translates (queue and drop precedence) into values of the six dscp bits of the IP header."; } description "Defines the profile that will be used for mapping between header information and queues (next hop behavior)."; } /**************************************** * typedef statements **************************************/ typedef severity-type { type identityref { base SEVERITY_TYPE; } description "none"; } typedef qos-profile-kind-type { type identityref { base QOS_PROFILE_KIND_TYPE; } description "none"; } typedef queue-name-type { type identityref { base QUEUE_NAME_TYPE; } description "none"; } typedef drop-precedence-type { type identityref { base DROP_PRECEDENCE_TYPE; } description "none"; } /********************************************* * grouping statements for complex data types *******************************************/ identity SEVERITY_TYPE { description "none"; } identity SEVERITY_TYPE_NON-ALARMED { base SEVERITY_TYPE; description "none"; } identity SEVERITY_TYPE_WARNING { base SEVERITY_TYPE; description "none"; } identity SEVERITY_TYPE_MAJOR { base SEVERITY_TYPE; description "none"; } identity SEVERITY_TYPE_MINOR { base SEVERITY_TYPE; description "none"; } identity QOS_PROFILE_KIND_TYPE { description "none"; } identity QOS_PROFILE_KIND_TYPE_NONE { base QOS_PROFILE_KIND_TYPE; description "none"; } identity QOS_PROFILE_KIND_TYPE_IEEE8021P { base QOS_PROFILE_KIND_TYPE; description "none"; } identity QOS_PROFILE_KIND_TYPE_MPLS_EXP { base QOS_PROFILE_KIND_TYPE; description "none"; } identity QOS_PROFILE_KIND_TYPE_IP_DSCP { base QOS_PROFILE_KIND_TYPE; description "none"; } identity QOS_PROFILE_KIND_TYPE_NOT_YET_DEFINED { base QOS_PROFILE_KIND_TYPE; description "none"; } identity QUEUE_NAME_TYPE { description "none"; } identity QUEUE_NAME_TYPE_BEST_EFFORT_QUEUE { base QUEUE_NAME_TYPE; description "Queue 0."; } identity QUEUE_NAME_TYPE_ASSURED_FORWARDING_QUEUE1 { base QUEUE_NAME_TYPE; description "Queue 1."; } identity QUEUE_NAME_TYPE_ASSURED_FORWARDING_QUEUE2 { base QUEUE_NAME_TYPE; description "Queue 2."; } identity QUEUE_NAME_TYPE_ASSURED_FORWARDING_QUEUE3 { base QUEUE_NAME_TYPE; description "Queue 3."; } identity QUEUE_NAME_TYPE_ASSURED_FORWARDING_QUEUE4 { base QUEUE_NAME_TYPE; description "Queue 4."; } identity QUEUE_NAME_TYPE_EXPEDITED_FORWARDING_QUEUE { base QUEUE_NAME_TYPE; description "Queue 5."; } identity QUEUE_NAME_TYPE_CLASS_SELECTOR_QUEUE6 { base QUEUE_NAME_TYPE; description "Queue 6."; } identity QUEUE_NAME_TYPE_CLASS_SELECTOR_QUEUE7 { base QUEUE_NAME_TYPE; description "Queue 7."; } identity QUEUE_NAME_TYPE_NOT_YET_DEFINED { base QUEUE_NAME_TYPE; description "none"; } identity DROP_PRECEDENCE_TYPE { description "none"; } identity DROP_PRECEDENCE_TYPE_NONE { base DROP_PRECEDENCE_TYPE; description "none"; } identity DROP_PRECEDENCE_TYPE_LOW { base DROP_PRECEDENCE_TYPE; description "Would be equal to GREEN."; } identity DROP_PRECEDENCE_TYPE_MEDIUM { base DROP_PRECEDENCE_TYPE; description "Would be equal to YELLOW."; } identity DROP_PRECEDENCE_TYPE_HIGH { base DROP_PRECEDENCE_TYPE; description "Would be equal to RED."; } identity DROP_PRECEDENCE_TYPE_NOT_YET_DEFINED { base DROP_PRECEDENCE_TYPE; description "none"; } grouping per-hop-behavior-type { leaf queue-name { type queue-name-type; description "Name of the queue."; } leaf drop-precedence-inside-queue { type drop-precedence-type; description "(if dropPrecedenceAt*QueueIsAvail for the referenced queue == 0) default value shall be kept and configuration attempts shall be ignored."; } description "none"; } grouping egress-per-hop-behavior-to-priority-bits-mapping-type { leaf mapping-number { type int16; description "none"; } container per-hop-behavior { uses per-hop-behavior-type; description "Per hop behavior, which is to be translated into a p-bit entry in the VLAN, MPLS or IP header."; } leaf value-of-priority-bits { type int8; default "-1"; description "Associated value of the three, three or six p-bits of the VLAN, MPLS or IP header."; } description "none"; } }