module l-3vpn-profile-1-0 { yang-version 1.1; namespace "urn:onf:yang:l-3vpn-profile-1-0"; prefix l-3vpn-profile; import ietf-yang-types { prefix yang; } import core-model-1-4 { prefix core-model; } organization " proposal to Open Networking Foundation (ONF)"; contact "WG Web : WG List: Editor : Thorsten Heinze Email :"; description "Technology specific profile definition for Layer 3 Virtual Private Networks Copyright 2019 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License."; revision 2020-01-27 { description "Model for the Transport SDN Pilot at Telefonica Germany. Please view for changes."; reference " Model definition ONF TR-512 Core IM incl. Profile and enhanced Equipment definition"; } revision 2019-07-12 { description "Model for the Transport SDN Pilot at Telefonica Germany. Please view for changes."; reference " Model definition ONF TR-512 Core IM incl. Profile and enhanced Equipment definition"; } identity PROFILE_NAME_TYPE_L3VPN_PROFILE { base core-model:PROFILE_NAME_TYPE; description "none"; } augment "/core-model:control-construct/core-model:profile-collection/core-model:profile" { when "derived-from-or-self(./core-model:profile-name, 'l-3vpn-profile:PROFILE_NAME_TYPE_L3VPN_PROFILE')"; uses l-3vpn-profile-spec; description "none"; } /**************************************** * package notifications **************************************/ notification object-creation-notification { uses object-creation-notification; description "none"; } grouping object-creation-notification { leaf counter { type int32; default "-1"; config false; description "Counts object creation notifications."; } leaf timestamp { type yang:date-and-time; default "2010-11-20T14:00:00+01:00"; config false; description "none"; } leaf object-id-ref { type leafref { path "/core-model:control-construct/core-model:profile-collection/core-model:profile/core-model:uuid"; require-instance false; } config false; description "none"; } leaf object-type { type string; default "Type of created object not specified."; config false; description "none"; } description "none"; } notification object-deletion-notification { uses object-deletion-notification; description "none"; } grouping object-deletion-notification { leaf counter { type int32; default "-1"; config false; description "Counts object deletion notifications."; } leaf timestamp { type yang:date-and-time; default "2010-11-20T14:00:00+01:00"; config false; description "none"; } leaf object-id-ref { type leafref { path "/core-model:control-construct/core-model:profile-collection/core-model:profile/core-model:uuid"; require-instance false; } config false; description "none"; } description "none"; } /**************************************** * grouping statements for object classes **************************************/ grouping l-3vpn-profile-spec { container l-3vpn-pac { uses l-3vpn-pac; description "none"; } description "none"; } grouping l-3vpn-pac { container l-3vpn-capability { config false; uses l-3vpn-capability; description "none"; } container l-3vpn-configuration { config false; uses l-3vpn-configuration; description "none"; } description "none"; } grouping l-3vpn-capability { leaf profile-naming-is-avail { type boolean; default "false"; config false; description "1 = There is a free text field available for naming the profile."; } leaf l-3vpn-based-on-ip-v-6-is-avail { type boolean; default "false"; config false; description "1 = Virtual Private Networks based on IP v6 addresses is available at the device."; } description "none"; } grouping l-3vpn-configuration { leaf profile-name { type string; default "Name of profile not yet defined."; description "Identifier of the profile. Could be a name, could be a number. Free text field to be filled by the operator."; } leaf l-3vpn-description { type string; default "VPN description not yet defined."; description "Short description of the VPN."; } list l-3vpn-configuration-list { key "label-mode"; min-elements 1; max-elements 2; uses l-3vpn-configuration-type; description "L3 VPN instance Configuration."; } description "none"; } /**************************************** * typedef statements **************************************/ typedef label-mode-type { type identityref { base LABEL_MODE_TYPE; } description "none"; } typedef device-identifier-kind-type { type identityref { base DEVICE_IDENTIFIER_KIND_TYPE; } description "none"; } typedef address-family-type { type identityref { base ADDRESS_FAMILY_TYPE; } description "Address family of the VRF IPv4/IPV6."; } typedef route-pritority-type { type identityref { base ROUTE_PRITORITY_TYPE; } description "The priority of the Route"; } typedef route-state-type { type identityref { base ROUTE_STATE_TYPE; } description "The state of the route as per the routing table. It is a combination of the one or more of the following states: ADV, NOADV,ACTIVE, INACTIVE, RELIED."; } typedef route-flag-type { type identityref { base ROUTE_FLAG_TYPE; } description "Indicates the route flag, that is, Route Flags in the heading of the routing table displayed. It is a combination of one or more of the following flags: D and,R Meaning of each of the flag is availble under corresponding flag value."; } /********************************************* * grouping statements for complex data types *******************************************/ identity LABEL_MODE_TYPE { description "none"; } identity LABEL_MODE_TYPE_PER_INSTANCE { base LABEL_MODE_TYPE; description "Labels are assigned to VPN instances in one label per instance mode, that is, all routes in a VPN instance are assigned with the same label."; } identity LABEL_MODE_TYPE_PER_ROUTE { base LABEL_MODE_TYPE; description "Labels are assigned to routes in the 'one label per route' mode, that is, each route is assigned with one label."; } identity DEVICE_IDENTIFIER_KIND_TYPE { description "none"; } identity DEVICE_IDENTIFIER_KIND_TYPE_LOOP_BACK_IP_ADDRESS { base DEVICE_IDENTIFIER_KIND_TYPE; description "none"; } identity DEVICE_IDENTIFIER_KIND_TYPE_AS_NUMBER { base DEVICE_IDENTIFIER_KIND_TYPE; description "none"; } identity DEVICE_IDENTIFIER_KIND_TYPE_NOT_YET_DEFINED { base DEVICE_IDENTIFIER_KIND_TYPE; description "none"; } identity ADDRESS_FAMILY_TYPE { description "none"; } identity ADDRESS_FAMILY_TYPE_IPV4-FAMILY { base ADDRESS_FAMILY_TYPE; description "none"; } identity ADDRESS_FAMILY_TYPE_IPV6-FAMILY { base ADDRESS_FAMILY_TYPE; description "none"; } identity ADDRESS_FAMILY_TYPE_UNKNOWN { base ADDRESS_FAMILY_TYPE; description "none"; } identity ADDRESS_FAMILY_TYPE_NOT_YET_DEFINED { base ADDRESS_FAMILY_TYPE; description "none"; } identity ROUTE_PRITORITY_TYPE { description "none"; } identity ROUTE_PRITORITY_TYPE_CRITICAL { base ROUTE_PRITORITY_TYPE; description "Highest protocol priority."; } identity ROUTE_PRITORITY_TYPE_HIGH { base ROUTE_PRITORITY_TYPE; description "High protocol priority"; } identity ROUTE_PRITORITY_TYPE_MEDIUM { base ROUTE_PRITORITY_TYPE; description "Medium protocol priority."; } identity ROUTE_PRITORITY_TYPE_LOW { base ROUTE_PRITORITY_TYPE; description "Low protocol priority."; } identity ROUTE_STATE_TYPE { description "none"; } identity ROUTE_STATE_TYPE_ACTIVE_ADV { base ROUTE_STATE_TYPE; description "The route state is active and advertised."; } identity ROUTE_STATE_TYPE_ACTIVE_NOADV { base ROUTE_STATE_TYPE; description "The route state is active and not advertised."; } identity ROUTE_STATE_TYPE_ACTIVE_ADV_RELIED { base ROUTE_STATE_TYPE; description "The route state is active, advertised, and relied."; } identity ROUTE_STATE_TYPE_ACTIVE_NOADV_RELIED { base ROUTE_STATE_TYPE; description "The route state is active, not advertised, and relied."; } identity ROUTE_STATE_TYPE_INVALID_NOADV { base ROUTE_STATE_TYPE; description "The route state is invalid and not advertised."; } identity ROUTE_STATE_TYPE_INACTIVE_NOADV { base ROUTE_STATE_TYPE; description "The route state is inactive and not advertised."; } identity ROUTE_FLAG_TYPE { description "none"; } identity ROUTE_FLAG_TYPE_D { base ROUTE_FLAG_TYPE; description "A route is advertised to the Forwarding Information Base table."; } identity ROUTE_FLAG_TYPE_RD { base ROUTE_FLAG_TYPE; description "A route is an iterated route and needs to be advertised to the FIB table."; } identity ROUTE_FLAG_TYPE_R { base ROUTE_FLAG_TYPE; description "A route is an iterated route."; } grouping route-distinguisher-and-target-type { leaf vpn-number { type uint32; description "Identifier of the VPN, which is unique in the entire network"; } leaf device-identifier-kind { type device-identifier-kind-type; default "DEVICE_IDENTIFIER_KIND_TYPE_NOT_YET_DEFINED"; description "none"; } leaf loop-back-ip-address { type string; default "-1.-1.-1.-1"; description "Only relevant if (deviceIdentifierKind==LOOP_BACK_IP_ADDRESS). Loop back address of the device."; } leaf as-number { type uint32; default "0"; description "Only relevant if (deviceIdentifierKind==AS_NUMBER). Autonomous System number of the device."; } description "none"; } grouping l-3vpn-configuration-type { leaf label-mode { type label-mode-type; description "Label model used by the VPN."; } container route-distinguisher { uses route-distinguisher-and-target-type; description "The route distinguisher that should be used for the local VRF or VSI instance when it is signalled via BGP."; } list route-target-import-list { key "vpn-number"; min-elements 1; uses route-distinguisher-and-target-type; description "Route targets that will be imported to this VPN "; } list route-target-export-list { key "vpn-number"; min-elements 1; uses route-distinguisher-and-target-type; description "Route targets that will be tagged to outgoing routes"; } leaf address-family { type address-family-type; default "ADDRESS_FAMILY_TYPE_NOT_YET_DEFINED"; description "Address family type for the VPN instance is created for"; } description "L3 VPN instance configuration information."; } }