module nts-manager { yang-version 1.1; namespace "urn:o-ran-sc:params:xml:ns:yang:nts:manager"; prefix nts-mng; import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } import nts-common { prefix ntsc; } organization "O-RAN-SC"; contact " Web: Editors: Alex Stancu Adrian Lita Martin Skorupski "; description "This module contains YANG definitions for the Network Topology Simulator - Manager."; revision 2021-03-26 { description "Added NTS_PROTOCOL_TYPE_BASE identities and changed instance/networking container; also added multi-base port support."; reference "O-RAN-SC SIM project"; } revision 2021-02-15 { description "Added notifications for sending feedback."; reference "O-RAN-SC SIM project"; } revision 2021-01-20 { description "Added available-network-functions."; reference "O-RAN-SC SIM project"; } revision 2020-11-30 { description "Cleared revision for nts-common import."; reference "O-RAN-SC SIM project"; } revision 2020-10-06 { description "Initial revision for the Network Topology Simulator - Next Generation"; reference "O-RAN-SC SIM project"; } identity NTS_PROTOCOL_TYPE_BASE { description "Base identity for protocol."; } identity NTS_PROTOCOL_TYPE_NETCONF_SSH { base NTS_PROTOCOL_TYPE_BASE; description "Identity for NETCONF SSH protocol."; } identity NTS_PROTOCOL_TYPE_NETCONF_TLS { base NTS_PROTOCOL_TYPE_BASE; description "Identity for NETCONF TLS protocol."; } identity NTS_PROTOCOL_TYPE_FTP { base NTS_PROTOCOL_TYPE_BASE; description "Identity for FTP protocol."; } identity NTS_PROTOCOL_TYPE_SFTP { base NTS_PROTOCOL_TYPE_BASE; description "Identity for SFTP protocol."; } identity NTS_PROTOCOL_TYPE_HTTP { base NTS_PROTOCOL_TYPE_BASE; description "Identity for HTTP protocol."; } identity NTS_PROTOCOL_TYPE_HTTPS { base NTS_PROTOCOL_TYPE_BASE; description "Identity for HTTPS protocol."; } typedef percent { type decimal64 { fraction-digits 2; range "0 .. 100"; } description "Percentage"; } grouping instance-g { description "An instance of a network function which is running. The equivalent on the host machine is a docker container."; leaf name { type string; description "The name of the running instance. It is the same as the docker container name which exposes this network function."; } leaf is-mounted { type boolean; description "Whether the instance is mounted or not to a controller."; } container networking { description "Groups the details about networking information."; leaf docker-ip { type inet:ip-address; description "The IP address of the docker container implementing the network function instance."; } list docker-ports { key "port"; description "The ports which are exposed inside the docker container implementing the network function instance."; leaf port { type inet:port-number; description "Port number."; } leaf protocol { type identityref { base NTS_PROTOCOL_TYPE_BASE; } description "Protocol attached to current port."; } } leaf host-ip { type inet:ip-address; description "The Host machine IP address pointing to the docker container implementing the network function instance."; } list host-ports { key "port"; description "The Host machine ports mapped to the docker container implementing the network function instance."; leaf port { type inet:port-number; description "Port number."; } leaf protocol { type identityref { base NTS_PROTOCOL_TYPE_BASE; } description "Protocol attached to current port."; } } } } grouping network-function-g { description "Contains all the details of a simulated device."; leaf function-type { type identityref { base ntsc:NTS_FUNCTION_TYPE_BASE; } description "Type of network function to be simulated."; } leaf started-instances { type uint16; mandatory true; description "How many instances of this type are started."; } leaf mounted-instances { type uint16; must '. <= ../started-instances' { error-message "The number of mounted instances cannot be greater that the number of started instances."; } mandatory true; description "How many instances of this type are mounted in the SDN Controller."; } uses ntsc:mount-point-details-g; leaf docker-instance-name { type string; mandatory true; description "The prefix of each docker container being started."; } leaf docker-version-tag { type string; mandatory true; description "The version tag of the docker image to be started."; } leaf docker-repository { type string; mandatory true; description "The prefix containing the docker repository information, if needed."; } uses ntsc:faults-g; uses ntsc:netconf-config-g; uses ntsc:ves-config-g; container instances { config false; description "Groups details about instances which are running."; list instance { key "name"; description "Describes a running instance."; uses ntsc:mount-point-details-g; uses instance-g; } } } grouping simulation-information-g { description "Groups information about the simulation status."; container ports { config false; description "Contains information on ports used."; leaf netconf-ssh-port { type inet:port-number; description "The base Host machine port from where the simulation can allocate ports incrementally for NETCONF SSH protocol."; } leaf netconf-tls-port { type inet:port-number; description "The base Host machine port from where the simulation can allocate ports incrementally for NETCONF TLS protocol."; } leaf transport-ftp-port { type inet:port-number; description "The base Host machine port from where the simulation can allocate ports incrementally for FTP protocol."; } leaf transport-sftp-port { type inet:port-number; description "The base Host machine port from where the simulation can allocate ports incrementally for SFTP protocol."; } } leaf ssh-connections { type uint8; config false; description "The number of SSH Endpoints each network function instance exposes."; } leaf tls-connections { type uint8; config false; description "The number of TLS Endpoints each network function instance exposes."; } leaf cpu-usage { type percent; config false; description "Specifies the CPU load generated by the simulation."; } leaf mem-usage { type uint32; config false; description "Specifies the RAM in MB used by the simulation."; } leaf last-operation-status { type string; config false; description "Specifies the status of the most recent operation performed by the Manager."; } } grouping network-function-image-g { description "Groups details about a NF docker image."; leaf function-type { type identityref { base ntsc:NTS_FUNCTION_TYPE_BASE; } config false; description "Type of network function to be simulated."; } leaf docker-image-name { type string; config false; mandatory true; description "The prefix of each docker container being started."; } leaf docker-version-tag { type string; config false; mandatory true; description "The version tag of the docker image to be started."; } leaf docker-repository { type string; config false; mandatory true; description "The prefix containing the docker repository information, if needed."; } } notification instance-changed { description "Sent by the Manager every time something occurs in any of the simulated NF instances."; leaf change-status { type string; mandatory true; description "The status of the change which was executed to the NF instance."; } leaf function-type { type identityref { base ntsc:NTS_FUNCTION_TYPE_BASE; } mandatory true; description "Type of the NF instance."; } uses instance-g { refine "name" { mandatory true; } } } notification operation-status-changed { description "Sent by the Manager every time a user operation is finished."; leaf operation-status { type string; mandatory true; description "The status of the operation which was executed by the Manager."; } leaf error-message { type string; description "Detailed error message from the Manager."; } } container simulation { presence "Enables simulation configuration."; description "Root level container which controls the NTS."; container available-images { config false; description "Container which encompasses all NF docker images available on the host machine."; list network-function-image { description "List containing available network function docker images and their respective details."; uses network-function-image-g; } } container network-functions { presence "Enables NF configuration."; description "Container which encompasses all simulated network functions."; list network-function { key "function-type"; unique "docker-instance-name"; description "List containing different simulated network function types and their details."; uses network-function-g; } } container sdn-controller { presence "Enables SDN Controller detail configuration."; description "Groups details about the SDN Controller."; uses ntsc:controller-g; } container ves-endpoint { presence "Enables VES endpoint detail configuration."; description "Groups details about the VES Collector endpoint."; uses ntsc:ves-endpoint-g; } uses simulation-information-g; } }