module data-provider-openroadm-pm-types { yang-version 1.1; namespace "urn:opendaylight:params:xml:ns:yang:data-provider-openroadm-pm-types"; prefix pmt; import data-provider-v2 { prefix uxp; } organization "highstreet technologies GmbH"; contact "Web: ONAP: "; description "This module defines the perfromance measurement name identities for SDN controller northbound APIs. Copyright 2020 highstreet technologies GmbH Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License."; revision 2020-04-13 { description "Initial revision"; reference ""; } // --- typedef identity performance-measurement-type-id { base uxp:performance-measurement-type-id; description "An abstract base performance measurement type which must not be used as reference in data objects."; } // [sko] no need to define vendor extension - yang augment should be used // SDN Conroller will ignor such values. // identity vendorExtension { // base performance-measurement-type-id; // description // "vendor extension"; // } identity bitErrorRate { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Bit error rate (BER)"; } identity opticalPowerOutput { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Optical Power Output (OPOUT-OTS, OPOUT-OMS, OPT-OCH). Total optical power includes Variable Optical Attenuator (VOA) attenuation"; } identity opticalReturnLoss { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Optical Return Loss (ORL-OTS) - at MW port(s) B"; } identity opticalPowerInput { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Optical Power Input (OPIN-OTS, OPIN-OMS, OPR-OCH). Total optical power"; } identity codeViolations { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Code Violations (CV)"; } // [sko] exists already in G826 // identity erroredSeconds { // base performance-measurement-type-id; // description // "Errored Seconds (ES)"; // } // [sko] exists already in G826 // identity severelyErroredSeconds { // base performance-measurement-type-id; // description // "Severely Errored Seconds (SES)"; // } identity unavailableSeconds { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Unavailable Seconds (UAS)"; } identity inFrames { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "In frames (INFRAMES-E)"; } identity inFramesErrored { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "In frames errored (INFRAMESERR-E)"; } identity outFrames { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Out frames (OUTFRAMES-E)"; } identity erroredSecondsEthernet { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Errored Seconds Ethernet (ES-E)"; } identity severelyErroredSecondsEthernet { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Severely Errored Seconds, Ethernet (SES-E)"; } identity unavailableSecondsEthernet { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Unavailable Seconds, Ethernet (UAS-E)"; } identity erroredBlockCount { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Errored block count"; } identity delay { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Number of frames between a DMValue toggle event and the received DMp signal value toggle event"; } identity defectSeconds { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Defect Seconds (DS)"; } identity backwardIncomingAlignmentError { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Backward Incoming Alignment Error (BIAE)"; } identity incomingAlignmentError { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Incoming Alignment Error (IAE)"; } identity opticalPowerOutputMin { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Minimum Optical Power Output (OPOUT-OTS). Total optical power includes Variable Optical Attenuator (VOA) attenuation"; } identity opticalPowerOutputMax { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Maximum Optical Power Output (OPOUT-OTS). Total optical power includes Variable Optical Attenuator (VOA) attenuation"; } identity opticalPowerOutputAvg { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Average Optical Power Output (OPOUT-OTS). Total optical power includes Variable Optical Attenuator (VOA) attenuation"; } identity opticalPowerInputMin { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Minimum Optical Power Input (OPIN-OTS). Total optical power"; } identity opticalPowerInputMax { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Maximum Optical Power Input (OPIN-OTS). Total optical power"; } identity opticalPowerInputAvg { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Average Optical Power Input (OPIN-OTS). Total optical power"; } identity opticalPowerOutputOSC { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "OSC Optical Power Output (OPT-OSC). OSC Transmit power on MW port"; } identity opticalPowerOutputOSCMin { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Minimum OSC Optical Power Output (OPT-OSC). OSC Transmit power on MW port"; } identity opticalPowerOutputOSCMax { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Maximum OSC Optical Power Output (OPT-OSC). OSC Transmit power on MW port"; } identity opticalPowerOutputOSCAvg { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Average OSC Optical Power Output (OPT-OSC). OSC Transmit power on MW port"; } identity opticalPowerInputOSC { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "OSC Optical Power Input (OPR-OSC). OSC Receive power on MW port"; } identity opticalPowerInputOSCMin { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Minimum OSC Optical Power Input (OPR-OSC). OSC Receive power on MW port"; } identity opticalPowerInputOSCMax { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Maximum OSC Optical Power Input (OPR-OSC). OSC Receive power on MW port"; } identity opticalPowerInputOSCAvg { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Average OSC Optical Power Input (OPR-OSC). OSC Receive power on MW port"; } identity preFECCorrectedErrors { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "pFEC corrected Errors"; } identity totalOpticalPowerInput { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Total Optical Power Input."; } identity totalOpticalPowerInputMin { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Minimum Total Optical Power Input."; } identity totalOpticalPowerInputMax { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Maximum Total Optical Power Input."; } identity totalOpticalPowerInputAvg { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Average Total Optical Power Input."; } identity FECCorrectableBlocks { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "FEC Correctable Blocks."; } identity FECUncorrectableBlocks { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "FEC Uncorrectable Blocks."; } identity BIPErrorCounter { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "BIP Error Counter"; } identity protectionSwitchingCount { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Protection Switching Count (PSC)"; } identity protectionSwitchingDuration { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Protection Switching Duration in seconds (PSD)"; } identity erroredBlockCountTCM1-up { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "errored Blocks Count on TCM1 up direction."; } identity erroredBlockCountTCM2-up { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "errored Blocks Count on TCM2 up direction."; } identity erroredBlockCountTCM3-up { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "errored Blocks Count on TCM3 up direction."; } identity erroredBlockCountTCM4-up { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "errored Blocks Count on TCM4 up direction."; } identity erroredBlockCountTCM5-up { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "errored Blocks Count on TCM5 up direction."; } identity erroredBlockCountTCM6-up { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "errored Blocks Count on TCM6 up direction."; } identity delayTCM1-up { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Delay on TCM1 up direction."; } identity delayTCM2-up { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Delay on TCM2 up direction."; } identity delayTCM3-up { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Delay on TCM3 up direction."; } identity delayTCM4-up { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Delay on TCM4 up direction."; } identity delayTCM5-up { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Delay on TCM5 up direction."; } identity delayTCM6-up { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Delay on TCM6 up direction."; } identity erroredBlockCountTCM1-down { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "errored Blocks Count on TCM1 down direction."; } identity erroredBlockCountTCM2-down { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "errored Blocks Count on TCM2 down direction."; } identity erroredBlockCountTCM3-down { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "errored Blocks Count on TCM3 down direction."; } identity erroredBlockCountTCM4-down { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "errored Blocks Count on TCM4 down direction."; } identity erroredBlockCountTCM5-down { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "errored Blocks Count on TCM5 down direction."; } identity erroredBlockCountTCM6-down { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "errored Blocks Count on TCM6 down direction."; } identity delayTCM1-down { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Delay on TCM1 down direction."; } identity delayTCM2-down { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Delay on TCM2 down direction."; } identity delayTCM3-down { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Delay on TCM3 down direction."; } identity delayTCM4-down { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Delay on TCM4 down direction."; } identity delayTCM5-down { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Delay on TCM5 down direction."; } identity delayTCM6-down { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Delay on TCM6 down direction."; } identity partialRateDiscard { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Discarded packet as a result of policing or rate limiting for subrate ethernet."; } identity erroredSecondsTCM1-up { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "errored Seconds Count on TCM1 up direction."; } identity erroredSecondsTCM2-up { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "errored Seconds Count on TCM2 up direction."; } identity erroredSecondsTCM3-up { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "errored Seconds Count on TCM3 up direction."; } identity erroredSecondsTCM4-up { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "errored Seconds Count on TCM4 up direction."; } identity erroredSecondsTCM5-up { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "errored Seconds Count on TCM5 up direction."; } identity erroredSecondsTCM6-up { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "errored Seconds Count on TCM6 up direction."; } identity severelyErroredSecondsTCM1-up { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "severely Errored Seconds Count on TCM1 up direction."; } identity severelyErroredSecondsTCM2-up { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "severely Errored Seconds Count on TCM2 up direction."; } identity severelyErroredSecondsTCM3-up { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "severely Errored Seconds Count on TCM3 up direction."; } identity severelyErroredSecondsTCM4-up { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "severely Errored Seconds Count on TCM4 up direction."; } identity severelyErroredSecondsTCM5-up { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "severely Errored Seconds Count on TCM5 up direction."; } identity severelyErroredSecondsTCM6-up { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "severely Errored Seconds Count on TCM6 up direction."; } identity unavailableSecondsTCM1-up { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "unavailable Seconds Count on TCM1 up direction."; } identity unavailableSecondsTCM2-up { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "unavailable Seconds Count on TCM2 up direction."; } identity unavailableSecondsTCM3-up { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "unavailable Seconds Count on TCM3 up direction."; } identity unavailableSecondsTCM4-up { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "unavailable Seconds Count on TCM4 up direction."; } identity unavailableSecondsTCM5-up { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "unavailable Seconds Count on TCM5 up direction."; } identity unavailableSecondsTCM6-up { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "unavailable Seconds Count on TCM6 up direction."; } identity erroredSecondsTCM1-down { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "errored Seconds Count on TCM1 down direction."; } identity erroredSecondsTCM2-down { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "errored Seconds Count on TCM2 down direction."; } identity erroredSecondsTCM3-down { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "errored Seconds Count on TCM3 down direction."; } identity erroredSecondsTCM4-down { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "errored Seconds Count on TCM4 down direction."; } identity erroredSecondsTCM5-down { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "errored Seconds Count on TCM5 down direction."; } identity erroredSecondsTCM6-down { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "errored Seconds Count on TCM6 down direction."; } identity severelyErroredSecondsTCM1-down { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "severely Errored Seconds Count on TCM1 down direction."; } identity severelyErroredSecondsTCM2-down { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "severely Errored Seconds Count on TCM2 down direction."; } identity severelyErroredSecondsTCM3-down { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "severely Errored Seconds Count on TCM3 down direction."; } identity severelyErroredSecondsTCM4-down { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "severely Errored Seconds Count on TCM4 down direction."; } identity severelyErroredSecondsTCM5-down { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "severely Errored Seconds Count on TCM5 down direction."; } identity severelyErroredSecondsTCM6-down { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "severely Errored Seconds Count on TCM6 down direction."; } identity unavailableSecondsTCM1-down { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "unavailable Seconds Count on TCM1 down direction."; } identity unavailableSecondsTCM2-down { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "unavailable Seconds Count on TCM2 down direction."; } identity unavailableSecondsTCM3-down { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "unavailable Seconds Count on TCM3 down direction."; } identity unavailableSecondsTCM4-down { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "unavailable Seconds Count on TCM4 down direction."; } identity unavailableSecondsTCM5-down { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "unavailable Seconds Count on TCM5 down direction."; } identity unavailableSecondsTCM6-down { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "unavailable Seconds Count on TCM6 down direction."; } identity fecCorrectedCodewords { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "FEC Corrected Codewords Counter"; } identity fecUncorrectedCodewords { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "FEC Uncorrected Codewords Counter"; } identity fecSymbolErrors { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "FEC Symbol Error Counter"; } identity localFaultSeconds { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Local Fault Seconds"; } identity remoteFaultSeconds { base performance-measurement-type-id; description "Remote Fault Seconds"; } }