import { storeService } from '../../../../framework/src/services/storeService'; import { WhenAST, WhenTokenType } from '../yang/whenParser'; import { ViewSpecification, ViewElement, isViewElementReference, isViewElementList, isViewElementObjectOrList, isViewElementRpc, isViewElementChoice, ViewElementChoiceCase, } from '../models/uiModels'; import { Module } from '../models/yang'; import { restService } from '../services/restServices'; export type HttpResult = { status: number; message?: string | undefined; data: { [key: string]: any; } | null | undefined; }; export const checkResponseCode = (restResult: HttpResult) =>{ //403 gets handled by the framework from now on return restResult.status !== 403 && ( restResult.status < 200 || restResult.status > 299); }; export const resolveVPath = (current: string, vPath: string): string => { if (vPath.startsWith('/')) { return vPath; } const parts = current.split('/'); const vPathParts = vPath.split('/'); for (const part of vPathParts) { if (part === '.') { continue; } else if (part === '..') { parts.pop(); } else { parts.push(part); } } return parts.join('/'); }; export const splitVPath = (vPath: string, vPathParser : RegExp): [string, string?][] => { const pathParts: [string, string?][] = []; let partMatch: RegExpExecArray | null; if (vPath) do { partMatch = vPathParser.exec(vPath); if (partMatch) { pathParts.push([partMatch[1], partMatch[2] || undefined]); } } while (partMatch); return pathParts; }; const derivedFrom = (vPath: string, when: WhenAST, viewData: any, includeSelf = false) => { if (when.args?.length !== 2) { throw new Error('derived-from or derived-from-or-self requires 2 arguments.'); } const [arg1, arg2] = when.args; if (arg1.type !== WhenTokenType.IDENTIFIER || arg2.type !== WhenTokenType.STRING) { throw new Error('derived-from or derived-from-or-self requires first argument IDENTIFIER and second argument STRING.'); } if (!storeService.applicationStore) { throw new Error('storeService.applicationStore is not defined.'); } const pathParts = splitVPath(arg1.value as string || '', /(?:(?:([^\/\:]+):)?([^\/]+))/g); const referenceValueParts = /(?:(?:([^\/\:]+):)?([^\/]+))/g.exec(arg2.value as string || ''); if (!pathParts || !referenceValueParts || pathParts.length === 0 || referenceValueParts.length === 0) { throw new Error('derived-from or derived-from-or-self requires first argument PATH and second argument IDENTITY.'); } if (pathParts[0][1]?.startsWith('..') || pathParts[0][1]?.startsWith('/')) { throw new Error('derived-from or derived-from-or-self currently only supports relative paths.'); } const { configuration: { deviceDescription: { modules } } } = storeService.applicationStore.state; const dataValue = pathParts.reduce((acc, [ns, prop]) => { if (prop === '.') { return acc; } if (acc && prop) { const moduleName = ns && (Object.values(modules).find((m: Module) => m.prefix === ns) || Object.values(modules).find((m: Module) => === ns))?.name; return (moduleName) ? acc[`${moduleName}:${prop}`] || acc[prop] : acc[prop]; } return undefined; }, viewData); let dataValueParts = dataValue && /(?:(?:([^\/\:]+):)?([^\/]+))/g.exec(dataValue); if (!dataValueParts || dataValueParts.length < 2) { throw new Error(`derived-from or derived-from-or-self value referenced by first argument [${arg1.value}] not found.`); } let [, dataValueNs, dataValueProp] = dataValueParts; let dataValueModule: Module = dataValueNs && (Object.values(modules).find((m: Module) => === dataValueNs)); let dataValueIdentity = dataValueModule && dataValueModule.identities && (Object.values(dataValueModule.identities).find((i) => i.label === dataValueProp)); if (!dataValueIdentity) { throw new Error(`derived-from or derived-from-or-self identity [${dataValue}] referenced by first argument [${arg1.value}] not found.`); } const [, referenceValueNs, referenceValueProp] = referenceValueParts; const referenceValueModule = referenceValueNs && (Object.values(modules).find((m: Module) => m.prefix === referenceValueNs)); const referenceValueIdentity = referenceValueModule && referenceValueModule.identities && (Object.values(referenceValueModule.identities).find((i) => i.label === referenceValueProp)); if (!referenceValueIdentity) { throw new Error(`derived-from or derived-from-or-self identity [${arg2.value}] referenced by second argument not found.`); } let result = includeSelf && (referenceValueIdentity === dataValueIdentity); while (dataValueIdentity && dataValueIdentity.base && !result) { dataValueParts = dataValue && /(?:(?:([^\/\:]+):)?([^\/]+))/g.exec(dataValueIdentity.base); const [, innerDataValueNs, innerDataValueProp] = dataValueParts; dataValueModule = innerDataValueNs && (Object.values(modules).find((m: Module) => m.prefix === innerDataValueNs)) || dataValueModule; dataValueIdentity = dataValueModule && dataValueModule.identities && (Object.values(dataValueModule.identities).find((i) => i.label === innerDataValueProp)) ; result = (referenceValueIdentity === dataValueIdentity); } return result; }; const evaluateWhen = async (vPath: string, when: WhenAST, viewData: any): Promise => { switch (when.type) { case WhenTokenType.FUNCTION: switch ( { case 'derived-from-or-self': return derivedFrom(vPath, when, viewData, true); case 'derived-from': return derivedFrom(vPath, when, viewData, false); default: throw new Error(`Unknown function ${}`); } case WhenTokenType.AND: return !when.left || !when.right || (await evaluateWhen(vPath, when.left, viewData) && await evaluateWhen(vPath, when.right, viewData)); case WhenTokenType.OR: return !when.left || !when.right || (await evaluateWhen(vPath, when.left, viewData) || await evaluateWhen(vPath, when.right, viewData)); case WhenTokenType.NOT: return !when.right || ! await evaluateWhen(vPath, when.right, viewData); case WhenTokenType.EXPRESSION: return !(when.value && typeof when.value !== 'string') || await evaluateWhen(vPath, when.value, viewData); } return true; }; export const getReferencedDataList = async (refPath: string, dataPath: string, modules: { [name: string]: Module }, views: ViewSpecification[]) => { const pathParts = splitVPath(refPath, /(?:(?:([^\/\:]+):)?([^\/]+))/g); // 1 = opt: namespace / 2 = property const defaultNS = pathParts[0][0]; let referencedModule = modules[defaultNS]; let dataMember: string; let view: ViewSpecification; let currentNS: string | null = null; let dataUrls = [dataPath]; let data: any; for (let i = 0; i < pathParts.length; ++i) { const [pathPartNS, pathPart] = pathParts[i]; const namespace = pathPartNS != null ? (currentNS = pathPartNS) : currentNS; const viewElement = i === 0 ? views[0].elements[`${}:${pathPart}`] : view!.elements[`${pathPart}`] || view!.elements[`${namespace}:${pathPart}`]; if (!viewElement) throw new Error(`Could not find ${pathPart} in ${refPath}`); if (i < pathParts.length - 1) { if (!isViewElementObjectOrList(viewElement)) { throw Error(`Module: [${}].[${viewElement.label}]. View element is not list or object.`); } view = views[+viewElement.viewId]; const resultingDataUrls : string[] = []; if (isViewElementList(viewElement)) { for (let j = 0; j < dataUrls.length; ++j) { const dataUrl = dataUrls[j]; const restResult = (await restService.getConfigData(dataUrl)); if ( == null || checkResponseCode(restResult)) { const message = && && &&[0] &&[0]['error-message'] || ''; throw new Error(`Server Error. Status: [${restResult.status}]\n${message || restResult.message || ''}`); } let dataRaw =[`${defaultNS}:${dataMember!}`]; if (dataRaw === undefined) { dataRaw =[dataMember!]; } dataRaw = dataRaw instanceof Array ? dataRaw[0] : dataRaw; data = dataRaw && dataRaw[viewElement.label] || []; const keys: string[] = { [key: string]: any } )=> entry[viewElement.key!]); resultingDataUrls.push( => `${dataUrl}/${viewElement.label.replace(/\//ig, '%2F')}=${key.replace(/\//ig, '%2F')}`)); } dataMember = viewElement.label; } else { // just a member, not a list const pathSegment = (i === 0 ? `/${}:${viewElement.label.replace(/\//ig, '%2F')}` : `/${viewElement.label.replace(/\//ig, '%2F')}`); resultingDataUrls.push( => dataUrl + pathSegment)); dataMember = viewElement.label; } dataUrls = resultingDataUrls; } else { data = []; for (let j = 0; j < dataUrls.length; ++j) { const dataUrl = dataUrls[j]; const restResult = (await restService.getConfigData(dataUrl)); if ( == null || checkResponseCode(restResult)) { const message = && && &&[0] &&[0]['error-message'] || ''; throw new Error(`Server Error. Status: [${restResult.status}]\n${message || restResult.message || ''}`); } let dataRaw =[`${defaultNS}:${dataMember!}`]; if (dataRaw === undefined) { dataRaw =[dataMember!]; } dataRaw = dataRaw instanceof Array ? dataRaw[0] : dataRaw; data.push(dataRaw); } // BUG UUID ist nicht in den elements enthalten !!!!!! const key = viewElement && viewElement.label || pathPart; return { view: view!, data: data, key: key, }; } } return null; }; export const resolveViewDescription = (defaultNS: string | null, vPath: string, view: ViewSpecification): ViewSpecification =>{ // resolve all references. view = { ...view }; view.elements = Object.keys(view.elements).reduce<{ [name: string]: ViewElement }>((acc, cur) => { const resolveHistory : ViewElement[] = []; let elm = view.elements[cur]; const key = defaultNS && cur.replace(new RegExp(`^${defaultNS}:`, 'i'), '') || cur; while (isViewElementReference(elm)) { const result = (elm.ref(vPath)); if (result) { const [referencedElement, referencedPath] = result; if (resolveHistory.some(hist => hist === referencedElement)) { console.error(`Circle reference found at: ${vPath}`, resolveHistory); break; } elm = referencedElement; vPath = referencedPath; resolveHistory.push(elm); } } acc[key] = { ...elm, id: key }; return acc; }, {}); return view; }; export const flattenViewElements = (defaultNS: string | null, parentPath: string, elements: { [name: string]: ViewElement }, views: ViewSpecification[], currentPath: string ): { [name: string]: ViewElement } => { if (!elements) return {}; return Object.keys(elements).reduce<{ [name: string]: ViewElement }>((acc, cur) => { const elm = elements[cur]; // remove the default namespace, and only the default namespace, sine it seems that this is also not in the restconf response const elmKey = defaultNS && RegExp(`^${defaultNS}:`, 'i'), '') ||; const key = parentPath ? `${parentPath}.${elmKey}` : elmKey; if (isViewElementRpc(elm)) { console.warn(`Flatten of RFC not supported ! [${currentPath}][${elm.label}]`); return acc; } else if (isViewElementObjectOrList(elm)) { const view = views[+elm.viewId]; const inner = view && flattenViewElements(defaultNS, key, view.elements, views, `${currentPath}/${}`); if (inner) { Object.keys(inner).forEach(k => (acc[k] = inner[k])); } } else if (isViewElementChoice(elm)) { acc[key] = { ...elm, id: key, cases: Object.keys(elm.cases).reduce<{ [name: string]: ViewElementChoiceCase }>((accCases, curCases) => { const caseElement = elm.cases[curCases]; accCases[curCases] = { ...caseElement, // Hint: do not use key it contains elmKey, which shell be omitted for cases. elements: flattenViewElements(defaultNS, /*key*/ parentPath, caseElement.elements, views, `${currentPath}/${elm.label}`), }; return accCases; }, {}), }; } else { acc[key] = { ...elm, id: key, }; } return acc; }, {}); }; export const filterViewElements = async (vPath: string, viewData: any, viewSpecification: ViewSpecification) => { // filter elements of viewSpecification by evaluating when property return Object.keys(viewSpecification.elements).reduce(async (accPromise, cur) => { const acc = await accPromise; const elm = viewSpecification.elements[cur]; if (!elm.when || await evaluateWhen(vPath || '', elm.when, viewData).catch((ex) => { console.warn(`Error evaluating when clause at: ${} for element: ${cur}`, ex); return true; })) { acc.elements[cur] = elm; } return acc; }, Promise.resolve({ ...viewSpecification, elements: {} as { [key: string]: ViewElement } })); };