/* * Yang model for the RANSLice Northbound API's * */ module ran-slice-api { yang-version 1.1; namespace "org:onap:ccsdk"; prefix rs; organization "Open Network Automation Platform - ONAP "; contact "Editors: Sandeep Shah Swaminathan Seetharaman "; description "This module defines the services and request/response requirements for RAN Slice Management. This YANG model is used solely for POC's in the ONAP and O-RAN communities Copyright 2020 the O-RAN Alliance. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License'); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License."; revision 2020-08-06 { description "RANSlice API YANG Model"; reference "https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/E2E+Network+Slicing+Use+Case+in+R7+Guilin"; } /********************************************************************************** * Data type definitions * * The following data type definitions are used to define common data structures, * define constraints, or to impart special meanings to data objects related to the * SDN-R controller functions. **********************************************************************************/ typedef ZULU { type string { length "16..28"; pattern '[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{1,2}-[0-9]{1,2}T[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{1,2}.[0-9]{1,6}Z'; } description "Define a common definition of a time stamp (expressed as a formatted string) as follows yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSSSSSSZ"; } typedef payload { type string; description "The payload can be any valid JSON string value. Json escape characters need to be added when required to include an inner json within the payload to make it a valid json string value"; } typedef action { type enumeration { enum allocate { description "TODO"; } enum modify { description "TODO"; } enum modify-allocate { description "TODO"; } enum modify-deallocate { description "TODO"; } enum deallocate { description "TODO"; } enum activate { description "TODO"; } enum deactivate { description "TODO"; } enum reconfigure { description "TODO"; } } description "The action to be taken by SDN-R for invoked RPC."; } typedef ranSlice-action-status { type enumeration { enum IN_PROGRESS { description "TODO"; } enum SUCCESSFUL { description "TODO"; } enum FAILED { description "TODO"; } enum NOT_FOUND { description "TODO"; } enum ABORTED { description "TODO"; } enum MULTIPLE_REQUESTS_FOUND { description "TODO"; } } description "The status of the requested RANSlice action"; } /********************************************************************************** * All requests will include this standard header * * The standard request header is used to define a correlation identification for * the request that is returned on all responses. This correlation identifier * (called the service-request-id) is meaningful to the caller and is included on * all responses from the services. **********************************************************************************/ /********************************************************************************** * All responses will include this standard header * * The standard response header includes the time of completion as well as a * success|failure indication **********************************************************************************/ grouping common-header { description "A common header for all SDN-R requests"; container common-header { description "A common header for all SDN-R requests"; leaf timestamp { type ZULU; mandatory true; description "timestamp is in ISO 8601 timestamp format ZULU offset"; } leaf api-ver { type string; mandatory true; description "api-ver is the API version identifier. A given release of APPC should support all previous versions of APPC API (correlate with general requirements)"; } leaf originator-id { type string; mandatory true; description "originator-id an identifier of the calling system which can be used addressing purposes, i.e. returning asynchronous response to the proper destination over DMaaP (especially in case of multiple consumers of SDN-R APIs)"; } leaf request-id { type string; mandatory true; description "UUID for the request ID. An OSS/BSS identifier for the request that caused the current action. Multiple API calls may be made with the same request-id The request-id shall be recorded throughout the operations on a single request"; } leaf sub-request-id { type string; description "Uniquely identifies a specific RANSlice action. It is persistent over the life-cycle of a single request"; } /********************************************************************************** * Flags are generic flags that apply to any and all commands, all are optional * force = TRUE/FALSE - Execute command even if target is in unstable (i.e. locked, transiting, etc) * state. Specific behaviour of forced commands varies, but implies cancellation * of previous command and an override by the new command. The FALSE value is * used by default. * ttl = <0....N> - The timeout value for command execution, expressed in seconds * mode = EXCLUSIVE/NORMAL - defines execution mode as follows: * - EXCLUSIVE ? on encountering an exclusive command, the SDN-R will: * * Cease accepting additional command requests * * Complete execution of outstanding commands * * Execute the exclusive command to completion * * Optionally report the result of the command * * Optionally resume command acceptance and processing * - NORMAL - Obverse of EXCLUSIVE, the default one. **********************************************************************************/ container flags { description "Flags are generic flags that apply to any and all commands, all are optional"; leaf mode { type enumeration { enum EXCLUSIVE { description "TODO"; } enum NORMAL { description "TODO"; } } description "EXCLUSIVE (accept no queued requests on this VNF while processing) or NORMAL (queue other requests until complete)"; } leaf force { type enumeration { enum TRUE { description "TODO"; } enum FALSE { description "TODO"; } } description "TRUE/FALSE - Execute action even if target is in unstable (i.e. locked, transiting, etc.) state"; } leaf ttl { type uint16; description "<0....N> - The timeout value (expressed in seconds) for action execution, between action being received by APPC and action initiation"; } } } } grouping status { description "The specific response codes are to be aligned with SDC reference doc (main table removed to avoid duplication and digression from main table). See SDC and ECOMP Distribution Consumer Interface Agreement"; container status { description "The specific response codes are to be aligned with SDC reference doc (main table removed to avoid duplication and digression from main table). See SDC and ECOMP Distribution Consumer Interface Agreement"; leaf code { type uint16; mandatory true; description "Response code"; } leaf message { type string; mandatory true; description "Response message"; } } } grouping abstract-rpc-input { uses common-header; leaf action { type action; mandatory true; description "TODO"; } leaf payload { type payload; description "TODO"; } description "An abstract rpc output defintion."; } grouping abstract-rpc-input-payload-required { uses common-header; leaf action { type action; mandatory true; description "TODO"; } leaf payload { type payload; mandatory true; description "TODO"; } description "An abstract rpc output defintion."; } grouping abstract-rpc-output { uses common-header; uses status; description "An abstract rpc output defintion."; } /********************************************************************************** * Define the configureNearRTRIC service **********************************************************************************/ rpc configureNearRTRIC { description "An operation to configure Near-Time RIC in the preparation phase"; input { uses abstract-rpc-input; } output { uses abstract-rpc-output; } } /********************************************************************************** * Define the instantiateRANSlice service **********************************************************************************/ rpc instantiateRANSlice { description "An operation to instantiate RAN slice. Includes both allocation and configuration of RAN slice resources"; input { uses abstract-rpc-input; } output { uses abstract-rpc-output; } } /********************************************************************************** * Define the configureRANSliceInstance service **********************************************************************************/ rpc configureRANSliceInstance { description "An operation to configure RAN slice NSSI in CU and DU"; input { uses abstract-rpc-input; } output { uses abstract-rpc-output; } } /********************************************************************************** * Define the configureCU service **********************************************************************************/ rpc configureCU { description "An operation to configure CU in the preparation phase"; input { uses abstract-rpc-input; } output { uses abstract-rpc-output; } } /********************************************************************************** * Define the configureDU service **********************************************************************************/ rpc configureDU { description "An operation to configure DU in the preparation phase"; input { uses abstract-rpc-input; } output { uses abstract-rpc-output; } } /********************************************************************************** * Define the activateRANSliceInstance service ... needed to enable traffic flow **********************************************************************************/ rpc activateRANSliceInstance { description "An operation to reallocate RAN Slice resources"; input { uses abstract-rpc-input; } output { uses abstract-rpc-output; } } /********************************************************************************** * Define the deactivateRANSliceInstance service ... needed to disable traffic flow **********************************************************************************/ rpc deactivateRANSliceInstance { description "An operation to reallocate RAN Slice resources"; input { uses abstract-rpc-input; } output { uses abstract-rpc-output; } } /********************************************************************************** * Define the terminateRANSliceInstance service **********************************************************************************/ rpc terminateRANSliceInstance { description "An operation to terminate RAN slide instance"; input { uses abstract-rpc-input; } output { uses abstract-rpc-output; } } /********************************************************************************** * Define the determineRANSliceResources service **********************************************************************************/ rpc determineRANSliceResources { description "An operation to determine RAN slice resources"; input { uses abstract-rpc-input; } output { uses abstract-rpc-output; } } /********************************************************************************** * Define the configNotification service **********************************************************************************/ rpc configNotification { description "CM Notify event triggered by DMAAP VES message"; input { uses abstract-rpc-input; } output { uses abstract-rpc-output; } } }