.. contents:: :depth: 3 .. SDN-R Docker Image configuration ================================ Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ONAP SDN-R is running in a docker container using ONAP/SDN-C image "onap/sdnc". The container is available as Alpine and Ubuntu version. The description uses examples for the Alpine version. The alpine based sdnc docker imanges are stored in \ `ONAP Nexus sdnc image <https://nexus3.onap.org:10001/v2/onap/sdnc-image/tags/list>`__. The docker image contains a Opendaylight distribution in a standard configuration and ONAP/SDN-R specific microservices. The Root location of ODL Karaf directory structure is \ *ODL\_HOME=/opt/opendaylight.* During container provisioning the installation of the feature is done, according to the provided configuration setting. The docker image configuration is done by - Specific Environment variables settings - Files that are provided Container startup parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The SDN-R specific configurations are provided during container start. Different SDN-R services are using different parameter to be installed. +------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | **Parameter** | **Content** | **Description** | +==================+=====================+=========================================================================================================================+ | SDNRWT | true\|\ **false** | Set true to activate sdnr wt featureset. Set this during container start. | | | | | | | | Devicemanager configuration is provided via *$ODL\_HOME/etc/devicemanager.properties* | | | | | | | | See `SDN-R WT Service Configuration parameters <sdnr_WT_Service_Configuration_parameters.html>`__ | +------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | SDNRNORTHBOUND | true\|\ **false** | Set true to activate sdnr oofpci service. | +------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+