.. contents::
   :depth: 3

SDN controller persona for 'Radio' (SDN-R)

SDN-R adds features and functionality to the OpenDaylight-based ONAP
controller 'CCSDK/SDNC'. It is built on the Common Controller Framework
to control and manage wireless resources. Wireless resources are virtual
network functions (e.g. vBBU, vEPC) or physical network functions (e.g.
microwave and millimeter wave radios, eNodeB, RRH, DAS equipment).

| SDN-R is integrated into ONAP using DMaaP APIs. It is interfacing with
  PNFs and VNFs and with other ONAP components, such as A&AI, DCAE and
| `See abbreviations <abbreviations.md>`__

.. figure:: ./ONAP-SDN-R.png
   :alt: SDN-R in ONAP

   SDN-R in ONAP