path: root/sdnr/wt-odlux/odlux/apps/configurationApp/src/yang/yangParser.ts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sdnr/wt-odlux/odlux/apps/configurationApp/src/yang/yangParser.ts')
1 files changed, 1625 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sdnr/wt-odlux/odlux/apps/configurationApp/src/yang/yangParser.ts b/sdnr/wt-odlux/odlux/apps/configurationApp/src/yang/yangParser.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2dbbae274
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdnr/wt-odlux/odlux/apps/configurationApp/src/yang/yangParser.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,1625 @@
+/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-loss-of-precision */
+/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions */
+/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */
+ * ============LICENSE_START========================================================================
+ * ONAP : ccsdk feature sdnr wt odlux
+ * =================================================================================================
+ * Copyright (C) 2019 highstreet technologies GmbH Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.
+ * =================================================================================================
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
+ * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License
+ * is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express
+ * or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+ * the License.
+ * ============LICENSE_END==========================================================================
+ */
+import { Token, Statement, Module, Identity, ModuleState } from '../models/yang';
+import {
+ Expression,
+ ViewElement,
+ ViewElementBase,
+ ViewSpecification,
+ ViewElementNumber,
+ ViewElementString,
+ ViewElementChoice,
+ ViewElementUnion,
+ ViewElementRpc,
+ isViewElementObjectOrList,
+ isViewElementNumber,
+ isViewElementString,
+ isViewElementRpc,
+ ResolveFunction,
+ YangRange,
+} from '../models/uiModels';
+import { yangService } from '../services/yangService';
+const LOGLEVEL = +(localStorage.getItem('log.odlux.app.configuration.yang.yangParser') || 0);
+import { LogLevel } from '../../../../framework/src/utilities/logLevel';
+import { parseWhen, WhenAST, WhenTokenType } from './whenParser';
+export const splitVPath = (vPath: string, vPathParser: RegExp): RegExpMatchArray[] => {
+ const pathParts: RegExpMatchArray[] = [];
+ let partMatch: RegExpExecArray | null;
+ if (vPath) do {
+ partMatch = vPathParser.exec(vPath);
+ if (partMatch) {
+ pathParts.push(partMatch);
+ }
+ } while (partMatch);
+ return pathParts;
+class YangLexer {
+ private pos: number = 0;
+ private buf: string = '';
+ constructor(input: string) {
+ this.pos = 0;
+ this.buf = input;
+ }
+ private _opTable: { [key: string]: string } = {
+ ';': 'SEMI',
+ '{': 'L_BRACE',
+ '}': 'R_BRACE',
+ };
+ private _isNewline(char: string): boolean {
+ return char === '\r' || char === '\n';
+ }
+ private _isWhitespace(char: string): boolean {
+ return char === ' ' || char === '\t' || this._isNewline(char);
+ }
+ private _isDigit(char: string): boolean {
+ return char >= '0' && char <= '9';
+ }
+ private _isAlpha(char: string): boolean {
+ return (char >= 'a' && char <= 'z') ||
+ (char >= 'A' && char <= 'Z');
+ }
+ private _isAlphanum(char: string): boolean {
+ return this._isAlpha(char) || this._isDigit(char) ||
+ char === '_' || char === '-' || char === '.';
+ }
+ private _skipNonTokens() {
+ while (this.pos < this.buf.length) {
+ const char = this.buf.charAt(this.pos);
+ if (this._isWhitespace(char)) {
+ this.pos++;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private _processString(terminator: string | null): Token {
+ // this.pos points at the opening quote. Find the ending quote.
+ let end_index = this.pos + 1;
+ while (end_index < this.buf.length) {
+ const char = this.buf.charAt(end_index);
+ if (char === '\\') {
+ end_index += 2;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (terminator === null && (this._isWhitespace(char) || this._opTable[char] !== undefined) || char === terminator) {
+ break;
+ }
+ end_index++;
+ }
+ if (end_index >= this.buf.length) {
+ throw Error('Unterminated quote at ' + this.pos);
+ } else {
+ const start = this.pos + (terminator ? 1 : 0);
+ const end = end_index;
+ const tok = {
+ name: 'STRING',
+ value: this.buf.substring(start, end),
+ start,
+ end,
+ };
+ this.pos = terminator ? end + 1 : end;
+ return tok;
+ }
+ }
+ private _processIdentifier(): Token {
+ let endpos = this.pos + 1;
+ while (endpos < this.buf.length && this._isAlphanum(this.buf.charAt(endpos))) {
+ ++endpos;
+ }
+ let name = 'IDENTIFIER';
+ if (this.buf.charAt(endpos) === ':') {
+ ++endpos;
+ while (endpos < this.buf.length && this._isAlphanum(this.buf.charAt(endpos))) {
+ ++endpos;
+ }
+ }
+ const tok = {
+ name: name,
+ value: this.buf.substring(this.pos, endpos),
+ start: this.pos,
+ end: endpos,
+ };
+ this.pos = endpos;
+ return tok;
+ }
+ private _processNumber(): Token {
+ let endpos = this.pos + 1;
+ while (endpos < this.buf.length &&
+ this._isDigit(this.buf.charAt(endpos))) {
+ endpos++;
+ }
+ const tok = {
+ name: 'NUMBER',
+ value: this.buf.substring(this.pos, endpos),
+ start: this.pos,
+ end: endpos,
+ };
+ this.pos = endpos;
+ return tok;
+ }
+ private _processLineComment() {
+ var endpos = this.pos + 2;
+ // Skip until the end of the line
+ while (endpos < this.buf.length && !this._isNewline(this.buf.charAt(endpos))) {
+ endpos++;
+ }
+ this.pos = endpos + 1;
+ }
+ private _processBlockComment() {
+ var endpos = this.pos + 2;
+ // Skip until the end of the line
+ while (endpos < this.buf.length && !((this.buf.charAt(endpos) === '/' && this.buf.charAt(endpos - 1) === '*'))) {
+ endpos++;
+ }
+ this.pos = endpos + 1;
+ }
+ public tokenize(): Token[] {
+ const result: Token[] = [];
+ this._skipNonTokens();
+ while (this.pos < this.buf.length) {
+ const char = this.buf.charAt(this.pos);
+ const op = this._opTable[char];
+ if (op !== undefined) {
+ result.push({ name: op, value: char, start: this.pos, end: ++this.pos });
+ } else if (this._isAlpha(char)) {
+ result.push(this._processIdentifier());
+ this._skipNonTokens();
+ const peekChar = this.buf.charAt(this.pos);
+ if (this._opTable[peekChar] === undefined) {
+ result.push((peekChar !== '\'' && peekChar !== '"')
+ ? this._processString(null)
+ : this._processString(peekChar));
+ }
+ } else if (char === '/' && this.buf.charAt(this.pos + 1) === '/') {
+ this._processLineComment();
+ } else if (char === '/' && this.buf.charAt(this.pos + 1) === '*') {
+ this._processBlockComment();
+ } else {
+ throw Error('Token error at ' + this.pos + ' ' + this.buf[this.pos]);
+ }
+ this._skipNonTokens();
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ public tokenize2(): Statement {
+ let stack: Statement[] = [{ key: 'ROOT', sub: [] }];
+ let current: Statement | null = null;
+ this._skipNonTokens();
+ while (this.pos < this.buf.length) {
+ const char = this.buf.charAt(this.pos);
+ const op = this._opTable[char];
+ if (op !== undefined) {
+ if (op === 'L_BRACE') {
+ current && stack.unshift(current);
+ current = null;
+ } else if (op === 'R_BRACE') {
+ current = stack.shift() || null;
+ }
+ this.pos++;
+ } else if (this._isAlpha(char) || char === '_') {
+ const key = this._processIdentifier().value;
+ this._skipNonTokens();
+ let peekChar = this.buf.charAt(this.pos);
+ let arg = undefined;
+ if (this._opTable[peekChar] === undefined) {
+ arg = (peekChar === '"' || peekChar === '\'')
+ ? this._processString(peekChar).value
+ : this._processString(null).value;
+ }
+ do {
+ this._skipNonTokens();
+ peekChar = this.buf.charAt(this.pos);
+ if (peekChar !== '+') break;
+ this.pos++;
+ this._skipNonTokens();
+ peekChar = this.buf.charAt(this.pos);
+ arg += (peekChar === '"' || peekChar === '\'')
+ ? this._processString(peekChar).value
+ : this._processString(null).value;
+ } while (true);
+ current = { key, arg, sub: [] };
+ stack[0].sub!.push(current);
+ } else if (char === '/' && this.buf.charAt(this.pos + 1) === '/') {
+ this._processLineComment();
+ } else if (char === '/' && this.buf.charAt(this.pos + 1) === '*') {
+ this._processBlockComment();
+ } else {
+ throw Error('Token error at ' + this.pos + ' ' + this.buf.slice(this.pos - 10, this.pos + 10));
+ }
+ this._skipNonTokens();
+ }
+ if (stack[0].key !== 'ROOT' || !stack[0].sub![0]) {
+ throw new Error('Internal Perser Error');
+ }
+ return stack[0].sub![0];
+ }
+export class YangParser {
+ private _groupingsToResolve: ViewSpecification[] = [];
+ private _typeRefToResolve: (() => void)[] = [];
+ private _identityToResolve: (() => void)[] = [];
+ private _unionsToResolve: (() => void)[] = [];
+ private _modulesToResolve: (() => void)[] = [];
+ private _modules: { [name: string]: Module } = {};
+ private _views: ViewSpecification[] = [{
+ id: '0',
+ name: 'root',
+ language: 'en-US',
+ canEdit: false,
+ config: true,
+ parentView: '0',
+ title: 'root',
+ elements: {},
+ }];
+ public static ResolveStack = Symbol('ResolveStack');
+ constructor(
+ private nodeId: string,
+ private _capabilityRevisionMap: { [capability: string]: string } = {},
+ private _unavailableCapabilities: { failureReason: string; capability: string }[] = [],
+ private _importOnlyModules: { name: string; revision: string }[] = [],
+ ) {
+ }
+ public get modules() {
+ return this._modules;
+ }
+ public get views() {
+ return this._views;
+ }
+ public async addCapability(capability: string, version?: string, parentImportOnlyModule?: boolean) {
+ // do not add twice
+ const existingCapability = this._modules[capability];
+ const latestVersionExisting = existingCapability && Object.keys(existingCapability.revisions).sort().reverse()[0];
+ if ((latestVersionExisting && version) && (version <= latestVersionExisting)) {
+ if (LOGLEVEL == LogLevel.Warning) {
+ console.warn(`Skipped capability: ${capability}:${version || ''} since already contained.`);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // // do not add unavailable capabilities
+ // if (this._unavailableCapabilities.some(c => c.capability === capability)) {
+ // // console.warn(`Skipped capability: ${capability} since it is marked as unavailable.` );
+ // return;
+ // }
+ const data = await yangService.getCapability(capability, this.nodeId, version);
+ if (!data) {
+ throw new Error(`Could not load yang file for ${capability}:${version || ''}.`);
+ }
+ const rootStatement = new YangLexer(data).tokenize2();
+ if (rootStatement.key !== 'module') {
+ throw new Error(`Root element of ${capability} is not a module.`);
+ }
+ if (rootStatement.arg !== capability) {
+ throw new Error(`Root element capability ${rootStatement.arg} does not requested ${capability}.`);
+ }
+ const isUnavailable = this._unavailableCapabilities.some(c => c.capability === capability);
+ const isImportOnly = parentImportOnlyModule === true || this._importOnlyModules.some(c => c.name === capability);
+ // extract revisions
+ const revisions = this.extractNodes(rootStatement, 'revision').reduce<{ [version: string]: {} }>((acc, revision) => {
+ if (!revision.arg) {
+ throw new Error(`Module [${rootStatement.arg}] has a version w/o version number.`);
+ }
+ const description = this.extractValue(revision, 'description');
+ const reference = this.extractValue(revision, 'reference');
+ acc[revision.arg] = {
+ description,
+ reference,
+ };
+ return acc;
+ }, {});
+ const latestVersionLoaded = Object.keys(revisions).sort().reverse()[0];
+ if (existingCapability && latestVersionExisting >= latestVersionLoaded) {
+ if (LOGLEVEL == LogLevel.Warning) {
+ console.warn(`Skipped capability: ${capability}:${latestVersionLoaded} since ${capability}:${latestVersionExisting} already contained.`);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ const module = this._modules[capability] = {
+ name: rootStatement.arg,
+ revisions,
+ imports: {},
+ features: {},
+ identities: {},
+ augments: {},
+ groupings: {},
+ typedefs: {},
+ views: {},
+ elements: {},
+ state: isUnavailable
+ ? ModuleState.unavailable
+ : isImportOnly
+ ? ModuleState.importOnly
+ : ModuleState.stable,
+ };
+ await this.handleModule(module, rootStatement, capability);
+ }
+ private async handleModule(module: Module, rootStatement: Statement, capability: string) {
+ // extract namespace && prefix
+ module.namespace = this.extractValue(rootStatement, 'namespace');
+ module.prefix = this.extractValue(rootStatement, 'prefix');
+ if (module.prefix) {
+ module.imports[module.prefix] = capability;
+ }
+ // extract features
+ const features = this.extractNodes(rootStatement, 'feature');
+ module.features = {
+ ...module.features,
+ ...features.reduce<{ [version: string]: {} }>((acc, feature) => {
+ if (!feature.arg) {
+ throw new Error(`Module [${module.name}] has a feature w/o name.`);
+ }
+ const description = this.extractValue(feature, 'description');
+ acc[feature.arg] = {
+ description,
+ };
+ return acc;
+ }, {}),
+ };
+ // extract imports
+ const imports = this.extractNodes(rootStatement, 'import');
+ module.imports = {
+ ...module.imports,
+ ...imports.reduce<{ [key: string]: string }>((acc, imp) => {
+ const prefix = imp.sub && imp.sub.filter(s => s.key === 'prefix');
+ if (!imp.arg) {
+ throw new Error(`Module [${module.name}] has an import with neither name nor prefix.`);
+ }
+ acc[prefix && prefix.length === 1 && prefix[0].arg || imp.arg] = imp.arg;
+ return acc;
+ }, {}),
+ };
+ // import all required files and set module state
+ if (imports) for (let ind = 0; ind < imports.length; ++ind) {
+ const moduleName = imports[ind].arg!;
+ const revision = this._capabilityRevisionMap[moduleName] || undefined;
+ await this.addCapability(moduleName, revision, module.state === ModuleState.importOnly);
+ const importedModule = this._modules[imports[ind].arg!];
+ if (importedModule && importedModule.state > ModuleState.stable) {
+ module.state = Math.max(module.state, ModuleState.instable);
+ }
+ }
+ this.extractTypeDefinitions(rootStatement, module, '');
+ this.extractIdentities(rootStatement, 0, module, '');
+ const groupings = this.extractGroupings(rootStatement, 0, module, '');
+ this._views.push(...groupings);
+ const augments = this.extractAugments(rootStatement, 0, module, '');
+ this._views.push(...augments);
+ // the default for config on module level is config = true;
+ const [currentView, subViews] = this.extractSubViews(rootStatement, 0, module, '');
+ this._views.push(currentView, ...subViews);
+ // create the root elements for this module
+ module.elements = currentView.elements;
+ this._modulesToResolve.push(() => {
+ Object.keys(module.elements).forEach(key => {
+ const viewElement = module.elements[key];
+ if (!(isViewElementObjectOrList(viewElement) || isViewElementRpc(viewElement))) {
+ console.error(new Error(`Module: [${module}]. Only Object, List or RPC are allowed on root level.`));
+ }
+ if (isViewElementObjectOrList(viewElement)) {
+ const viewIdIndex = Number(viewElement.viewId);
+ module.views[key] = this._views[viewIdIndex];
+ }
+ // add only the UI View if the module is available
+ if (module.state === ModuleState.stable || module.state === ModuleState.instable) this._views[0].elements[key] = module.elements[key];
+ });
+ });
+ return module;
+ }
+ public postProcess() {
+ // execute all post processes like resolving in proper order
+ this._unionsToResolve.forEach(cb => {
+ try { cb(); } catch (error) {
+ console.warn(error.message);
+ }
+ });
+ // process all groupings
+ this._groupingsToResolve.filter(vs => vs.uses && vs.uses[ResolveFunction]).forEach(vs => {
+ try { vs.uses![ResolveFunction] !== undefined && vs.uses![ResolveFunction]!('|'); } catch (error) {
+ console.warn(`Error resolving: [${vs.name}] [${error.message}]`);
+ }
+ });
+ /**
+ * This is to fix the issue for sequential execution of modules based on their child and parent relationship
+ * We are sorting the module object based on their augment status
+ */
+ Object.keys(this.modules)
+ .map(elem => {
+ if (this.modules[elem].augments && Object.keys(this.modules[elem].augments).length > 0) {
+ const { augments, ..._rest } = this.modules[elem];
+ const partsOfKeys = Object.keys(augments).map((key) => (key.split('/').length - 1));
+ this.modules[elem].executionOrder = Math.max(...partsOfKeys);
+ } else {
+ this.modules[elem].executionOrder = 0;
+ }
+ });
+ // process all augmentations / sort by namespace changes to ensure proper order
+ Object.keys(this.modules).sort((a, b) => this.modules[a].executionOrder! - this.modules[b].executionOrder!).forEach(modKey => {
+ const module = this.modules[modKey];
+ const augmentKeysWithCounter = Object.keys(module.augments).map((key) => {
+ const pathParts = splitVPath(key, /(?:(?:([^\/\:]+):)?([^\/]+))/g); // 1 = opt: namespace / 2 = property
+ let nameSpaceChangeCounter = 0;
+ let currentNS = module.name; // init namespace
+ pathParts.forEach(([ns, _]) => {
+ if (ns === currentNS) {
+ currentNS = ns;
+ nameSpaceChangeCounter++;
+ }
+ });
+ return {
+ key,
+ nameSpaceChangeCounter,
+ };
+ });
+ const augmentKeys = augmentKeysWithCounter
+ .sort((a, b) => a.nameSpaceChangeCounter > b.nameSpaceChangeCounter ? 1 : a.nameSpaceChangeCounter === b.nameSpaceChangeCounter ? 0 : -1)
+ .map((a) => a.key);
+ augmentKeys.forEach(augKey => {
+ const augments = module.augments[augKey];
+ const viewSpec = this.resolveView(augKey);
+ if (!viewSpec) console.warn(`Could not find view to augment [${augKey}] in [${module.name}].`);
+ if (augments && viewSpec) {
+ augments.forEach(augment => Object.keys(augment.elements).forEach(key => {
+ const elm = augment.elements[key];
+ const when = elm.when && augment.when
+ ? {
+ type: WhenTokenType.AND,
+ left: elm.when,
+ right: augment.when,
+ }
+ : elm.when || augment.when;
+ const ifFeature = elm.ifFeature
+ ? `(${augment.ifFeature}) and (${elm.ifFeature})`
+ : augment.ifFeature;
+ viewSpec.elements[key] = {
+ ...augment.elements[key],
+ when,
+ ifFeature,
+ };
+ }));
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ // process Identities
+ const traverseIdentity = (identities: Identity[]) => {
+ const result: Identity[] = [];
+ for (let identity of identities) {
+ if (identity.children && identity.children.length > 0) {
+ result.push(...traverseIdentity(identity.children));
+ } else {
+ result.push(identity);
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ };
+ const baseIdentities: Identity[] = [];
+ Object.keys(this.modules).forEach(modKey => {
+ const module = this.modules[modKey];
+ Object.keys(module.identities).forEach(idKey => {
+ const identity = module.identities[idKey];
+ if (identity.base != null) {
+ const base = this.resolveIdentity(identity.base, module);
+ base.children?.push(identity);
+ } else {
+ baseIdentities.push(identity);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ baseIdentities.forEach(identity => {
+ identity.values = identity.children && traverseIdentity(identity.children) || [];
+ });
+ this._identityToResolve.forEach(cb => {
+ try { cb(); } catch (error) {
+ console.warn(error.message);
+ }
+ });
+ this._typeRefToResolve.forEach(cb => {
+ try { cb(); } catch (error) {
+ console.warn(error.message);
+ }
+ });
+ this._modulesToResolve.forEach(cb => {
+ try { cb(); } catch (error) {
+ console.warn(error.message);
+ }
+ });
+ // resolve readOnly
+ const resolveReadOnly = (view: ViewSpecification, parentConfig: boolean) => {
+ // update view config
+ view.config = view.config && parentConfig;
+ Object.keys(view.elements).forEach((key) => {
+ const elm = view.elements[key];
+ // update element config
+ elm.config = elm.config && view.config;
+ // update all sub-elements of objects
+ if (elm.uiType === 'object') {
+ resolveReadOnly(this.views[+elm.viewId], elm.config);
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ const dump = resolveReadOnly(this.views[0], true);
+ if (LOGLEVEL > 2) {
+ console.log('Resolved views:', dump);
+ }
+ }
+ private _nextId = 1;
+ private get nextId() {
+ return this._nextId++;
+ }
+ private extractNodes(statement: Statement, key: string): Statement[] {
+ return statement.sub && statement.sub.filter(s => s.key === key) || [];
+ }
+ private extractValue(statement: Statement, key: string): string | undefined;
+ private extractValue(statement: Statement, key: string, parser: RegExp): RegExpExecArray | undefined;
+ private extractValue(statement: Statement, key: string, parser?: RegExp): string | RegExpExecArray | undefined {
+ const typeNodes = this.extractNodes(statement, key);
+ const rawValue = typeNodes.length > 0 && typeNodes[0].arg || undefined;
+ return parser
+ ? rawValue && parser.exec(rawValue) || undefined
+ : rawValue;
+ }
+ private extractTypeDefinitions(statement: Statement, module: Module, currentPath: string): void {
+ const typedefs = this.extractNodes(statement, 'typedef');
+ typedefs && typedefs.forEach(def => {
+ if (!def.arg) {
+ throw new Error(`Module: [${module.name}]. Found typedef without name.`);
+ }
+ module.typedefs[def.arg] = this.getViewElement(def, module, 0, currentPath, false);
+ });
+ }
+ /** Handles groupings like named Container */
+ private extractGroupings(statement: Statement, parentId: number, module: Module, currentPath: string): ViewSpecification[] {
+ const subViews: ViewSpecification[] = [];
+ const groupings = this.extractNodes(statement, 'grouping');
+ if (groupings && groupings.length > 0) {
+ subViews.push(...groupings.reduce<ViewSpecification[]>((acc, cur) => {
+ if (!cur.arg) {
+ throw new Error(`Module: [${module.name}][${currentPath}]. Found grouping without name.`);
+ }
+ const grouping = cur.arg;
+ // the default for config on module level is config = true;
+ const [currentView, currentSubViews] = this.extractSubViews(cur, /* parentId */ -1, module, currentPath);
+ grouping && (module.groupings[grouping] = currentView);
+ acc.push(currentView, ...currentSubViews);
+ return acc;
+ }, []));
+ }
+ return subViews;
+ }
+ /** Handles augments also like named container */
+ private extractAugments(statement: Statement, parentId: number, module: Module, currentPath: string): ViewSpecification[] {
+ const subViews: ViewSpecification[] = [];
+ const augments = this.extractNodes(statement, 'augment');
+ if (augments && augments.length > 0) {
+ subViews.push(...augments.reduce<ViewSpecification[]>((acc, cur) => {
+ if (!cur.arg) {
+ throw new Error(`Module: [${module.name}][${currentPath}]. Found augment without path.`);
+ }
+ const augment = this.resolveReferencePath(cur.arg, module);
+ // the default for config on module level is config = true;
+ const [currentView, currentSubViews] = this.extractSubViews(cur, parentId, module, currentPath);
+ if (augment) {
+ module.augments[augment] = module.augments[augment] || [];
+ module.augments[augment].push(currentView);
+ }
+ acc.push(currentView, ...currentSubViews);
+ return acc;
+ }, []));
+ }
+ return subViews;
+ }
+ /** Handles identities */
+ private extractIdentities(statement: Statement, parentId: number, module: Module, currentPath: string) {
+ const identities = this.extractNodes(statement, 'identity');
+ module.identities = identities.reduce<{ [name: string]: Identity }>((acc, cur) => {
+ if (!cur.arg) {
+ throw new Error(`Module: [${module.name}][${currentPath}]. Found identity without name.`);
+ }
+ acc[cur.arg] = {
+ id: `${module.name}:${cur.arg}`,
+ label: cur.arg,
+ base: this.extractValue(cur, 'base'),
+ description: this.extractValue(cur, 'description'),
+ reference: this.extractValue(cur, 'reference'),
+ children: [],
+ };
+ return acc;
+ }, {});
+ }
+ // Hint: use 0 as parentId for rootElements and -1 for rootGroupings.
+ private extractSubViews(statement: Statement, parentId: number, module: Module, currentPath: string): [ViewSpecification, ViewSpecification[]] {
+ // used for scoped definitions
+ const context: Module = {
+ ...module,
+ typedefs: {
+ ...module.typedefs,
+ },
+ };
+ const currentId = this.nextId;
+ const subViews: ViewSpecification[] = [];
+ let elements: ViewElement[] = [];
+ const configValue = this.extractValue(statement, 'config');
+ const config = configValue == null ? true : configValue.toLocaleLowerCase() !== 'false';
+ // extract conditions
+ const ifFeature = this.extractValue(statement, 'if-feature');
+ const whenCondition = this.extractValue(statement, 'when');
+ if (whenCondition) console.warn('Found in [' + context.name + ']' + currentPath + ' when: ' + whenCondition);
+ // extract all scoped typedefs
+ this.extractTypeDefinitions(statement, context, currentPath);
+ // extract all scoped groupings
+ subViews.push(
+ ...this.extractGroupings(statement, parentId, context, currentPath),
+ );
+ // extract all container
+ const container = this.extractNodes(statement, 'container');
+ if (container && container.length > 0) {
+ subViews.push(...container.reduce<ViewSpecification[]>((acc, cur) => {
+ if (!cur.arg) {
+ throw new Error(`Module: [${context.name}]${currentPath}. Found container without name.`);
+ }
+ const [currentView, currentSubViews] = this.extractSubViews(cur, currentId, context, `${currentPath}/${context.name}:${cur.arg}`);
+ elements.push({
+ id: parentId === 0 ? `${context.name}:${cur.arg}` : cur.arg,
+ label: cur.arg,
+ path: currentPath,
+ module: context.name || module.name || '',
+ uiType: 'object',
+ viewId: currentView.id,
+ config: currentView.config,
+ });
+ acc.push(currentView, ...currentSubViews);
+ return acc;
+ }, []));
+ }
+ // process all lists
+ // a list is a list of containers with the leafs contained in the list
+ const lists = this.extractNodes(statement, 'list');
+ if (lists && lists.length > 0) {
+ subViews.push(...lists.reduce<ViewSpecification[]>((acc, cur) => {
+ let elmConfig = config;
+ if (!cur.arg) {
+ throw new Error(`Module: [${context.name}]${currentPath}. Found list without name.`);
+ }
+ const key = this.extractValue(cur, 'key') || undefined;
+ if (elmConfig && !key) {
+ console.warn(`Module: [${context.name}]${currentPath}. Found configurable list without key. Assume config shell be false.`);
+ elmConfig = false;
+ }
+ const [currentView, currentSubViews] = this.extractSubViews(cur, currentId, context, `${currentPath}/${context.name}:${cur.arg}`);
+ elements.push({
+ id: parentId === 0 ? `${context.name}:${cur.arg}` : cur.arg,
+ label: cur.arg,
+ path: currentPath,
+ module: context.name || module.name || '',
+ isList: true,
+ uiType: 'object',
+ viewId: currentView.id,
+ key: key,
+ config: elmConfig && currentView.config,
+ });
+ acc.push(currentView, ...currentSubViews);
+ return acc;
+ }, []));
+ }
+ // process all leaf-lists
+ // a leaf-list is a list of some type
+ const leafLists = this.extractNodes(statement, 'leaf-list');
+ if (leafLists && leafLists.length > 0) {
+ elements.push(...leafLists.reduce<ViewElement[]>((acc, cur) => {
+ const element = this.getViewElement(cur, context, parentId, currentPath, true);
+ element && acc.push(element);
+ return acc;
+ }, []));
+ }
+ // process all leafs
+ // a leaf is mainly a property of an object
+ const leafs = this.extractNodes(statement, 'leaf');
+ if (leafs && leafs.length > 0) {
+ elements.push(...leafs.reduce<ViewElement[]>((acc, cur) => {
+ const element = this.getViewElement(cur, context, parentId, currentPath, false);
+ element && acc.push(element);
+ return acc;
+ }, []));
+ }
+ const choiceStms = this.extractNodes(statement, 'choice');
+ if (choiceStms && choiceStms.length > 0) {
+ elements.push(...choiceStms.reduce<ViewElementChoice[]>((accChoice, curChoice) => {
+ if (!curChoice.arg) {
+ throw new Error(`Module: [${context.name}]${currentPath}. Found choise without name.`);
+ }
+ // extract all cases like containers
+ const cases: { id: string; label: string; description?: string; elements: { [name: string]: ViewElement } }[] = [];
+ const caseStms = this.extractNodes(curChoice, 'case');
+ if (caseStms && caseStms.length > 0) {
+ cases.push(...caseStms.reduce((accCase, curCase) => {
+ if (!curCase.arg) {
+ throw new Error(`Module: [${context.name}]${currentPath}/${curChoice.arg}. Found case without name.`);
+ }
+ const description = this.extractValue(curCase, 'description') || undefined;
+ const [caseView, caseSubViews] = this.extractSubViews(curCase, parentId, context, `${currentPath}/${context.name}:${curChoice.arg}`);
+ subViews.push(caseView, ...caseSubViews);
+ const caseDef: { id: string; label: string; description?: string; elements: { [name: string]: ViewElement } } = {
+ id: parentId === 0 ? `${context.name}:${curCase.arg}` : curCase.arg,
+ label: curCase.arg,
+ description: description,
+ elements: caseView.elements,
+ };
+ accCase.push(caseDef);
+ return accCase;
+ }, [] as { id: string; label: string; description?: string; elements: { [name: string]: ViewElement } }[]));
+ }
+ // extract all simple cases (one case per leaf, container, etc.)
+ const [choiceView, choiceSubViews] = this.extractSubViews(curChoice, parentId, context, `${currentPath}/${context.name}:${curChoice.arg}`);
+ subViews.push(choiceView, ...choiceSubViews);
+ cases.push(...Object.keys(choiceView.elements).reduce((accElm, curElm) => {
+ const elm = choiceView.elements[curElm];
+ const caseDef: { id: string; label: string; description?: string; elements: { [name: string]: ViewElement } } = {
+ id: elm.id,
+ label: elm.label,
+ description: elm.description,
+ elements: { [elm.id]: elm },
+ };
+ accElm.push(caseDef);
+ return accElm;
+ }, [] as { id: string; label: string; description?: string; elements: { [name: string]: ViewElement } }[]));
+ const choiceDescription = this.extractValue(curChoice, 'description') || undefined;
+ const choiceConfigValue = this.extractValue(curChoice, 'config');
+ const choiceConfig = choiceConfigValue == null ? true : choiceConfigValue.toLocaleLowerCase() !== 'false';
+ const mandatory = this.extractValue(curChoice, 'mandatory') === 'true' || false;
+ const element: ViewElementChoice = {
+ uiType: 'choice',
+ id: parentId === 0 ? `${context.name}:${curChoice.arg}` : curChoice.arg,
+ label: curChoice.arg,
+ path: currentPath,
+ module: context.name || module.name || '',
+ config: choiceConfig,
+ mandatory: mandatory,
+ description: choiceDescription,
+ cases: cases.reduce((acc, cur) => {
+ acc[cur.id] = cur;
+ return acc;
+ }, {} as { [name: string]: { id: string; label: string; description?: string; elements: { [name: string]: ViewElement } } }),
+ };
+ accChoice.push(element);
+ return accChoice;
+ }, []));
+ }
+ const rpcStms = this.extractNodes(statement, 'rpc');
+ if (rpcStms && rpcStms.length > 0) {
+ elements.push(...rpcStms.reduce<ViewElementRpc[]>((accRpc, curRpc) => {
+ if (!curRpc.arg) {
+ throw new Error(`Module: [${context.name}]${currentPath}. Found rpc without name.`);
+ }
+ const rpcDescription = this.extractValue(curRpc, 'description') || undefined;
+ const rpcConfigValue = this.extractValue(curRpc, 'config');
+ const rpcConfig = rpcConfigValue == null ? true : rpcConfigValue.toLocaleLowerCase() !== 'false';
+ let inputViewId: string | undefined = undefined;
+ let outputViewId: string | undefined = undefined;
+ const input = this.extractNodes(curRpc, 'input') || undefined;
+ const output = this.extractNodes(curRpc, 'output') || undefined;
+ if (input && input.length > 0) {
+ const [inputView, inputSubViews] = this.extractSubViews(input[0], parentId, context, `${currentPath}/${context.name}:${curRpc.arg}`);
+ subViews.push(inputView, ...inputSubViews);
+ inputViewId = inputView.id;
+ }
+ if (output && output.length > 0) {
+ const [outputView, outputSubViews] = this.extractSubViews(output[0], parentId, context, `${currentPath}/${context.name}:${curRpc.arg}`);
+ subViews.push(outputView, ...outputSubViews);
+ outputViewId = outputView.id;
+ }
+ const element: ViewElementRpc = {
+ uiType: 'rpc',
+ id: parentId === 0 ? `${context.name}:${curRpc.arg}` : curRpc.arg,
+ label: curRpc.arg,
+ path: currentPath,
+ module: context.name || module.name || '',
+ config: rpcConfig,
+ description: rpcDescription,
+ inputViewId: inputViewId,
+ outputViewId: outputViewId,
+ };
+ accRpc.push(element);
+ return accRpc;
+ }, []));
+ }
+ if (!statement.arg) {
+ console.error(new Error(`Module: [${context.name}]. Found statement without name.`));
+ }
+ let whenParsed: WhenAST | undefined = undefined;
+ try {
+ whenParsed = whenCondition && parseWhen(whenCondition) || undefined;
+ } catch (e) {
+ console.error(new Error(`Module: [${context.name}]. Found invalid when condition: ${whenCondition}`));
+ }
+ const viewSpec: ViewSpecification = {
+ id: String(currentId),
+ parentView: String(parentId),
+ ns: context.name,
+ name: statement.arg != null ? statement.arg : undefined,
+ title: statement.arg != null ? statement.arg : undefined,
+ language: 'en-us',
+ canEdit: false,
+ config: config,
+ ifFeature: ifFeature,
+ when: whenParsed,
+ elements: elements.reduce<{ [name: string]: ViewElement }>((acc, cur) => {
+ acc[cur.id] = cur;
+ return acc;
+ }, {}),
+ };
+ // evaluate canEdit depending on all conditions
+ Object.defineProperty(viewSpec, 'canEdit', {
+ get: () => {
+ return Object.keys(viewSpec.elements).some(key => {
+ const elm = viewSpec.elements[key];
+ return (!isViewElementObjectOrList(elm) && elm.config);
+ });
+ },
+ });
+ // merge in all uses references and resolve groupings
+ const usesRefs = this.extractNodes(statement, 'uses');
+ if (usesRefs && usesRefs.length > 0) {
+ viewSpec.uses = (viewSpec.uses || []);
+ const resolveFunctions: ((parentElementPath: string) => void)[] = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < usesRefs.length; ++i) {
+ const groupingName = usesRefs[i].arg;
+ if (!groupingName) {
+ throw new Error(`Module: [${context.name}]. Found an uses statement without a grouping name.`);
+ }
+ viewSpec.uses.push(this.resolveReferencePath(groupingName, context));
+ resolveFunctions.push((parentElementPath: string) => {
+ const groupingViewSpec = this.resolveGrouping(groupingName, context);
+ if (groupingViewSpec) {
+ // resolve recursive
+ const resolveFunc = groupingViewSpec.uses && groupingViewSpec.uses[ResolveFunction];
+ resolveFunc && resolveFunc(parentElementPath);
+ Object.keys(groupingViewSpec.elements).forEach(key => {
+ const elm = groupingViewSpec.elements[key];
+ // a useRef on root level need a namespace
+ const resolvedWhen = elm.when && groupingViewSpec.when
+ ? {
+ type: WhenTokenType.AND,
+ left: elm.when,
+ right: groupingViewSpec.when,
+ }
+ : elm.when || groupingViewSpec.when;
+ const resolvedIfFeature = elm.ifFeature
+ ? `(${groupingViewSpec.ifFeature}) and (${elm.ifFeature})`
+ : groupingViewSpec.ifFeature;
+ viewSpec.elements[parentId === 0 ? `${module.name}:${key}` : key] = {
+ ...elm,
+ when: resolvedWhen,
+ ifFeature: resolvedIfFeature,
+ };
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ viewSpec.uses[ResolveFunction] = (parentElementPath: string) => {
+ const currentElementPath = `${parentElementPath} -> ${viewSpec.ns}:${viewSpec.name}`;
+ resolveFunctions.forEach(resolve => {
+ try {
+ resolve(currentElementPath);
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error(error);
+ }
+ });
+ // console.log("Resolved "+currentElementPath, viewSpec);
+ if (viewSpec?.uses) {
+ viewSpec.uses[ResolveFunction] = undefined;
+ }
+ };
+ this._groupingsToResolve.push(viewSpec);
+ }
+ return [viewSpec, subViews];
+ }
+ // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7950#section-9.3.4
+ private static decimalRange = [
+ { min: -9223372036854775808, max: 9223372036854775807 },
+ { min: -922337203685477580.8, max: 922337203685477580.7 },
+ { min: -92233720368547758.08, max: 92233720368547758.07 },
+ { min: -9223372036854775.808, max: 9223372036854775.807 },
+ { min: -922337203685477.5808, max: 922337203685477.5807 },
+ { min: -92233720368547.75808, max: 92233720368547.75807 },
+ { min: -9223372036854.775808, max: 9223372036854.775807 },
+ { min: -922337203685.4775808, max: 922337203685.4775807 },
+ { min: -92233720368.54775808, max: 92233720368.54775807 },
+ { min: -9223372036.854775808, max: 9223372036.854775807 },
+ { min: -922337203.6854775808, max: 922337203.6854775807 },
+ { min: -92233720.36854775808, max: 92233720.36854775807 },
+ { min: -9223372.036854775808, max: 9223372.036854775807 },
+ { min: -922337.2036854775808, max: 922337.2036854775807 },
+ { min: -92233.72036854775808, max: 92233.72036854775807 },
+ { min: -9223.372036854775808, max: 9223.372036854775807 },
+ { min: -922.3372036854775808, max: 922.3372036854775807 },
+ { min: -92.23372036854775808, max: 92.23372036854775807 },
+ { min: -9.223372036854775808, max: 9.223372036854775807 },
+ ];
+ /** Extracts the UI View from the type in the cur statement. */
+ private getViewElement(cur: Statement, module: Module, parentId: number, currentPath: string, isList: boolean): ViewElement {
+ const type = this.extractValue(cur, 'type');
+ const defaultVal = this.extractValue(cur, 'default') || undefined;
+ const description = this.extractValue(cur, 'description') || undefined;
+ const configValue = this.extractValue(cur, 'config');
+ const config = configValue == null ? true : configValue.toLocaleLowerCase() !== 'false';
+ const extractRange = (min: number, max: number, property: string = 'range'): { expression: Expression<YangRange> | undefined; min: number; max: number } => {
+ const ranges = this.extractValue(this.extractNodes(cur, 'type')[0]!, property) || undefined;
+ const range = ranges?.replace(/min/i, String(min)).replace(/max/i, String(max)).split('|').map(r => {
+ let minValue: number;
+ let maxValue: number;
+ if (r.indexOf('..') > -1) {
+ const [minStr, maxStr] = r.split('..');
+ minValue = Number(minStr);
+ maxValue = Number(maxStr);
+ } else if (!isNaN(maxValue = Number(r && r.trim()))) {
+ minValue = maxValue;
+ } else {
+ minValue = min,
+ maxValue = max;
+ }
+ if (minValue > min) min = minValue;
+ if (maxValue < max) max = maxValue;
+ return {
+ min: minValue,
+ max: maxValue,
+ };
+ });
+ return {
+ min: min,
+ max: max,
+ expression: range && range.length === 1
+ ? range[0]
+ : range && range.length > 1
+ ? { operation: 'OR', arguments: range }
+ : undefined,
+ };
+ };
+ const extractPattern = (): Expression<RegExp> | undefined => {
+ // 2023.01.26 decision MF & SKO: we will no longer remove the backslashes from the pattern, seems to be a bug in the original code
+ const pattern = this.extractNodes(this.extractNodes(cur, 'type')[0]!, 'pattern').map(p => p.arg!).filter(p => !!p).map(p => `^${p/*.replace(/(?:\\(.))/g, '$1')*/}$`);
+ return pattern && pattern.length == 1
+ ? new RegExp(pattern[0])
+ : pattern && pattern.length > 1
+ ? { operation: 'AND', arguments: pattern.map(p => new RegExp(p)) }
+ : undefined;
+ };
+ const mandatory = this.extractValue(cur, 'mandatory') === 'true' || false;
+ if (!cur.arg) {
+ throw new Error(`Module: [${module.name}]. Found element without name.`);
+ }
+ if (!type) {
+ throw new Error(`Module: [${module.name}].[${cur.arg}]. Found element without type.`);
+ }
+ const element: ViewElementBase = {
+ id: parentId === 0 ? `${module.name}:${cur.arg}` : cur.arg,
+ label: cur.arg,
+ path: currentPath,
+ module: module.name || '',
+ config: config,
+ mandatory: mandatory,
+ isList: isList,
+ default: defaultVal,
+ description: description,
+ };
+ if (type === 'string') {
+ const length = extractRange(0, +18446744073709551615, 'length');
+ return ({
+ ...element,
+ uiType: 'string',
+ length: length.expression,
+ pattern: extractPattern(),
+ });
+ } else if (type === 'boolean') {
+ return ({
+ ...element,
+ uiType: 'boolean',
+ });
+ } else if (type === 'uint8') {
+ const range = extractRange(0, +255);
+ return ({
+ ...element,
+ uiType: 'number',
+ range: range.expression,
+ min: range.min,
+ max: range.max,
+ units: this.extractValue(cur, 'units') || undefined,
+ format: this.extractValue(cur, 'format') || undefined,
+ });
+ } else if (type === 'uint16') {
+ const range = extractRange(0, +65535);
+ return ({
+ ...element,
+ uiType: 'number',
+ range: range.expression,
+ min: range.min,
+ max: range.max,
+ units: this.extractValue(cur, 'units') || undefined,
+ format: this.extractValue(cur, 'format') || undefined,
+ });
+ } else if (type === 'uint32') {
+ const range = extractRange(0, +4294967295);
+ return ({
+ ...element,
+ uiType: 'number',
+ range: range.expression,
+ min: range.min,
+ max: range.max,
+ units: this.extractValue(cur, 'units') || undefined,
+ format: this.extractValue(cur, 'format') || undefined,
+ });
+ } else if (type === 'uint64') {
+ const range = extractRange(0, +18446744073709551615);
+ return ({
+ ...element,
+ uiType: 'number',
+ range: range.expression,
+ min: range.min,
+ max: range.max,
+ units: this.extractValue(cur, 'units') || undefined,
+ format: this.extractValue(cur, 'format') || undefined,
+ });
+ } else if (type === 'int8') {
+ const range = extractRange(-128, +127);
+ return ({
+ ...element,
+ uiType: 'number',
+ range: range.expression,
+ min: range.min,
+ max: range.max,
+ units: this.extractValue(cur, 'units') || undefined,
+ format: this.extractValue(cur, 'format') || undefined,
+ });
+ } else if (type === 'int16') {
+ const range = extractRange(-32768, +32767);
+ return ({
+ ...element,
+ uiType: 'number',
+ range: range.expression,
+ min: range.min,
+ max: range.max,
+ units: this.extractValue(cur, 'units') || undefined,
+ format: this.extractValue(cur, 'format') || undefined,
+ });
+ } else if (type === 'int32') {
+ const range = extractRange(-2147483648, +2147483647);
+ return ({
+ ...element,
+ uiType: 'number',
+ range: range.expression,
+ min: range.min,
+ max: range.max,
+ units: this.extractValue(cur, 'units') || undefined,
+ format: this.extractValue(cur, 'format') || undefined,
+ });
+ } else if (type === 'int64') {
+ const range = extractRange(-9223372036854775808, +9223372036854775807);
+ return ({
+ ...element,
+ uiType: 'number',
+ range: range.expression,
+ min: range.min,
+ max: range.max,
+ units: this.extractValue(cur, 'units') || undefined,
+ format: this.extractValue(cur, 'format') || undefined,
+ });
+ } else if (type === 'decimal64') {
+ // decimalRange
+ const fDigits = Number(this.extractValue(this.extractNodes(cur, 'type')[0]!, 'fraction-digits')) || -1;
+ if (fDigits === -1) {
+ throw new Error(`Module: [${module.name}][${currentPath}][${cur.arg}]. Found decimal64 with invalid fraction-digits.`);
+ }
+ const range = extractRange(YangParser.decimalRange[fDigits].min, YangParser.decimalRange[fDigits].max);
+ return ({
+ ...element,
+ uiType: 'number',
+ fDigits: fDigits,
+ range: range.expression,
+ min: range.min,
+ max: range.max,
+ units: this.extractValue(cur, 'units') || undefined,
+ format: this.extractValue(cur, 'format') || undefined,
+ });
+ } else if (type === 'enumeration') {
+ const typeNode = this.extractNodes(cur, 'type')[0]!;
+ const enumNodes = this.extractNodes(typeNode, 'enum');
+ return ({
+ ...element,
+ uiType: 'selection',
+ options: enumNodes.reduce<{ key: string; value: string; description?: string }[]>((acc, enumNode) => {
+ if (!enumNode.arg) {
+ throw new Error(`Module: [${module.name}][${currentPath}][${cur.arg}]. Found option without name.`);
+ }
+ // const ifClause = this.extractValue(enumNode, 'if-feature');
+ const value = this.extractValue(enumNode, 'value');
+ const enumOption = {
+ key: enumNode.arg,
+ value: value != null ? value : enumNode.arg,
+ description: this.extractValue(enumNode, 'description') || undefined,
+ };
+ // todo: ❗ handle the if clause ⚡
+ acc.push(enumOption);
+ return acc;
+ }, []),
+ });
+ } else if (type === 'leafref') {
+ const typeNode = this.extractNodes(cur, 'type')[0]!;
+ const vPath = this.extractValue(typeNode, 'path');
+ if (!vPath) {
+ throw new Error(`Module: [${module.name}][${currentPath}][${cur.arg}]. Found leafref without path.`);
+ }
+ const refPath = this.resolveReferencePath(vPath, module);
+ const resolve = this.resolveReference.bind(this);
+ const res: ViewElement = {
+ ...element,
+ uiType: 'reference',
+ referencePath: refPath,
+ ref(this: ViewElement, basePath: string) {
+ const elementPath = `${basePath}/${cur.arg}`;
+ const result = resolve(refPath, elementPath);
+ if (!result) return undefined;
+ const [resolvedElement, resolvedPath] = result;
+ return resolvedElement && [{
+ ...resolvedElement,
+ id: this.id,
+ label: this.label,
+ config: this.config,
+ mandatory: this.mandatory,
+ isList: this.isList,
+ default: this.default,
+ description: this.description,
+ } as ViewElement, resolvedPath] || undefined;
+ },
+ };
+ return res;
+ } else if (type === 'identityref') {
+ const typeNode = this.extractNodes(cur, 'type')[0]!;
+ const base = this.extractValue(typeNode, 'base');
+ if (!base) {
+ throw new Error(`Module: [${module.name}][${currentPath}][${cur.arg}]. Found identityref without base.`);
+ }
+ const res: ViewElement = {
+ ...element,
+ uiType: 'selection',
+ options: [],
+ };
+ this._identityToResolve.push(() => {
+ const identity: Identity = this.resolveIdentity(base, module);
+ if (!identity) {
+ throw new Error(`Module: [${module.name}][${currentPath}][${cur.arg}]. Could not resolve identity [${base}].`);
+ }
+ if (!identity.values || identity.values.length === 0) {
+ throw new Error(`Identity: [${base}] has no values.`);
+ }
+ res.options = identity.values.map(val => ({
+ key: val.id,
+ value: val.id,
+ description: val.description,
+ }));
+ });
+ return res;
+ } else if (type === 'empty') {
+ // todo: ❗ handle empty ⚡
+ /* 9.11. The empty Built-In Type
+ The empty built-in type represents a leaf that does not have any
+ value, it conveys information by its presence or absence. */
+ return {
+ ...element,
+ uiType: 'empty',
+ };
+ } else if (type === 'union') {
+ // todo: ❗ handle union ⚡
+ /* 9.12. The union Built-In Type */
+ const typeNode = this.extractNodes(cur, 'type')[0]!;
+ const typeNodes = this.extractNodes(typeNode, 'type');
+ const resultingElement = {
+ ...element,
+ uiType: 'union',
+ elements: [],
+ } as ViewElementUnion;
+ const resolveUnion = () => {
+ resultingElement.elements.push(...typeNodes.map(node => {
+ const stm: Statement = {
+ ...cur,
+ sub: [
+ ...(cur.sub?.filter(s => s.key !== 'type') || []),
+ node,
+ ],
+ };
+ return {
+ ...this.getViewElement(stm, module, parentId, currentPath, isList),
+ id: node.arg!,
+ };
+ }));
+ };
+ this._unionsToResolve.push(resolveUnion);
+ return resultingElement;
+ } else if (type === 'bits') {
+ const typeNode = this.extractNodes(cur, 'type')[0]!;
+ const bitNodes = this.extractNodes(typeNode, 'bit');
+ return {
+ ...element,
+ uiType: 'bits',
+ flags: bitNodes.reduce<{ [name: string]: number | undefined }>((acc, bitNode) => {
+ if (!bitNode.arg) {
+ throw new Error(`Module: [${module.name}][${currentPath}][${cur.arg}]. Found bit without name.`);
+ }
+ // const ifClause = this.extractValue(bitNode, 'if-feature');
+ const pos = Number(this.extractValue(bitNode, 'position'));
+ acc[bitNode.arg] = pos === pos ? pos : undefined;
+ return acc;
+ }, {}),
+ };
+ } else if (type === 'binary') {
+ return {
+ ...element,
+ uiType: 'binary',
+ length: extractRange(0, +18446744073709551615, 'length'),
+ };
+ } else if (type === 'instance-identifier') {
+ // https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7950#page-168
+ return {
+ ...element,
+ uiType: 'string',
+ length: extractRange(0, +18446744073709551615, 'length'),
+ };
+ } else {
+ // not a build in type, need to resolve type
+ let typeRef = this.resolveType(type, module);
+ if (typeRef == null) console.error(new Error(`Could not resolve type ${type} in [${module.name}][${currentPath}].`));
+ if (isViewElementString(typeRef)) {
+ typeRef = this.resolveStringType(typeRef, extractPattern(), extractRange(0, +18446744073709551615));
+ } else if (isViewElementNumber(typeRef)) {
+ typeRef = this.resolveNumberType(typeRef, extractRange(typeRef.min, typeRef.max));
+ }
+ const res = {
+ id: element.id,
+ } as ViewElement;
+ this._typeRefToResolve.push(() => {
+ // spoof date type here from special string type
+ if ((type === 'date-and-time' || type.endsWith(':date-and-time')) && typeRef.module === 'ietf-yang-types') {
+ Object.assign(res, {
+ ...typeRef,
+ ...element,
+ description: description,
+ uiType: 'date',
+ });
+ } else {
+ Object.assign(res, {
+ ...typeRef,
+ ...element,
+ description: description,
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+ private resolveStringType(parentElement: ViewElementString, pattern: Expression<RegExp> | undefined, length: { expression: Expression<YangRange> | undefined; min: number; max: number }) {
+ return {
+ ...parentElement,
+ pattern: pattern != null && parentElement.pattern
+ ? { operation: 'AND', arguments: [pattern, parentElement.pattern] }
+ : parentElement.pattern
+ ? parentElement.pattern
+ : pattern,
+ length: length.expression != null && parentElement.length
+ ? { operation: 'AND', arguments: [length.expression, parentElement.length] }
+ : parentElement.length
+ ? parentElement.length
+ : length?.expression,
+ } as ViewElementString;
+ }
+ private resolveNumberType(parentElement: ViewElementNumber, range: { expression: Expression<YangRange> | undefined; min: number; max: number }) {
+ return {
+ ...parentElement,
+ range: range.expression != null && parentElement.range
+ ? { operation: 'AND', arguments: [range.expression, parentElement.range] }
+ : parentElement.range
+ ? parentElement.range
+ : range,
+ min: range.min,
+ max: range.max,
+ } as ViewElementNumber;
+ }
+ private resolveReferencePath(vPath: string, module: Module) {
+ const vPathParser = /(?:(?:([^\/\:]+):)?([^\/]+))/g; // 1 = opt: namespace / 2 = property
+ return vPath.replace(vPathParser, (_, ns, property) => {
+ const nameSpace = ns && module.imports[ns] || module.name;
+ return `${nameSpace}:${property}`;
+ });
+ }
+ private resolveReference(vPath: string, currentPath: string) {
+ const vPathParser = /(?:(?:([^\/\[\]\:]+):)?([^\/\[\]]+)(\[[^\]]+\])?)/g; // 1 = opt: namespace / 2 = property / 3 = opt: indexPath
+ let element: ViewElement | null = null;
+ let moduleName = '';
+ const vPathParts = splitVPath(vPath, vPathParser).map(p => ({ ns: p[1], property: p[2], ind: p[3] }));
+ const resultPathParts = !vPath.startsWith('/')
+ ? splitVPath(currentPath, vPathParser).map(p => { moduleName = p[1] || moduleName; return { ns: moduleName, property: p[2], ind: p[3] }; })
+ : [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < vPathParts.length; ++i) {
+ const vPathPart = vPathParts[i];
+ if (vPathPart.property === '..') {
+ resultPathParts.pop();
+ } else if (vPathPart.property !== '.') {
+ resultPathParts.push(vPathPart);
+ }
+ }
+ // resolve element by path
+ for (let j = 0; j < resultPathParts.length; ++j) {
+ const pathPart = resultPathParts[j];
+ if (j === 0) {
+ moduleName = pathPart.ns;
+ const rootModule = this._modules[moduleName];
+ if (!rootModule) throw new Error('Could not resolve module [' + moduleName + '].\r\n' + vPath);
+ element = rootModule.elements[`${pathPart.ns}:${pathPart.property}`];
+ } else if (element && isViewElementObjectOrList(element)) {
+ const view: ViewSpecification = this._views[+element.viewId];
+ if (moduleName !== pathPart.ns) {
+ moduleName = pathPart.ns;
+ }
+ element = view.elements[pathPart.property] || view.elements[`${moduleName}:${pathPart.property}`];
+ } else {
+ throw new Error('Could not resolve reference.\r\n' + vPath);
+ }
+ if (!element) throw new Error('Could not resolve path [' + pathPart.property + '] in [' + currentPath + '] \r\n' + vPath);
+ }
+ moduleName = ''; // create the vPath for the resolved element, do not add the element itself this will be done later in the res(...) function
+ return [element, resultPathParts.slice(0, -1).map(p => `${moduleName !== p.ns ? `${moduleName = p.ns}:` : ''}${p.property}${p.ind || ''}`).join('/')];
+ }
+ private resolveView(vPath: string) {
+ const vPathParser = /(?:(?:([^\/\[\]\:]+):)?([^\/\[\]]+)(\[[^\]]+\])?)/g; // 1 = opt: namespace / 2 = property / 3 = opt: indexPath
+ let element: ViewElement | null = null;
+ let partMatch: RegExpExecArray | null;
+ let view: ViewSpecification | null = null;
+ let moduleName = '';
+ if (vPath) do {
+ partMatch = vPathParser.exec(vPath);
+ if (partMatch) {
+ if (element === null) {
+ moduleName = partMatch[1]!;
+ const rootModule = this._modules[moduleName];
+ if (!rootModule) return null;
+ element = rootModule.elements[`${moduleName}:${partMatch[2]!}`];
+ } else if (isViewElementObjectOrList(element)) {
+ view = this._views[+element.viewId];
+ if (moduleName !== partMatch[1]) {
+ moduleName = partMatch[1];
+ element = view.elements[`${moduleName}:${partMatch[2]}`];
+ } else {
+ element = view.elements[partMatch[2]];
+ }
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (!element) return null;
+ }
+ } while (partMatch);
+ return element && isViewElementObjectOrList(element) && this._views[+element.viewId] || null;
+ }
+ private resolveType(type: string, module: Module) {
+ const colonInd = type.indexOf(':');
+ const preFix = colonInd > -1 ? type.slice(0, colonInd) : '';
+ const typeName = colonInd > -1 ? type.slice(colonInd + 1) : type;
+ const res = preFix
+ ? this._modules[module.imports[preFix]].typedefs[typeName]
+ : module.typedefs[typeName];
+ return res;
+ }
+ private resolveGrouping(grouping: string, module: Module) {
+ const collonInd = grouping.indexOf(':');
+ const preFix = collonInd > -1 ? grouping.slice(0, collonInd) : '';
+ const groupingName = collonInd > -1 ? grouping.slice(collonInd + 1) : grouping;
+ return preFix
+ ? this._modules[module.imports[preFix]].groupings[groupingName]
+ : module.groupings[groupingName];
+ }
+ private resolveIdentity(identity: string, module: Module) {
+ const collonInd = identity.indexOf(':');
+ const preFix = collonInd > -1 ? identity.slice(0, collonInd) : '';
+ const identityName = collonInd > -1 ? identity.slice(collonInd + 1) : identity;
+ return preFix
+ ? this._modules[module.imports[preFix]].identities[identityName]
+ : module.identities[identityName];
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file