.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
.. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0
.. Copyright (C) 2019 IBM.

.. _hello_world_script_executor_cba:

How to create a “Hello World” Package with CDS Designer UI? The Script Executor Type

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2

.. note::
    **How to Get Started with CDS Designer UI**

    If you’re new to CDS Designer UI and need to get set up, the following guides may be helpful:

    -  :ref:`running_cds_ui_locally`
    -  :ref:`designer_guide`

.. note::

    In order to see the latest version described below in the tutorial, we will need to use the latest cds-ui-server docker image:

Create New CBA Package

In the Package List, click on the **Create Package** button.


Define Package MetaData


1. Package name (Required), type **"Hello-world-package-kotlin"**
2. Package version (Required), type **"1.0.0"**
3. Package description (Required), type **"just description"**
4. Package Tags (Required), type **"kotlin"** then use the **Enter** key on the keyboard
5. In the Custom Key section, add Key name **"template_type"** and
6. For Key Value **"DEFAULT"**


Once you enter all fields you will be able to save your package. Click on the **Save** button and continue to define your package.


Define Scripts

In the SCRIPTS Tab:

1. Click on the **Create Script** button


In the **Create Script File** modal:


1. Enter script file name **"Test"**
2. Choose the script type **"Kotlin"**
3. Type or copy and paste the below script in the code editor

.. code-block:: kotlin

     \* Copyright © 2020, Orange
     \* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     \* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     \* You may obtain a copy of the License at
     \* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     \* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     \* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     \* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     \* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     \* limitations under the License.

    package org.onap.ccsdk.cds.blueprintsprocessor.services.execution.scripts

    import org.onap.ccsdk.cds.blueprintsprocessor.core.api.data.ExecutionServiceInput
    import org.onap.ccsdk.cds.blueprintsprocessor.services.execution.AbstractScriptComponentFunction
    import org.onap.ccsdk.cds.blueprintsprocessor.services.execution.ComponentRemoteScriptExecutor
    import org.onap.ccsdk.cds.controllerblueprints.core.asJsonPrimitive
    import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory

    open class HelloWorld : AbstractScriptComponentFunction() {
        private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HelloWorld::class.java)!!

        override fun getName(): String {
             return "Check"

        override suspend fun processNB(executionRequest: ExecutionServiceInput) {
              log.info("executing hello world script ")
              val username = getDynamicProperties("username").asText()
              log.info("username : $username")
              //executionRequest.payload.put("Action1-response","hello from $username")
              setAttribute("response-data", "Hello, $username".asJsonPrimitive())

        override suspend fun recoverNB(runtimeException: RuntimeException, executionRequest: ExecutionServiceInput) {
               log.info("Executing Recovery")

4. Click on the **Create Script** button to save the script file


Now, you can view and edit your script file.


After the new script is added to the **scripts list**, click on the **Save** button to save the package updates.


Define DSL Properties


1. Copy and paste the below DSL definition

.. code-block::

        "Action1-properties": {
            "username": {
                "get_input": "username"


Then click on the **Save** button to update the package.


Create An Action

From the Package information box on top, click on the **Designer Mode** button.


Click on the **Skip to Designer Canvas** button to go directly to Designer Mode.


Now the designer has zero action added. Let's start adding the first Action.


Go to the left side of the designer screen and in the **ACTIONS tab**, click on the **+ New Action** button.


Now, the first Action **Action1** is added to the **Actions list** and in the **Workflow canvas**.


Add Script Executor Function To The Action

On the left side of the designer screen, Click on the **FUNCTIONS tab** to view all the **Functions List.**


**Drag** the function type **"component-script-executor"**


**Drop** the function to the **"Action1"** Action container.


Define Action Attributes

Click on **Action1** from the ACTIONS tab to open **the ACTION ATTRIBUTES** section on designer screens’ right side.


Let's customize the first action's attribute by click on the **+ Create Custom** button to open **Add Custom Attributes** modal window.


In the **Add Custom Attributes** **Window**, and the **INPUTS tab** starts to add the first input attribute for **Action1**.
**INPUTS Tab:** Enter the required properties for the inputs’ attribute:

1. Name: **"username"**
2. Type: **"Other"**
3. Attribute type name:  **"dt-resource-assignment-properties"**
4. Required: **"True"**


After you add the **username** input's attribute, click on In the OUTPUT Tab to create the output attribute too.


**OUTPUTS Tab:** Enter the required properties for the output’ attribute:

1. Name: **"hello-world-output"**
2. Required: **"True"**
3. Type: **"Other"**
4. Type name: **"json"**
5. Value (get_attribute): From the **Functions list**, select **"component-script-executor"** that will show all attributes included in this function
6. Select parameter name **"response-data"**
7. Click on the **Submit Attributes** button to add input and output attributes to **Actions' Attributes list**
8. Click on the **Close** button to close the modal window and go back to the designer screen.


Now, you can see all the added attributes listed in the **ACTION ATTRIBUTES** area.


Define Function Attributes

From **ACTIONS** List, Click on the function nam **"component-script-executor"**.


When you click on the **component-script-executor** function, the **FUNCTION ATTRIBUTES** section will be open on the right side of the designers' screen.
Now, you need to add the values of **Inputs** required attributes in **the Interfaces** **section**.


1. **script-type:** **"kotlin"**
2. **script-class-reference: "org.onap.ccsdk.cds.blueprintsprocessor.services.execution.scripts.HelloWorld"**
3. Add optional attribute by click on **Add Optional Attributes** button, add **"dynamic-properties"** then enter the value **"*Action1-properties"**


From the page header and inside **the Save** **menu**, click on the **Save** button to save all the changes.


Enrich And Deploy The CBA Package

From the page header and inside the **Save menu**, click on the **Enrich & Deploy** button.


Once the process is done, a confirmation message will appear.


Test The CBA package With CDS REST API

To test the CDS hello_world package we created, we can use the REST API shown below to run the **script executor** workflow in the **Hello-world-package-kotlin** package, which will resolve the value of the "username" resource from the REST Call input, and will send it back to the user in the form of "Hello, $username!".

**CURL Request to RUN CBA Package**

.. code-block:: bash

     curl --location --request POST '' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \
     --header 'Accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8,application/json' \
     --header 'Authorization: Basic Y2NzZGthcHBzOmNjc2RrYXBwcw==' \
     --header 'Host: cds-blueprints-processor-http:8080' \
     --header 'Cookie: JSESSIONID=7E69BC3F752FD5A3D7D1663FE583ED71' \
     --data-raw '{
                    "actionIdentifiers": {
                        "mode": "sync",
                        "blueprintName": "Hello-world-package-kotlin",
                        "blueprintVersion": "1.0.0",
                        "actionName": "Action1"
                    "payload": {
                        "Action1-request": {
                            "username":"Orange Egypt"
                    "commonHeader": {
                        "subRequestId": "143748f9-3cd5-4910-81c9-a4601ff2ea58",
                        "requestId": "e5eb1f1e-3386-435d-b290-d49d8af8db4c",
                        "originatorId": "SDNC_DG"

**CDS Response showing result of running package**

.. code-block:: bash

    200 OK
            "correlationUUID": null,
            "commonHeader": {
                "timestamp": "2021-01-12T13:22:26.518Z",
                "originatorId": "SDNC_DG",
                "requestId": "e5eb1f1e-3386-435d-b290-d49d8af8db4c",
                "subRequestId": "143748f9-3cd5-4910-81c9-a4601ff2ea58",
                "flags": null
            "actionIdentifiers": {
                "blueprintName": "Hello-world-package-kotlin",
                "blueprintVersion": "1.0.0",
                "actionName": "Action1",
                "mode": "sync"
            "status": {
                "code": 200,
                "eventType": "EVENT_COMPONENT_EXECUTED",
                "timestamp": "2021-01-12T13:22:56.144Z",
                "errorMessage": null,
                "message": "success"
            "payload": {
                "Action1-response": {
                    "hello-world-output": {
                        "hello_world_template": "Hello, Orange Egypt"

Screenshot from POSTMAN showing how to run the **Hello_world-package-kotlin** package, and the CDS Response:


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