.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. Copyright (C) 2019 IBM. .. _hello_world_script_executor_cba: How to create a “Hello World” Package with CDS Designer UI? The Script Executor Type ==================================================================================== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 .. note:: **How to Get Started with CDS Designer UI** If you’re new to CDS Designer UI and need to get set up, the following guides may be helpful: - :ref:`running_cds_ui_locally` - :ref:`designer_guide` .. note:: **NOTE:** In order to see the latest version described below in the tutorial, we will need to use the latest cds-ui-server docker image: nexus3.onap.org:10001/onap/ccsdk-cds-ui-server:1.1.0-STAGING-latest Create New CBA Package ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the Package List, click on the **Create Package** button. |image1| Define Package MetaData ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In METADATA Tab: 1. Package name (Required), type **"Hello-world-package-kotlin"** 2. Package version (Required), type **"1.0.0"** 3. Package description (Required), type **"just description"** 4. Package Tags (Required), type **"kotlin"** then use the **Enter** key on the keyboard 5. In the Custom Key section, add Key name **"template_type"** and 6. For Key Value **"DEFAULT"** |image2| Once you enter all fields you will be able to save your package. Click on the **Save** button and continue to define your package. |image3| Define Scripts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the SCRIPTS Tab: 1. Click on the **Create Script** button |image4| In the **Create Script File** modal: |image5| 1. Enter script file name **"Test"** 2. Choose the script type **"Kotlin"** 3. Type or copy and paste the below script in the code editor .. code-block:: kotlin /* \* Copyright © 2020, Orange \* \* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); \* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. \* You may obtain a copy of the License at \* \* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 \* \* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software \* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, \* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. \* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and \* limitations under the License. */ package org.onap.ccsdk.cds.blueprintsprocessor.services.execution.scripts import org.onap.ccsdk.cds.blueprintsprocessor.core.api.data.ExecutionServiceInput import org.onap.ccsdk.cds.blueprintsprocessor.services.execution.AbstractScriptComponentFunction import org.onap.ccsdk.cds.blueprintsprocessor.services.execution.ComponentRemoteScriptExecutor import org.onap.ccsdk.cds.controllerblueprints.core.asJsonPrimitive import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory open class HelloWorld : AbstractScriptComponentFunction() { private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HelloWorld::class.java)!! override fun getName(): String { return "Check" } override suspend fun processNB(executionRequest: ExecutionServiceInput) { log.info("executing hello world script ") val username = getDynamicProperties("username").asText() log.info("username : $username") //executionRequest.payload.put("Action1-response","hello from $username") setAttribute("response-data", "Hello, $username".asJsonPrimitive()) } override suspend fun recoverNB(runtimeException: RuntimeException, executionRequest: ExecutionServiceInput) { log.info("Executing Recovery") bluePrintRuntimeService.getBluePrintError().addError("${runtimeException.message}") } } 4. Click on the **Create Script** button to save the script file |image6| Now, you can view and edit your script file. |image7| After the new script is added to the **scripts list**, click on the **Save** button to save the package updates. |image8| Define DSL Properties ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the DSL PROPERTIES Tab: 1. Copy and paste the below DSL definition .. code-block:: { "Action1-properties": { "username": { "get_input": "username" } } } |image9| Then click on the **Save** button to update the package. |image10| Create An Action ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From the Package information box on top, click on the **Designer Mode** button. |image11| Click on the **Skip to Designer Canvas** button to go directly to Designer Mode. |image12| Now the designer has zero action added. Let's start adding the first Action. |image13| Go to the left side of the designer screen and in the **ACTIONS tab**, click on the **+ New Action** button. |image14| Now, the first Action **Action1** is added to the **Actions list** and in the **Workflow canvas**. |image15| Add Script Executor Function To The Action ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ On the left side of the designer screen, Click on the **FUNCTIONS tab** to view all the **Functions List.** |image16| **Drag** the function type **"component-script-executor"** |image17| **Drop** the function to the **"Action1"** Action container. |image18| Define Action Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Click on **Action1** from the ACTIONS tab to open **the ACTION ATTRIBUTES** section on designer screens’ right side. |image19| Let's customize the first action's attribute by click on the **+ Create Custom** button to open **Add Custom Attributes** modal window. |image20| In the **Add Custom Attributes** **Window**, and the **INPUTS tab** starts to add the first input attribute for **Action1**. **INPUTS Tab:** Enter the required properties for the inputs’ attribute: 1. Name: **"username"** 2. Type: **"Other"** 3. Attribute type name: **"dt-resource-assignment-properties"** 4. Required: **"True"** |image21| After you add the **username** input's attribute, click on In the OUTPUT Tab to create the output attribute too. |image22| **OUTPUTS Tab:** Enter the required properties for the output’ attribute: 1. Name: **"hello-world-output"** 2. Required: **"True"** 3. Type: **"Other"** 4. Type name: **"json"** 5. Value (get_attribute): From the **Functions list**, select **"component-script-executor"** that will show all attributes included in this function 6. Select parameter name **"response-data"** 7. Click on the **Submit Attributes** button to add input and output attributes to **Actions' Attributes list** 8. Click on the **Close** button to close the modal window and go back to the designer screen. |image23| Now, you can see all the added attributes listed in the **ACTION ATTRIBUTES** area. |image24| Define Function Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From **ACTIONS** List, Click on the function nam **"component-script-executor"**. |image25| When you click on the **component-script-executor** function, the **FUNCTION ATTRIBUTES** section will be open on the right side of the designers' screen. Now, you need to add the values of **Inputs** required attributes in **the Interfaces** **section**. |image26| 1. **script-type:** **"kotlin"** 2. **script-class-reference: "org.onap.ccsdk.cds.blueprintsprocessor.services.execution.scripts.HelloWorld"** 3. Add optional attribute by click on **Add Optional Attributes** button, add **"dynamic-properties"** then enter the value **"*Action1-properties"** |image27| Click on the **Save** button to update the package with the function attributes. |image28| From the page header and inside **the Save** **menu**, click on the **Save** button to save all the changes. |image29| Enrich And Deploy The CBA Package ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From the page header and inside the **Save menu**, click on the **Enrich & Deploy** button. |image30| Once the process is done, a confirmation message will appear. |image31| Test The CBA package With CDS REST API ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To test the CDS hello_world package we created, we can use the REST API shown below to run the **script executor** workflow in the **Hello-world-package-kotlin** package, which will resolve the value of the "username" resource from the REST Call input, and will send it back to the user in the form of "Hello, $username!". **CURL Request to RUN CBA Package** .. code-block:: bash curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' \ --header 'Accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8,application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Basic Y2NzZGthcHBzOmNjc2RrYXBwcw==' \ --header 'Host: cds-blueprints-processor-http:8080' \ --header 'Cookie: JSESSIONID=7E69BC3F752FD5A3D7D1663FE583ED71' \ --data-raw '{ "actionIdentifiers": { "mode": "sync", "blueprintName": "Hello-world-package-kotlin", "blueprintVersion": "1.0.0", "actionName": "Action1" }, "payload": { "Action1-request": { "username":"Orange Egypt" } }, "commonHeader": { "subRequestId": "143748f9-3cd5-4910-81c9-a4601ff2ea58", "requestId": "e5eb1f1e-3386-435d-b290-d49d8af8db4c", "originatorId": "SDNC_DG" } }' **CDS Response showing result of running package** .. code-block:: bash 200 OK { "correlationUUID": null, "commonHeader": { "timestamp": "2021-01-12T13:22:26.518Z", "originatorId": "SDNC_DG", "requestId": "e5eb1f1e-3386-435d-b290-d49d8af8db4c", "subRequestId": "143748f9-3cd5-4910-81c9-a4601ff2ea58", "flags": null }, "actionIdentifiers": { "blueprintName": "Hello-world-package-kotlin", "blueprintVersion": "1.0.0", "actionName": "Action1", "mode": "sync" }, "status": { "code": 200, "eventType": "EVENT_COMPONENT_EXECUTED", "timestamp": "2021-01-12T13:22:56.144Z", "errorMessage": null, "message": "success" }, "payload": { "Action1-response": { "hello-world-output": { "hello_world_template": "Hello, Orange Egypt" } } } } Screenshot from POSTMAN showing how to run the **Hello_world-package-kotlin** package, and the CDS Response: |image32| .. |image1| image:: https://wiki.onap.org/download/attachments/93006316/1.png?version=1&modificationDate=1610364491000&api=v2 :width: 1000pt .. |image2| image:: https://wiki.onap.org/download/attachments/93006316/02.png?version=1&modificationDate=1610390913000&api=v2 :width: 1000pt .. |image3| image:: 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