.. This work is a derivative of https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Modeling+Concepts#Concepts-703799064 by IBM .. used under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. Copyright (C) 2020 Deutsche Telekom AG. Scripts ------------- Library +++++++++++++++++ NetconfClient +++++++++++++++++ In order to facilitate NETCONF interaction within scripts, a python NetconfClient binded to our Kotlin implementation is made available. This NetconfClient can be used when using the component-netconf-executor. The client can be find here: https://github.com/onap/ccsdk-cds/blob/master/components/scripts/python/ccsdk_netconf/netconfclient.py ResolutionHelper +++++++++++++++++ When executing a component executor script, designer might want to perform resource resolution along with template meshing directly from the script itself. The helper can be find here: https://github.com/onap/ccsdk-cds/blob/master/components/scripts/python/ccsdk_netconf/common.py