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    <name>Components Model Catalog - Blueprints Model - Test Kotlin Parent</name>


                            <!-- Sets the VM argument line used when unit tests are run. -->
                            <argLine>-Xmx1024m </argLine>

                                        import okhttp3.Credentials
                                        import okhttp3.MediaType
                                        import okhttp3.MultipartBody
                                        import okhttp3.OkHttpClient
                                        import okhttp3.Request
                                        import okhttp3.RequestBody
                                        import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils

                                        import java.io.File

                                        target = "${basedir.absolutePath}/target"
                                        userName = throwIfPropMissing('cds.username')
                                        password = throwIfPropMissing('cds.password')
                                        protocol = properties['cds.protocol'] ?: 'http'
                                        host = properties['cds.host'] ?: 'localhost'
                                        port = properties['cds.port'] ?: '8081'

                                        def cba = "${project.artifact.artifactId}-${project.artifact.version}-cba.zip"
                                        def enrichedCba = "${project.artifact.artifactId}-${project.artifact.version}-enriched-cba.zip"
                                        def enrichEndpoint = properties['cds.enrich.endpoint'] ?: 'api/v1/blueprint-model/enrich'
                                        def publishEndpoint = properties['cds.publish.endpoint'] ?: 'api/v1/blueprint-model/publish'

                                        def throwIfPropMissing(prop) {
                                            value = properties[prop]
                                            if (!value || "".equals(value)) {
                                                throw new RuntimeException("Property missing: $prop")
                                            return value

                                        def buildRequest(endpoint, fileName) {
                                            body = new MultipartBody.Builder()
                                                            RequestBody.create(MediaType.parse('application/zip'), new File(target, fileName)))

                                            return new Request.Builder()
                                                    .addHeader('Authorization', Credentials.basic(userName, password))

                                        def logAndThrow(msg) {
                                            if(response) {
                                            throw new RuntimeException(msg)

                                        response = null
                                        try {
                                            def client = new OkHttpClient()

                                            response = client.newCall(buildRequest(enrichEndpoint, cba)).execute()
                                            if (!response || !response.isSuccessful()) {
                                                logAndThrow("Failed to enrich CBA")

                                                    new FileOutputStream(new File(target, enrichedCba))
                                            log.info("Created enriched cba: $enrichedCba")

                                            response = client.newCall(buildRequest(publishEndpoint, enrichedCba)).execute()
                                            if (!response || !response.isSuccessful()) {
                                                logAndThrow("Failed to publish CBA")

                                            log.info("CBA Deployed")
                                        } finally {
                                            if (response) {