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"Dynamic PropertyDefinition for workflow(config-assign).", "required": true, "type": "dt-config-assign-properties" } }, "outputs": { "dry-run": { "type": "json", "value": { "get_attribuxte": [ "config-assign", "assignment-params" ] } } } }, "config-deploy": { "steps": { "imperative-workflow-step-1": { "description": "resolve ip for vlb", "target": "nf-account-collection", "activities": [ { "call_operation": "ResourceResolutionComponent.process" } ], "on_success": [ "imperative-workflow-step-2" ] }, "imperative-workflow-step-2": { "description": "execute restconf", "target": "execute", "activities": [ { "call_operation": "ComponentScriptExecutor.process" } ] } }, "inputs": { "resolution-key": { "required": false, "type": "string" }, "service-instance-id": { "required": false, "type": "string" }, "config-deploy-properties": { "description": "Dynamic PropertyDefinition for workflow(config-deploy).", "required": true, "type": "dt-config-deploy-properties" } } }, "HealthCheck": { "steps": { 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"type": "string" } } }, "ScaleOutReconfiguration": { "steps": { "imperative-workflow-step-0": { "description": "Config Assign Workflow", "target": "ScaleOutReconfiguration", "activities": [ { "call_operation": "ResourceResolutionComponent.process" } ], "on_success": [ "imperative-workflow-step-1" ] }, "imperative-workflow-step-1": { "description": "resolve ip for vlb", "target": "nf-account-collection", "activities": [ { "call_operation": "ResourceResolutionComponent.process" } ], "on_success": [ "imperative-workflow-step-2" ] }, "imperative-workflow-step-2": { "description": "execute restconf", "target": "execute", "activities": [ { "call_operation": "ComponentScriptExecutor.process" } ] } }, "inputs": { "resolution-key": { "required": false, "type": "string" }, "service-instance-id": { "required": false, "type": "string" }, "ScaleOutReconfiguration-properties": { "description": "Dynamic PropertyDefinition for workflow(ScaleOutReconfiguration).", "required": true, "type": 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"vlb-mapping": { "type": "artifact-mapping-resource", "file": "Templates/vlb-mapping.json" } } }, "config-assign": { "type": "component-resource-resolution", "interfaces": { "ResourceResolutionComponent": { "operations": { "process": { "inputs": { "resolution-key": { "get_input": "resolution-key" }, "store-result": true, "artifact-prefix-names": [ "baseconfig" ] } } } } }, "artifacts": { "baseconfig-template": { "type": "artifact-template-velocity", "file": "Templates/baseconfig-template.vtl" }, "baseconfig-mapping": { "type": "artifact-mapping-resource", "file": "Templates/baseconfig-mapping.json" } } }, "ScaleOutReconfiguration": { "type": "component-resource-resolution", "interfaces": { "ResourceResolutionComponent": { "operations": { "process": { "inputs": { "resolution-key": { "get_input": "resolution-key" }, "store-result": true, "artifact-prefix-names": [ "baseconfig" ] } } } } }, "artifacts": { "baseconfig-template": { "type": "artifact-template-velocity", "file": "Templates/baseconfig-template.vtl" }, "baseconfig-mapping": { "type": "artifact-mapping-resource", "file": "Templates/baseconfig-mapping.json" } } }, "netconf-device": { "type": "vnf-netconf-device", "capabilities": { "netconf": { "properties": { "login-key": "admin", "login-account": "admin", "target-ip-address": { "get_attribute": [ "nf-account-collection", "", "assignment-params", "nf-params" ] }, "port-number": 2831, "connection-time-out": 5 } }, "restconf": { "properties": { "login-key": "admin", "login-account": "admin", "target-ip-address": { "get_attribute": [ "nf-account-collection", "", "assignment-params", "nf-params" ] }, "port-number": 8183, "connection-time-out": 5 } } } }, "nf-account-collection": { "type": "component-resource-resolution", "interfaces": { "ResourceResolutionComponent": { "operations": { "process": { "inputs": { "artifact-prefix-names": [ "nf-params" ] } } } } }, "artifacts": { "nf-params-template": { "type": "artifact-template-velocity", "file": "Templates/nf-params-template.vtl" }, "nf-params-mapping": { "type": "artifact-mapping-resource", "file": "Templates/nf-params-mapping.json" } } }, "execute": { "type": "component-script-executor", "requirements": { "restconf-connection": { "capability": "restconf", "node": "netconf-device", "relationship": "tosca.relationships.ConnectsTo" } }, "interfaces": { "ComponentScriptExecutor": { "operations": { "process": { "inputs": { "script-type": "kotlin", "script-class-reference": "org.onap.ccsdk.cds.blueprintsprocessor.services.execution.scripts.ConfigDeploy", "instance-dependencies": [], "dynamic-properties": "*config-deploy-properties" } } } } } }, "executeHealthCheck": { "type": "component-script-executor", "requirements": { "restconf-connection": { "capability": "restconf", "node": "netconf-device", "relationship": "tosca.relationships.ConnectsTo" } }, "interfaces": { "ComponentScriptExecutor": { "operations": { "process": { "inputs": { "script-type": "kotlin", "script-class-reference": "org.onap.ccsdk.cds.blueprintsprocessor.services.execution.scripts.HealthCheck", "instance-dependencies": [], "dynamic-properties": "*HealthCheck-properties" } } } } } } } } }