import { Component, OnInit, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core'; import * as joint from 'jointjs'; import './jointjs/elements/palette.function.element'; import './jointjs/elements/action.element'; import './jointjs/elements/board.function.element'; import { DesignerStore } from './'; import { ActionElementTypeName } from 'src/app/common/constants/app-constants'; @Component({ selector: 'app-designer', templateUrl: './designer.component.html', styleUrls: ['./designer.component.css'], encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None }) export class DesignerComponent implements OnInit { private controllerSideBar: boolean; private attributesSideBar: boolean; //to generate Ids for dragged function elements private fuctionIdCounter=0; private actionIdCounter=0; boardGraph: joint.dia.Graph; boardPaper: joint.dia.Paper; paletteGraph: joint.dia.Graph; palettePaper: joint.dia.Paper; constructor(private designerStore: DesignerStore) { this.controllerSideBar = true; this.attributesSideBar = false; } private _toggleSidebar1() { this.controllerSideBar = !this.controllerSideBar; } private _toggleSidebar2() { this.attributesSideBar = !this.attributesSideBar; } /** * - There is a board (main paper) that will the action and function selected from the palette * itmes in this board will be used to create tosca workflow and node templates * - There is also palette , whis contains all the possible functions and actions * that can be dragged into the board * - There is also a fly paper , which is temporarliy paper created on the fly * when items is dragged from the palette- and it's deleted when the item is dropped over * the board. * for more info about the drag and drop algorithem used please visit the following link: * */ ngOnInit() { this.initializeBoard(); this.initializePalette(); // this.createEditBarOverThePaper(); //functions list is contants for now const list = [ { modelName: 'component-netconf-executor'}, { modelName: 'component-remote-ansible-executor' }, { modelName: 'dg-generic' }, { modelName: 'component-resource-resolution' }]; const cells = this.buildPaletteGraphFromList(list); this.paletteGraph.resetCells(cells); let idx = 0; cells.forEach(cell => { console.log(cell); cell.translate(5, (cell.attributes.size.height + 5) * idx++); }); this.stencilPaperEventListeners(); /** * the code to retrieve from server is commented */ // this.designerStore.state$.subscribe(state => { // console.log(state); // if (state.functions) { // console.log('functions-->' , state.functions); // // this.viewedFunctions = state.functions; // const list = state.functions; // } // }); //action triggering // this.designerStore.getFuntions(); } initializePalette() { if (!this.paletteGraph) { this.paletteGraph = new joint.dia.Graph(); this.palettePaper = new joint.dia.Paper({ el: $('#palette-paper'), model: this.paletteGraph, height: 300, width: 300, gridSize: 1, interactive: false }); } } initializeBoard() { if (!this.boardGraph) { this.boardGraph = new joint.dia.Graph(); this.boardPaper = new joint.dia.Paper({ el: $('#board-paper'), model: this.boardGraph, height: 720, width: 1200, gridSize: 10, drawGrid: true, // background: { // color: 'rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.3)' // }, cellViewNamespace: joint.shapes }); this.boardPaper.on('all', element => { // console.log(element); }); this.boardPaper.on('link:pointerdown', link => { console.log(link); }); this.boardPaper.on('element:pointerdown', element => { // this.modelSelected.emit(element.model.get('model')); }); this.boardPaper.on('blank:pointerclick', () => { // this.selectedModel = undefined; }); this.boardGraph.on('change:position', (cell) => { var parentId = cell.get('parent'); if (!parentId) return; var parent = this.boardGraph.getCell(parentId); var parentBbox = parent.getBBox(); var cellBbox = cell.getBBox(); if (parentBbox.containsPoint(cellBbox.origin()) && parentBbox.containsPoint(cellBbox.topRight()) && parentBbox.containsPoint(cellBbox.corner()) && parentBbox.containsPoint(cellBbox.bottomLeft())) { // All the four corners of the child are inside // the parent area. return; } // Revert the child position. cell.set('position', cell.previous('position')); }); } } insertCustomActionIntoBoard() { this.actionIdCounter++; const actionId = "action_" + this.actionIdCounter; const actionName = 'Action' + this.actionIdCounter; const element = this.createCustomAction(actionId , actionName); this.boardGraph.addCell(element); console.log('saving action to store action workflow....'); this.designerStore.addDeclarativeWorkFlow(actionName); } createCustomAction(id: string, label: string) { const element = new{ id: id }); element.attr('#label/text', label); return element; } buildPaletteGraphFromList(list: any) { const elements = []; console.log(list); list.forEach(element => { elements.push(this.createFuctionElementForPalette(element.modelName)); }); return elements; } createFuctionElementForPalette(label: string) { const element = new joint.shapes.palette.FunctionElement({ id: label }); element.attr('#label/text', label); element.attr('type', label); return element; } createFuctionElementForBoard(id :String, label :string, type :string) { const boardElement = new joint.shapes.board.FunctionElement({ id: id }); boardElement.attr('#label/text', label); boardElement.attr('#type/text', type); return boardElement; } stencilPaperEventListeners() { this.palettePaper.on('cell:pointerdown', (draggedCell, pointerDownEvent, x, y) => { $('body').append(`
` ); const flyGraph = new joint.dia.Graph(); const flyPaper = new joint.dia.Paper({ el: $('#flyPaper'), model: flyGraph, interactive: true }); const flyShape = draggedCell.model.clone(); const pos = draggedCell.model.position(); const offset = { x: x - pos.x, y: y - pos.y }; flyShape.position(0, 0); flyGraph.addCell(flyShape); $('#flyPaper').offset({ left: pointerDownEvent.pageX - offset.x, top: pointerDownEvent.pageY - offset.y }); $('body').on('', mouseMoveEvent => { $('#flyPaper').offset({ left: mouseMoveEvent.pageX - offset.x, top: mouseMoveEvent.pageY - offset.y }); }); $('body').on('', mouseupEvent => { const mouseupX = mouseupEvent.pageX; const mouseupY = mouseupEvent.pageY; const target = this.boardPaper.$el.offset(); // Dropped over paper ? if (mouseupX > target.left && mouseupX < target.left + this.boardPaper.$el.width() && mouseupY > && y < + this.boardPaper.$el.height()) { const functionType = flyShape.attributes.attrs.type; console.log(functionType); const functionElementForBoard = this.dropFunctionOverAction(functionType, mouseupX, target, offset, mouseupY); let parentCell = this.getParent(functionElementForBoard); console.log("parentCell -->", parentCell); if (parentCell && parentCell.model.attributes.type === ActionElementTypeName){ const actionName = parentCell.model.attributes.attrs['#label'].text; this.designerStore.addStepToDeclarativeWorkFlow(actionName, functionType); this.designerStore.addNodeTemplate(functionType); // Prevent recursive embedding. if (parentCell && parentCell.model.get('parent') !== { parentCell.model.embed(functionElementForBoard); } }else{ console.log('function dropped outside action, rolling back...'); functionElementForBoard.remove(); } } $('body').off('').off(''); // flyShape.remove(); $('#flyPaper').remove(); }); }); } private getParent(functionElementForBoard: joint.shapes.board.FunctionElement) { const cellViewsBelow = this.boardPaper.findViewsFromPoint(functionElementForBoard.getBBox().center()); let cellViewBelow; if (cellViewsBelow.length) { cellViewsBelow.forEach(cellItem => { if ( !== { cellViewBelow = cellItem; } }); } return cellViewBelow; } /** * trigger actions related to Function dropped over the board: * - create board function element of the same type of palette function * as board function element is different from the palette function element * - save function to parent action in store */ private dropFunctionOverAction(functionType: any, mouseupX: number, target: JQuery.Coordinates, offset: { x: number; y: number; }, mouseupY: number) { this.fuctionIdCounter++; const functionElementForBoard = this.createFuctionElementForBoard("fucntion_" + this.fuctionIdCounter, 'execute', functionType); functionElementForBoard.position(mouseupX - target.left - offset.x, mouseupY - - offset.y); this.boardGraph.addCell(functionElementForBoard); return functionElementForBoard; } /** * this is a way to add the button like zoom in , zoom out , and source over jointjs paper * may be used if no other way is found */ // createEditBarOverThePaper() { // joint.shapes["html"] = {}; // joint.shapes["html"].Element = joint.shapes.basic.Rect.extend({ // defaults: joint.util.deepSupplement({ // type: 'html.Element' // }, joint.shapes.basic.Rect.prototype.defaults) // }); // joint.shapes["html"].ElementView = joint.dia.ElementView.extend({ // template: [ // '