### Format code with ktlint checkstyle tool use the following command `mvn process-sources -P format` **Reference:** [ktlint docs](https://ktlint.github.io/) | [ktlint codebase](https://github.com/pinterest/ktlint) ## Basic Architecture  ## Basic Requirements Before you can build this project, you must install and configure the following dependencies on your machine: 1) Java 11 SDK 2) Maven 3.6.X 3) MySQL Database 4) Node and npm installed 5) Angular CLI & Angular v8 ## Running in Development Mode Running `mvn clean install` command to install all libraries and dependencies for the maven and npm. Running `mvn clean install -Pdocker` command to install all libraries and create below docker images. * ccsdk-blueprintsprocessor * ccsdk-commandexecutor * ccsdk-py-executor * ccsdk-sdclistener * ccsdk-cds-ui-server * ccsdk-cds-ui **Note:** run `mvn clean install -Pdocker -Ddocker.skip.push=true` to build but skip pushing docker image. 1) Back-end MS >Create `sdnctl` table in MySQL<br> >(Optional) You could run the project in a specific profile(dev, local) by adding `-Dspring.profiles.active=profile-name` 2) Loop-back server: >That allow your request to reach the backend from cds-ui<br> >Move to `./cds-ui/server/` folder and run the command `npm start` 3) cds-ui >Move to `./cds-ui/designer-client/` folder and run the command `npm start`<br> >This command will make sure all the files follow the linting rules and then connect to the loopback server. ## Using an IDE **Front-end:** you could use `vscode` or `webstorm`<br> **Back-end:** `IntelliJ` with kotlin plugin or any other editor --- For more information check: [CDS Docs](https://docs.onap.org/projects/onap-ccsdk-cds/en/latest/index.html)