## 1. Setup ODL network app development environment
Description of how to get an development environment for creating network applications on top of opendaylight.
The development environment is a single server solution with graphical front-end for the developer.
The ODL Boron release is used as basis.
### 1.1. Server setup
Server setup for a development server with eclipse as IDE, ODL Boron Karaf container and NE Simulators.
Remote Desktop is used to access the server via a VPN connection.
- From Windows PC: MS Remote Desktop
- From Ubuntu PC: There are some. Example: Remmina Remote Desktop Client (sudo apt install remmina)
Capacity of the VM Server should be about 4 CPUs and 8 Gig of RAM and 50 Gig of HDD.
#### Base software:
- ubuntu server edition (16.04.03 LTS)
- xfce desktop
- xrdp : remote management GUI
- For setup that supports copy and paste use the PPA Version 0.9.x
- version standard repository version 0.6.x is basically also working.
- chromium
#### xrdp PPA install
Do the following steps and restart server if done.
1. Answer yes, if asked about overwriting etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:hermlnx/xrdp
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install xrdp
sudo apt-get upgrade
2. Switch of extensive gui features. In ubuntu desktop goto menu on the left right corner
to **Applications-> Settings -> Windows Manager Tweaks**, select folder Compositor and
disable it by unchecking the option.
3. Improve performance (if required)
Change configuration in /etc/xrdp/xrdp.ini
- Security level high to none
4. Change sudo vi /etc/xrdp/sessman.ini and add change to '.thinclient_drives' (see the dot)
; drive redirection, defaults to xrdp_client if not set
4. reboot server to activate xrdp configuration
5. Login with RPC application connect to server. Use defaults and enter existing user an password.
#### Adaption for Windows Client:
- Adapt TAB key handling ([details askubuntu](https://askubuntu.com/questions/352121/bash-auto-completion-with-xubuntu-and-xrdp-from-windows)):
edit the `~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/xfce4-keyboard-shortcuts.xml` file to unset the following mapping
NOTE: There may be two entries, and the first already has the value "empty". If this is the case, edit the second entry.
#### Adding further tools
Add chromium as browser
- See [details askubuntu](https://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Chromium/Installation/)
sudo apt-get install chromium-browser chromium-browser-l10n chromium-codecs-ffmpeg
### 1.2 Directory structure
- eclipse (Eclipse installation directory)
- odl (Workspace)
- CENTENNIAL (network application)
- other projects go here
- distribution-karaf-0.6.1-Carbon (opendaylight karaf run-time environment)
- Access to highstreet technologies gitlab server and to project "CENTENNIAL"
- Gerrit account [Create account](https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/OpenDaylight_Controller:Gerrit_Setup)
### 1.3 Install setup ODL_KARAF_HOME, Java, eclipse, mvn, draw and tools
Setup in home directory .bashrc like follows and logout/login to activate.
export ODL_KARAF_DIST="distribution-karaf-0.6.1-Carbon"
export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64"
According to step 2.2 [CENTENNIAL/code/README.md](../README.md#step-22---download-CENTENNIAL-applications)
- openjdk (sudo apt-get install)
- mvn, configure maven for ODL
- bower
- ODL Boron distribution
And this software
- libre office draw (sudo apt-get install libreoffice-draw)
- eclipse via oomph for ODL Development
Example eclipse configuration for user "Herbert"

After install .. change setting below for Secure Store:

Add plugins from eclipse marketplace
- "GitHub Flavored Markdown viewer plugin 1.8.3" (GFM)
- Elcipse YANG editor
### 2. Create app
See the documentation [create app documentation](READMECreateApp4Carbon.md)
### 3. Remarks
- Karaf Intro and Install
- Simulators (Three times)