module onf-core-model-conditional-packages { namespace "urn:onf:params:xml:ns:yang:onf-core-model-conditional-packages"; prefix onf-core-model-conditional-packages; import core-model { prefix core-model; } import microwave-model { prefix microwave-model; } import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; } organization "ONF (Open Networking Foundation) Open Transport Working Group - Wireless Transport Project"; contact "WG Web: WG List: WG Chair: Lyndon Ong WG Chair: Giorgio Cazzaniga Editors: Thorsten Heinze Martin Skorupski "; description "This model adds conditional packages to the ONF CoreModel in order to support fault management for object classes NetworkElement, Equipment and Holder."; revision 2018-04-08 { description "Initial version, used only ONAP PoC 2018-06-25"; reference "ONF TR 532: A YANG Data Model for Wireless Networks."; } grouping current-problem-type-g { leaf problem-name { type string; default "not-specified"; config false; description "Name of the alarm according capability::supportedAlarms."; } uses microwave-model:mw-current-problem-g; description "none"; } grouping network-element-current-problem-type-g { leaf problem-name { type string; default "not-specified"; config false; description "Name of the alarm according capability::supportedAlarms."; } leaf object-reference { type string; config false; description "An explaining string of the related object class. This is necesseary, because the current problem list of the NetworkElement object class acts as a container for all alarms, where its object classes are not modeled."; } uses microwave-model:mw-current-problem-g; description "none"; } grouping problem-severity-type-g { leaf problem-type-name { type string; description "Name of the alarm according to Capability::supportedAlarms"; } leaf problem-type-severity { type microwave-model:severity-type; description "Severity of this type of alarm."; } description "none"; } typedef processing-type { type enumeration { enum "done" { description "none"; } enum "processing" { description "none"; } } description "none"; } container network-element-pac { leaf network-element { type leafref { path "/core-model:network-element/core-model:uuid"; } description "none"; } container network-element-capability { config false; uses network-element-capability-g; description "none"; } container network-element-configuration { uses network-element-configuration-g; description "none"; } container network-element-status { config false; uses network-element-status-g; description "none"; } container network-element-current-problems { config false; uses network-element-current-problems-g; description "none"; } description "none"; } grouping network-element-capability-g { leaf-list supported-alarms { type string; config false; description "none"; } description "none"; } grouping network-element-configuration-g { list problem-type-severity-list { key "problem-type-name"; uses problem-severity-type-g; description "Severity of the problem to be configured."; } leaf trigger-refresh { type boolean; description "A trigger to instruct the netconf server to refresh its internal database/cache. It is primary used for alarms status, but could be used for anything else too. It is assumed that the refresh mechanism takes some time. In order to indicate the process to the controller a refreshStatus attribute is used."; } leaf connection-request-username { type string { length "1..256"; } description "none"; } leaf connection-request-password { type string { length "8..256"; } description "none"; } description "none"; } grouping network-element-status-g { leaf refresh-status { type processing-type; config false; description "none"; } leaf connection-request-url { type inet:domain-name; config false; description "none"; } description "none"; } grouping network-element-current-problems-g { list current-problem-list { key "sequence-number"; config false; uses network-element-current-problem-type-g; description "none"; } description "none"; } list equipment-pac { key "equipment"; leaf equipment { type leafref { path "/core-model:equipment/core-model:uuid"; } description "none"; } container equipment-capability { config false; uses equipment-capability-g; description "none"; } container equipment-configuration { uses equipment-configuration-g; description "none"; } container equipment-status { config false; uses equipment-status-g; description "none"; } container equipment-current-problems { config false; uses equipment-current-problems-g; description "none"; } description "none"; } grouping equipment-capability-g { leaf-list supported-alarms { type string; config false; description "Available alarms to be listed. Names are to be separated by commas."; } description "none"; } grouping equipment-configuration-g { list problem-type-severity-list { key "problem-type-name"; uses problem-severity-type-g; description "Severity of the problem to be configured."; } description "none"; } grouping equipment-status-g { leaf software-version { type string; config false; description "Indicates the current running software version of the equipment."; } leaf additional-software-version { type string; config false; description "Indicates the current running software version of the equipment."; } leaf up-time { type uint64; config false; units "s"; description "Seconds since the last reboot."; } leaf local-time-zone { type string; config false; description "??? Which format ??? - +00:00 proposed"; } description "none"; } grouping equipment-current-problems-g { list current-problem-list { key "sequence-number"; config false; uses current-problem-type-g; description "none"; } description "none"; } list holder-pac { key "holder"; leaf holder { type leafref { path "/core-model:equipment/core-model:contained-holder/core-model:uuid"; } description "none"; } container holder-capability { config false; uses holder-capability-g; description "none"; } container holder-configuration { uses holder-configuration-g; description "none"; } container holder-status { config false; uses holder-status-g; description "none"; } container holder-current-problems { config false; uses holder-current-problems-g; description "none"; } description "none"; } grouping holder-capability-g { leaf-list supported-alarms { type string; config false; description "Available alarms to be listed. Names are to be separated by commas."; } description "none"; } grouping holder-configuration-g { list problem-type-severity-list { key "problem-type-name"; uses problem-severity-type-g; description "Severity of the problem to be configured."; } description "none"; } grouping holder-status-g { description "none"; } grouping holder-current-problems-g { list current-problem-list { key "sequence-number"; config false; uses current-problem-type-g; description "none"; } description "none"; } list connector-pac { key "connector"; leaf connector { type leafref { path "/core-model:equipment/core-model:exposed-cable/core-model:connector/core-model:uuid"; } description "none"; } container connector-capability { config false; uses connector-capability-g; description "none"; } container connector-configuration { uses connector-configuration-g; description "none"; } container connector-status { config false; uses connector-status-g; description "none"; } container connector-current-problems { config false; uses connector-current-problems-g; description "none"; } description "none"; } grouping connector-capability-g { leaf-list supported-alarms { type string; config false; description "Available alarms to be listed. Names are to be separated by commas."; } description "none"; } grouping connector-configuration-g { list problem-type-severity-list { key "problem-type-name"; uses problem-severity-type-g; description "Severity of the problem to be configured."; } leaf remote-end-point { type string; description "A network wide identifier of the remote connector. The value is used for topology discovery. Please see also ConnectorStatus::localEndPoint."; } description "none"; } grouping connector-status-g { leaf local-end-point { type string; description "A network wide global identifier of the this connector, which can be used to discover the physical connectivitiy. The value should contain the network element name, because the network element software can assume that the network element name is unique in the network. The value should be formated: @ Please see also ConnectorConfiguration::remoteEndPoint"; } description "none"; } grouping connector-current-problems-g { list current-problem-list { key "sequence-number"; config false; uses current-problem-type-g; description "none"; } description "none"; } }