/* ============LICENSE_START========================================== =================================================================== Copyright (C) 2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. =================================================================== Unless otherwise specified, all software contained herein is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may not use this software except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ECOMP is a trademark and service mark of AT&T Intellectual Property. ============LICENSE_END============================================ */ import { Component, ContentChildren, OnInit, QueryList, ViewChild } from '@angular/core'; import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router'; import { MappingEditorService } from '../../../../shared/services/mapping-editor.service'; import { HttpUtilService } from '../../../../shared/services/httpUtil/http-util.service'; import { GoldenConfigurationComponent } from '../template-configuration/template-configuration.component'; import { ArtifactRequest } from '../../../../shared/models/index'; import { NotificationService } from '../../../../shared/services/notification.service'; import { ModalComponent } from '../../../../shared/modal/modal.component'; import { saveAs } from 'file-saver'; import { DialogService } from 'ng2-bootstrap-modal'; import { ConfirmComponent } from '../../../../shared/confirmModal/confirm.component'; import { BuildDesignComponent } from '../../build-artifacts.component'; import { ParamShareService } from '../../../../shared/services/paramShare.service'; import { NotificationsService } from 'angular2-notifications'; import { Tab } from './tab'; import { environment } from '../../../../../environments/environment'; import { NgProgress } from 'ngx-progressbar'; import * as XLSX from 'xlsx'; declare var $: any; @Component({ selector: 'app-golden-configuration-mapping', templateUrl: './param-name-value.component.html', styleUrls: ['./param-name-value.component.css'] }) export class GoldenConfigurationMappingComponent implements OnInit { enableMappingSave: boolean = false; aceText: string = ''; fileName: string = ''; actionType: any = ''; modal: any; configMappingEditorContent: any; fileType: any = ''; myfileName: any; initialData: any; scopeName: any; downloadedFileName: any; enableSaveToAppc: boolean = false; versionNo: any = '0.0.1'; showVersionDiv: boolean = false; initialAction: any; title: any; message: any; enableMappingBrowse: boolean = true; enableDownload: boolean = false; showMappingDownloadDiv: boolean = false; mapppingDownloadType: any; action: any = ''; artifactName: any = ''; enableMerge: boolean = false; apiToken = localStorage['apiToken']; userId = localStorage['userId']; identifier: any; public uploadTypes = [ { value: 'Mapping Data', display: 'Sample Json Param File' } ]; selectedUploadType: string = this.uploadTypes[0].value; options = { timeOut: 1000, showProgressBar: true, pauseOnHover: true, clickToClose: true, maxLength: 200 }; artifactRequest: ArtifactRequest = new ArtifactRequest(); @ViewChild(GoldenConfigurationComponent) mappingComponent: GoldenConfigurationComponent; @ViewChild('templateeditor') templateeditor; @ViewChild('myInputParam') myInputParam: any; @ViewChild(ModalComponent) modalComponent: ModalComponent; @ContentChildren(Tab) tabs: QueryList; public subscription: any; public item: any = {}; vnfType: any = ''; vnfcType: any = ''; protocol: any = ''; refObj: any; public paramsContent = localStorage['paramsContent']; constructor(private buildDesignComponent: BuildDesignComponent, private paramShareService: ParamShareService, private router: Router, private httpUtil: HttpUtilService, private dialogService: DialogService, private activeRoutes: ActivatedRoute, private mappingEditorService: MappingEditorService, private notificationService: NotificationService, private nService: NotificationsService, private ngProgress: NgProgress) { this.artifactRequest.action = ''; this.artifactRequest.version = ''; this.artifactRequest.paramKeysContent = ''; } ngOnInit() { var refObj = this.refObj = this.prepareFileName(); if (refObj && refObj != undefined) { if (this.paramsContent && this.paramsContent != undefined && this.paramsContent !== '{}') { this.artifactRequest.paramsContent = this.formatNameValuePairs(this.paramsContent); // this.artifactRequest.paramsContent = this.paramsContent; } else { this.artifactRequest.paramsContent = '{}'; } // refObj = refObj[refObj.length - 1]; this.item = refObj; this.vnfType = this.item.scope['vnf-type']; this.vnfcType = this.item.scope['vnfc-type']; this.protocol = this.item['device-protocol']; this.action = this.item.action; var artifactList = this.item['artifact-list']; for (var i = 0; i < artifactList.length; i++) { var artifactName = artifactList[i]['artifact-name']; var array = artifactName.split('_'); if (array[0].toUpperCase() === 'TEMPLATE') { this.artifactName = artifactName; } } } else { this.item = { 'action': '', 'scope': { 'vnf-type': '', 'vnfc-type': '' }, 'vm': [], 'protocol': '', 'download-dg-reference': '', 'user-name': '', 'port-number': '', 'artifact-list': [], 'deviceTemplate': '', 'scopeType': '' }; } this.initialAction = this.item.action; this.activeRoutes.url.subscribe(UrlSegment => { this.actionType = UrlSegment[0].path; }); if (this.actionType === 'myTemplates') { this.mappingEditorService.fromScreen = 'MappingScreen'; } this.mappingEditorService.paramData = []; this.identifier = this.mappingEditorService.identifier; } //========================== End of ngOnInit() Method============================================ browseOption() { $('#filesparam').trigger('click'); } //========================== End of browseOption() Method============================================ ngOnDestroy() { this.prepareFileName(); } //========================== End of ngOnDestroy() Method============================================ ngAfterViewInit() { if (this.mappingEditorService.fromScreen === 'MappingScreen') { this.configMappingEditorContent = this.mappingEditorService.getTemplateMappingDataFromStore(); this.fileType = sessionStorage.getItem('fileType'); if (this.configMappingEditorContent) this.mappingEditorService.initialise(this.mappingComponent.templateeditor.getEditor(), this.configMappingEditorContent, this.modal); } if (this.refObj) { this.artifactRequest.action = this.item.action; this.artifactRequest.vnfType = this.vnfType; if (this.vnfcType && this.vnfcType.length != 0) { this.scopeName = this.vnfcType; } else { this.scopeName = this.vnfType; } } else { this.enableMappingBrowse = false; } } //========================== End of ngAfterViewInit() Method============================================ public fileParamChange(input) { if (input.files && input.files[0]) { this.enableMappingSave = true; this.myfileName = input.files[0].name; var fileExtension = this.myfileName.substr(this.myfileName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); if (this.validateUploadedFile(fileExtension)) { // Create the file reader let reader = new FileReader(); this.readFile(input.files[0], reader, (result) => { if ('Mapping Data' === this.selectedUploadType) { var jsonObject = JSON.parse(result); this.artifactRequest.paramsContent = JSON.stringify(jsonObject, null, 1); this.notificationService.notifySuccessMessage('Configuration Template file successfully uploaded..'); this.mappingEditorService.setParamContent(this.artifactRequest.paramsContent); localStorage['paramsContent'] = this.artifactRequest.paramsContent; } this.enableMerge = true; this.initialData = result; }); } else { this.nService.error("Error", "Incorrect File Format") this.artifactRequest.paramsContent = '' } } else { this.nService.error("Error", "Failed to read file"); } this.myInputParam.nativeElement.value = ''; } //========================== End of fileParamChange() Method============================================ validateUploadedFile(fileExtension) { if (fileExtension.toUpperCase() === 'json'.toUpperCase()) { return true; } else { return false; } } //========================== End of validateUploadedFile() Method============================================ public readFile(file, reader, callback) { // Set a callback funtion to fire after the file is fully loaded reader.onload = () => { // callback with the results callback(reader.result); }; this.notificationService.notifySuccessMessage('Uploading File ' + file.name + ':' + file.type + ':' + file.size); // Read the file reader.readAsText(file, 'UTF-8'); } //========================== End of readFile() Method============================================ public onParamChanges(data) { this.artifactRequest.paramsContent = data; localStorage['paramsContent'] = this.artifactRequest.paramsContent; } //========================== End of onParamChanges() Method============================================ updateFileName(action: any, scopeName: any, versionNo: any) { let fileName = 'param_' + action + '_' + scopeName + '_' + versionNo + 'V.json'; this.downloadedFileName = fileName; return fileName; } //========================== End of updateFileName() Method============================================ updateFileNameForConfigScaleOut(action: any, scopeName: any, versionNo: any, id: any) { let fileName = 'param_' + action + '_' + scopeName + '_' + versionNo + 'V_' + id + '.json'; this.downloadedFileName = fileName; return fileName; } //========================== End of updateFileNameForConfigScaleOut() Method============================================ prepareFileName(): any { let fileNameObject: any = this.mappingEditorService.latestAction; return fileNameObject; } //========================== End of prepareFileName() Method============================================ retrieveNameValueFromAppc() { let refObj = this.refObj; if (refObj && refObj != undefined) { this.enableMerge = true; var scopeName = this.scopeName.replace(/ /g, '').replace(new RegExp('/', "g"), '_').replace(/ /g, ''); let fileName = ''; let id = this.mappingEditorService.identifier; if (id) fileName = this.updateFileNameForConfigScaleOut(this.item.action, scopeName, this.versionNo, id); else fileName = this.updateFileName(this.item.action, scopeName, this.versionNo); let payload = '{"userID": "' + this.userId + '", "action": "' + this.item.action + '", "vnf-type" : "' + this.vnfType + '", "artifact-type":"APPC-CONFIG", "artifact-name":"' + fileName + '"}'; let input = { 'input': { 'design-request': { 'request-id': this.apiToken, 'action': 'getArtifact', 'payload': payload } } }; console.log('Retrieve name value from appc payload===>>' + payload); let artifactContent: any; this.ngProgress.start(); this.httpUtil.post({ url: environment.getDesigns, data: input }).subscribe(resp => { if (resp.output.status.code === '400' && resp.output.status.message === 'success') { this.nService.success('Success', 'Name/value pairs retrieved successfully from APPC'); this.enableMerge = true; let result = JSON.parse(resp.output.data.block).artifactInfo[0]; result = result['artifact-content']; var string = result.substring(2, result.length - 2); var stringArr = string.split(','); var newStringArr = []; var resultStr = '{\r\n'; for (var index in stringArr) { newStringArr[index] = stringArr[index] + ',\r\n'; } for (var index in newStringArr) { resultStr = resultStr + newStringArr[index]; } resultStr = resultStr.substring(0, resultStr.length - 3) + '\r\n}'; this.artifactRequest.paramsContent = resultStr; this.mappingEditorService.setParamContent(resultStr); localStorage['paramsContent'] = resultStr; this.enableMappingSave = true; } else { this.nService.info('Information', 'There are no name value pairs saved in APPC for the selected action!'); } this.ngProgress.done(); }, error => this.nService.error('Error', 'Error in connecting to APPC Server')); } setTimeout(() => { this.ngProgress.done(); }, 3500); } //========================== End of retrieveNameValueFromAppc() Method============================================ formatNameValuePairs(namevaluePairs: string) { var string = namevaluePairs.substring(1, namevaluePairs.length - 1); var stringArr = string.split(','); var newStringArr = []; var resultStr = '{\r\n'; for (var index in stringArr) { newStringArr[index] = stringArr[index] + ',\r\n'; } for (var index in newStringArr) { resultStr = resultStr + newStringArr[index]; } resultStr = resultStr.substring(0, resultStr.length - 3) + '\r\n}'; return resultStr; } //========================== End of formatNameValuePairs() Method============================================ public syncParam() { var paramNameValuesStr = localStorage['paramsContent']; var pdData = this.paramShareService.getSessionParamData(); var paramNameValues = []; var pdDataArrayForParamShare = []; var pdDataArrayForSession = []; try { paramNameValues = JSON.parse(paramNameValuesStr); if (paramNameValues && paramNameValues != undefined) { for (var index in paramNameValues) { var json = { 'paramName': index, 'paramValue': paramNameValues[index] }; pdDataArrayForParamShare.push(json); pdDataArrayForSession.push({ 'name': index, 'type': null, 'description': null, 'required': null, 'default': null, 'source': 'Manual', 'rule-type': null, 'request-keys': [{ 'key-name': null, 'key-value': null }, { 'key-name': null, 'key-value': null }, { 'key-name': null, 'key-value': null }], 'response-keys': [{ 'key-name': null, 'key-value': null }, { 'key-name': null, 'key-value': null }, { 'key-name': null, 'key-value': null }, { 'key-name': null, 'key-value': null }, { 'key-name': null, 'key-value': null }], 'ruleTypeValues': [null] }); } this.paramShareService.setTemplateData(pdDataArrayForParamShare); if (pdData && pdData != undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < pdDataArrayForSession.length; i++) { pdData.forEach(function (arr2item) { if (pdDataArrayForSession[i].name === arr2item.name) { var json = { 'name': arr2item.name, 'type': arr2item.type, 'description': arr2item.description, 'required': arr2item.required, 'default': arr2item.default, 'source': arr2item.source, 'rule-type': arr2item['rule-type'], 'request-keys': arr2item['request-keys'], 'response-keys': arr2item['response-keys'], 'ruleTypeValues': arr2item.ruleTypeValues }; pdDataArrayForSession.splice(i, 1, json); } }); } } this.paramShareService.setSessionParamData(pdDataArrayForSession); this.router.navigate(['../../../vnfs/design/parameterDefinitions/create']); } } catch (error) { console.log('Error occured in syncing param names' + JSON.stringify(error)); this.nService.error('Error', 'Error synchronising with name values. Please check the format of json uploaded/ retrieved'); } } }