/* * ============LICENSE_START=================================================== * Copyright (c) 2018 Amdocs * ============================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END===================================================== */ entity { type 'vserver' validation { useRule {name 'vserver is related to 0 or 1 image' } useRule {name 'vserver is related to 0 or 1 flavor' } useRule {name 'vserver is related to 1 pserver' } useRule {name 'vserver is related to vpe and vserver-name matches naming convention' } useRule {name 'vserver is related to vce and vserver-name matches naming convention' } useRule { name 'vserver related to TRINITY image and generic-vnf.vnf-name matches naming convention' attributes 'relationship-list.relationship[*]' } useRule { name 'vserver is related to a TRINITY image and vserver-name matches naming convention' attributes 'relationship-list.relationship[*]', 'vserver-name' } useRule { name 'vserver is related to a vnf (vce or newvce or vpe or generic-vnf)' attributes 'relationship-list.relationship[*].related-to' } } } rule { name 'vserver related to TRINITY image and generic-vnf.vnf-name matches naming convention' category 'INVALID_NAME' description 'Validates that if vserver is related to an image named TRINITY, then the related generic-vnf name matches naming convention' errorText 'Invalid name - if vserver is related to an image named TRINITY, then the related generic-vnf name must match xxxxnnnnv (where x = character and n = number)' severity 'MINOR' attributes 'relationships' validate ''' def getStringProperty = { jsonObject, propertyName -> jsonObject.get(propertyName)?.getAsString() } vnf_name = relationships.findAll { getStringProperty(it, "related-to") == "generic-vnf" } .findAll { it."related-to-property" != null } .collect { it."related-to-property".get(0) } .find { getStringProperty(it, "property-key") == "generic-vnf.vnf-name" } .findResult { getStringProperty(it, "property-value") } relatedToTrinity = relationships.findAll { getStringProperty(it, "related-to") == "image" } .findAll { it."related-to-property" != null } .collect { it."related-to-property".get(0) } .findAll { getStringProperty(it, "property-key") == "image.image-name" } .find { getStringProperty(it, "property-value")?.startsWith("TRINITY") } // If (and only if) related to TRINITY then check the generic-vnf name return !relatedToTrinity || vnf_name?.matches("[a-z]{4}[0-9]{4}v") ''' } rule { name 'vserver is related to a vnf (vce or newvce or vpe or generic-vnf)' category 'MISSING_REL' description 'Validates that a vserver is related to a vnf (vce or newvce or vpe or generic-vnf)' errorText 'Missing relationship - a vserver must be related to a vnf (vce or newvce or vpe or generic-vnf)' severity 'MINOR' attributes 'related-to' validate 'related-to != null && (related-to.contains("vce") || related-to.contains("newvce") || related-to.contains("vpe") || related-to.contains("generic-vnf"))' } rule { name 'vserver is related to 1 pserver' category 'MISSING_REL' description 'Validates that a vserver is related to 1 pserver (and not more than 1 pserver)' errorText 'Missing relationship - vserver must be related to 1 pserver' severity 'MINOR' attributes 'relationship-list.relationship[*].related-to' validate 'related-to != null && related-to.count("pserver") == 1' } rule { name 'vserver is related to 0 or 1 image' category 'MISSING_REL' description 'Validates that a vserver is either not related to an image or related to only 1 image' errorText 'Missing relationship - vserver must be related to 0 or 1 image' severity 'MINOR' attributes 'relationship-list.relationship[*].related-to' validate 'related-to == null || related-to.count("image") <= 1' } rule { name 'vserver is related to 0 or 1 flavor' category 'MISSING_REL' description 'Validates that a vserver is either not related to a flavor or related to only 1 flavor' errorText 'Missing relationship - vserver must be related to 0 or 1 flavor' severity 'MINOR' attributes 'relationship-list.relationship[*].related-to' validate 'related-to == null || related-to.count("flavor") <= 1' } rule { name 'vserver is related to vpe and vserver-name matches naming convention' category 'INVALID_NAME' description 'Validates that if a vserver is related to a vpe then vserver-name must contain me6' errorText 'Invalid name - if vserver is related to vpe then vserver-name must contain me6' severity 'MINOR' attributes 'relationship-list.relationship[*].related-to', 'vserver-name' validate '!related-to.contains("vpe") || vserver-name =~ "me6"' } rule { name 'vserver is related to vce and vserver-name matches naming convention' category 'INVALID_NAME' description 'Validates that if a vserver is related to a vce then vserver-name must match naming convention' errorText 'Invalid name - if vserver is related to vce then vserver-name must match xxxxxxxxvbcnnceb (where x = alphanumeric and n = numeric)' severity 'MINOR' attributes 'relationship-list.relationship[*].related-to', 'vserver-name' validate '!related-to.contains("vce") || vserver-name =~ "[a-z0-9]{8}vbc[0-9]{2}ceb"' } rule { name 'vserver is related to a TRINITY image and vserver-name matches naming convention' category 'INVALID_NAME' description 'Validates that if vserver is related to an image named TRINITY, then the vserver name matches naming convention' errorText 'Invalid name - if vserver is related to an image named TRINITY, then the vserver name must match xxxxnnnnvmnnn (where x = character and n = number)' severity 'MINOR' attributes 'relationships', 'vservername' validate ''' def getStringProperty = { jsonObject, propertyName -> jsonObject.get(propertyName)?.getAsString() } relatedToTrinity = relationships.findAll { getStringProperty(it, "related-to") == "image" } .findAll { it."related-to-property" != null } .collect { it."related-to-property".get(0) } .findAll { getStringProperty(it, "property-key") == "image.image-name" } .find { getStringProperty(it, "property-value").startsWith("TRINITY") } // If (and only if) related to TRINITY then check the vserver name return !relatedToTrinity || vservername != null && vservername ==~ "[a-z]{4}[0-9]{4}vm[0-9]{3}" ''' }