import React from 'react'; import { mount } from 'enzyme'; import {Provider} from 'react-redux' import configureStore from 'redux-mock-store'; import GlobalInlineMessageBar from 'app/globalInlineMessageBar/GlobalInlineMessageBar.jsx' import { MESSAGE_LEVEL_WARNING } from 'utils/GlobalConstants.js' import InlineMessage from 'generic-components/InlineMessage/InlineMessage.jsx'; describe('GlobalInlineMessageBarTests', () => { const errMsg = 'some random message'; const initialState = { globalInlineMessageBar: { feedbackMsgText: errMsg, feedbackMsgSeverity: MESSAGE_LEVEL_WARNING } }; const mockStore = configureStore(); let store, wrapper; beforeEach( () => { store = mockStore(initialState); wrapper = mount(); }) it('render message bar - visible', () => { expect(wrapper).toHaveLength(1); // ensure the message bar is mounted expect(wrapper.find(InlineMessage)).toHaveLength(1); // ensure the InlineMessage is mounted }); it('props assigned properly', () => { expect(wrapper.find(InlineMessage).props().level).toEqual(MESSAGE_LEVEL_WARNING); // check that the props match expect(wrapper.find(InlineMessage).props().messageTxt).toEqual(errMsg); // check that the props match }) })