/* * ============LICENSE_START=================================================== * SPARKY (AAI UI service) * ============================================================================ * Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. * Copyright © 2017 Amdocs * All rights reserved. * ============================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END===================================================== * * ECOMP and OpenECOMP are trademarks * and service marks of AT&T Intellectual Property. */ import React from 'react'; import NodeVisualElementConstants from './NodeVisualElementConstants.js'; class IconFactory { static createIcon(iconName, iconProps, key, nodeProps) { switch (iconName) { case NodeVisualElementConstants.ICON_ELLIPSES: let iconEllipsesChildren = []; if (iconProps.svgAttributes) { let circleProps = { ...iconProps.svgAttributes, key: key + '_ellipsesCircle' }; let ellipsesBackgroundClassName = (iconProps.isSelected === true) ? 'background-selected' : 'background-unselected'; circleProps = { ...circleProps, className: ellipsesBackgroundClassName }; iconEllipsesChildren.push( React.createElement(NodeVisualElementConstants.SVG_CIRCLE, circleProps)); } let ellipseOneProps = { className: 'ellipses-ellipse', cx: '-4', cy: '0', rx: '1.5', ry: '1.5', key: key + '_ellipseOne' }; iconEllipsesChildren.push( React.createElement(NodeVisualElementConstants.ELLIPSE, ellipseOneProps)); let ellipseTwoProps = { className: 'ellipses-ellipse', cx: '0', cy: '0', rx: '1.5', ry: '1.5', key: key + '_ellipseTwo' }; iconEllipsesChildren.push( React.createElement(NodeVisualElementConstants.ELLIPSE, ellipseTwoProps)); let ellipseThreeProps = { className: 'ellipses-ellipse', cx: '4', cy: '0', rx: '1.5', ry: '1.5', key: key + '_ellipseThree' }; iconEllipsesChildren.push( React.createElement(NodeVisualElementConstants.ELLIPSE, ellipseThreeProps)); let finalEllipsesProps = { className: iconProps.class, key: key }; if (iconProps.shapeAttributes) { if (iconProps.shapeAttributes.offset) { finalEllipsesProps = { ...finalEllipsesProps, transform: `translate( ${iconProps.shapeAttributes.offset.x}, ${iconProps.shapeAttributes.offset.y})` }; } } return React.createElement(NodeVisualElementConstants.G, finalEllipsesProps, iconEllipsesChildren); case NodeVisualElementConstants.ICON_TRIANGLE_WARNING: let iconTriangleWarningChildren = []; if (iconProps.svgAttributes) { let circleProps = { ...iconProps.svgAttributes, key: key + '_triangleWarningCircle' }; let triangleWarningBackgrounClassName = (iconProps.isSelected === true) ? 'background-selected' : 'background-unselected'; circleProps = { ...circleProps, className: triangleWarningBackgrounClassName }; iconTriangleWarningChildren.push( React.createElement(NodeVisualElementConstants.SVG_CIRCLE, circleProps)); } let trianglePathProps = { className: 'triangle-warning', d: 'M-4.5 4 L 0 -6.5 L 4.5 4 Z M-0.5 3.75 L -0.5 3 L 0.5 3 L 0.5 3.75 Z M-0.35 2.75 L -0.75 -3.5 L 0.75 -3.5 L 0.35 2.75 Z', key: key + '_triangleWarningPath' }; iconTriangleWarningChildren.push( React.createElement(NodeVisualElementConstants.PATH, trianglePathProps)); let finalTriangleWarningProps = { className: iconProps.class, key: key }; if (iconProps.shapeAttributes) { if (iconProps.shapeAttributes.offset) { finalTriangleWarningProps = { ...finalTriangleWarningProps, transform: `translate( ${iconProps.shapeAttributes.offset.x}, ${iconProps.shapeAttributes.offset.y})` }; } } return React.createElement(NodeVisualElementConstants.G, finalTriangleWarningProps, iconTriangleWarningChildren); case NodeVisualElementConstants.ICON_TICK: let tickOverlayMainKey = nodeProps.meta.id + '_overlayTick'; let iconTickRadius = 5; let tickNodeClassName = nodeProps.meta.nodeMeta.className; if (tickNodeClassName === NodeVisualElementConstants.SELECTED_SEARCHED_NODE_CLASS_NAME || tickNodeClassName === NodeVisualElementConstants.SELECTED_NODE_CLASS_NAME) { iconTickRadius = 8; } let tickIconcircleProps = { className: 'icon_tick_circle', r: iconTickRadius, key: key + '_tickCircle' }; let iconTickChildren = []; iconTickChildren.push( React.createElement(NodeVisualElementConstants.SVG_CIRCLE, tickIconcircleProps)); let tickIconTransformProperty = 'translate(-15, -10)'; if (tickNodeClassName === NodeVisualElementConstants.SELECTED_SEARCHED_NODE_CLASS_NAME || tickNodeClassName === NodeVisualElementConstants.SELECTED_NODE_CLASS_NAME) { tickIconTransformProperty = 'translate(-30, -18)'; } let tickPathProps = { className: 'icon_tick_path', d: 'M-3 0 L -1.5 1.8 L3 -1.5 L -1.5 1.8', key: key + '_tickPath' }; iconTickChildren.push( React.createElement(NodeVisualElementConstants.PATH, tickPathProps)); let finalTickIconProps = { className: 'icon_tick', key: tickOverlayMainKey + '_final', transform: tickIconTransformProperty }; return React.createElement(NodeVisualElementConstants.G, finalTickIconProps, iconTickChildren); case NodeVisualElementConstants.ICON_WARNING: let warningOverlayMainKey = nodeProps.meta.id + '_overlayTick'; let iconWarningRadius = 5; let warningNodeClassName = nodeProps.meta.nodeMeta.className; if (warningNodeClassName === NodeVisualElementConstants.SELECTED_SEARCHED_NODE_CLASS_NAME || warningNodeClassName === NodeVisualElementConstants.SELECTED_NODE_CLASS_NAME) { iconWarningRadius = 8; } let warningIconcircleProps = { className: 'icon_warning_circle', r: iconWarningRadius, key: key + '_warningCircle' }; let iconWarningChildren = []; iconWarningChildren.push( React.createElement(NodeVisualElementConstants.SVG_CIRCLE, warningIconcircleProps)); let warningIconTransformProperty = 'translate(-15, -10)'; if (warningNodeClassName === NodeVisualElementConstants.SELECTED_SEARCHED_NODE_CLASS_NAME || warningNodeClassName === NodeVisualElementConstants.SELECTED_NODE_CLASS_NAME) { warningIconTransformProperty = 'translate(-30, -18)'; } let warningPathProps = { className: 'icon_warning_path', d: 'M-0.35 3.8 L -0.35 3.7 L 0.35 3.7 L 0.35 3.8 Z M-0.1 1.8 L -0.6 -3.5 L 0.6 -3.5 L 0.1 1.8 Z', key: key + '_tickPath' }; iconWarningChildren.push( React.createElement(NodeVisualElementConstants.PATH, warningPathProps)); let finalWarningIconProps = { className: 'icon_warning', key: warningOverlayMainKey + '_final', transform: warningIconTransformProperty }; return React.createElement(NodeVisualElementConstants.G, finalWarningIconProps, iconWarningChildren); } } } export default IconFactory;