import React from 'react';
import { shallow, mount } from 'enzyme';
import {Provider} from 'react-redux'
import configureStore from 'redux-mock-store';
import ConnectedVnfSearch, { vnfSearch } from './VnfSearch.jsx';
describe('VnfSearch - Shallow render of component', () => {
let wrapper;
const vnfFilters = {};
const vnfVisualizationPanelClass = 'collapsible-panel-main-panel';
const unifiedFilterValues = {};
beforeEach( () => {
wrapper = shallow(
it('Render basic component', () => {
// describe('VnfSearch - Render React Component (wrapped in )', () => {
// const initialState = {
// vnfSearch: {}
// };
// const mockStore = configureStore();
// let store, wrapper;
// beforeEach( () => {
// store = mockStore(initialState);
// wrapper = mount();
// })
// it('Render the connected component', () => {
// expect(wrapper.find(ConnectedVnfSearch).length).toEqual(1);
// });
// it('Validate props from store', () => {
// expect(wrapper.find(VnfSearchNfRoleVisualization).props().enableBusyFeedback).toEqual(initialState.vnfSearch.enableBusyFeedback);
// expect(wrapper.find(VnfSearchNfRoleVisualization).props().processedNfRoleCountChartData).toEqual(initialState.vnfSearch.processedNfRoleCountChartData);
// });
// })