/* * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * org.onap.aai * ================================================================================ * Copyright © 2017-2021 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ import React, { Component } from 'react'; import Select from 'react-select'; import Button from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Button'; import Row from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Row'; import Col from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Col'; import Grid from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Grid'; import PanelGroup from 'react-bootstrap/lib/PanelGroup'; import Panel from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Panel'; import Label from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Label'; import Collapse from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Collapse'; import moment from "moment"; import DatePicker from 'react-datepicker'; import Modal from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Modal'; import {ExportExcel} from 'utils/ExportExcel.js'; import commonApi from 'utils/CommonAPIService.js'; import {GlobalExtConstants} from 'utils/GlobalExtConstants.js'; import Spinner from 'utils/SpinnerContainer.jsx'; import ModelGallery from 'app/model/modelSearch/components/ModelGallery.jsx'; import ModelCard from 'app/model/modelSearch/components/ModelCard.jsx'; import OutputToggle from 'generic-components/OutputToggle.jsx'; import Pagination from 'react-js-pagination'; import OverlayTrigger from 'react-bootstrap/lib/OverlayTrigger'; import Tooltip from 'react-bootstrap/lib/Tooltip'; import {Visualization} from 'generic-components/OutputVisualization.jsx'; import DownloadRangeModel from 'generic-components/DownloadRangeModel.jsx'; let PAGINATION_CONSTANT = GlobalExtConstants.PAGINATION_CONSTANT; let INVLIST = GlobalExtConstants.INVLIST; let CUSTOMQUERYLIST = GlobalExtConstants.CUSTOMQUERYLIST; let generateExcels = ExportExcel.generateExcels; let DOWNLOAD_ALL = GlobalExtConstants.DOWNLOAD_ALL; let DOWNLOAD_TOOLTIP = GlobalExtConstants.DOWNLOAD_TOOLTIP; let dropdownList = null; let header = null; const inputClasses = ['form-control']; class CustomQuery extends Component { nodeResults = ''; typeOfCall = true; downloadTooltip = DOWNLOAD_TOOLTIP; downloadAllTooltip = 'Downloads First ' + DOWNLOAD_ALL + ' Results'; downloadRangeTooltip= 'Download Results By Custom Range Selection'; historyStackString = ''; state = { queryPlaceHolder: 'Please Select a Query', placeholder: 'Please Select a Query', reqPropPlaceholder: 'Please Enter Required Query or Property', optionalPropPlaceholder: 'Please Enter Optional Query or Property', displayReqProps: 'hidden', startNode: '', reqProps: '', optionalProps: '', disableInputs: true, query: '', showText: false, description: '', additionalInfo: '', displayDescription: 'hidden', customQueryOptions: null, formIsValid: false, nodes: [], displayNodes: 'hidden', multipleNodes: '', isLoading: false, isInitialLoad: true, activePage: 1, totalResults: 0, showPagination: false, showResults: false, errorResults:false, errorMessage: '', noResults: false, displayOptionalProps: 'hidden', showHistoryModal:false, startDate: moment(), currentPayload: null, viewName: localStorage.getItem(GlobalExtConstants.ENVIRONMENT + '_' + sessionStorage.getItem(GlobalExtConstants.ENVIRONMENT + 'userId') + '_viewPreference') || 'CardLayout', res: null, visualAddition: false, nodeDisplay: '', showNodeModal: false, focusedNode: {}, historyType: 'cq', focusedNodeUri: 0, focusedNodeType: '', historyParams: '', showModelOptions: false, enableCalendar: true, resetColumnFilters: true, isPageNumberChange: false, totalPages: 0, pageRange: 1, showDownloadResultsModal: false, errorDownloadResults:false, downloadErrorMsg: '', enableModelBusyFeedback:false, downloadCount:DOWNLOAD_ALL, defaultViewName: localStorage.getItem(GlobalExtConstants.ENVIRONMENT + '_' + sessionStorage.getItem(GlobalExtConstants.ENVIRONMENT + 'userId') + '_viewPreference') || 'CardLayout' } componentWillMount () { console.log('componentWillMount'); sessionStorage.setItem(GlobalExtConstants.ENVIRONMENT + 'ENABLE_ANALYSIS', false); if(!this.props.location.historyStackString){ this.props.location.historyStackString = this.props.location.pathname + ',,Origin||'; }else{ this.historyStackString = this.props.location.historyStackString; } let queryList = Object.values(CUSTOMQUERYLIST.CUSTOMQUERYLIST); dropdownList = queryList.sort(function (filter1, filter2) { if (filter1.value < filter2.value) { return -1; } else if (filter1.value > filter2.value) { return 1; } else { return 0; } }); }; onInputChangeHandler (){ console.log('onInputChangeHandler of select-Clear'); this.setState({ placeholder: 'Please Select A Query', queryPlaceHolder: 'Please Select A Query', query: '', reqPropPlaceholder: 'Please Enter Required Query or Property', optionalPropPlaceholder: 'Please Enter Optional Query or Property', startNode: '', reqProps: '', optionalProps: '', disableInputs: true, displayDescription: 'hidden', nodes: [], displayNodes: 'hidden', multipleNodes: '', isLoading: false, displayOptionalProps: 'hidden', formIsValid: false, showPagination: false, showResults: false, errorResults: false, errorMessage: '', noResults: false, isInitialLoad: true }); } updateSelectedHandler = (selectedOption) => { const value = selectedOption === null ? 'Please Select A Query' : selectedOption.value if(selectedOption){ console.log('updateSelectedHandler.reqPropPlaceholder: ' + selectedOption.reqPropPlaceholder); console.log('updateSelectedHandler.value: ' + selectedOption.value); this.setState({ placeholder: selectedOption.placeholder }); this.setState({ displayReqProps: selectedOption.reqPropPlaceholder ? 'show' : 'hidden' }); this.setState({ displayOptionalProps: selectedOption.optionalPropPlaceholder ? 'show' : 'hidden'}); this.setState({ reqPropPlaceholder: selectedOption.reqPropPlaceholder }); this.setState({ optionalPropPlaceholder: selectedOption.optionalPropPlaceholder}); this.setState({ disableInputs: false }); this.setState({ query: value }); this.setState({ description: selectedOption.description.summary }); this.setState({ additionalInfo: selectedOption.description.additionalInfo }); this.setState({ displayDescription: 'show' }); this.setState({ startNode: ''}); this.setState({ reqProps: ''}); this.setState({ optionalProps: ''}); this.setState({ queryPlaceHolder: value}); }else{ /*this.setState({ queryPlaceHolder: value, query: '', reqPropPlaceholder: this.state.reqPropPlaceholder,optionalPropPlaceholder: this.state.optionalPropPlaceholder, startNode: '',reqProps: '', optionalProps: ''});*/ this.onInputChangeHandler(); } } checkValidity() { let isValid = true; isValid = this.state.startNode.trim().length > 1 && isValid; if (this.state.reqPropPlaceholder) { console.log('Checking if reqProps is on state...'); isValid = this.state.reqProps.length > 1 && isValid; } return isValid; } inputChangeHandler = (event) => { const target = event.target; const value = target.value; const name = target.name; console.log('inputChangeHandler.value: ' + value); console.log('inputChangeHandler.name: ' + name); let formIsValid = null; this.setState( { [name]: value }, function () { console.log('startNode:' + this.state.startNode); console.log('reqProps:' + this.state.reqProps); formIsValid = this.checkValidity(); console.log('formIsValid:' + formIsValid); this.setState({ formIsValid: formIsValid }); }); } onAdditem = (event) => { //window.alert('onAddItem clicked'); event.preventDefault(); this.nodeResults = ''; this.typeOfCall = true; this.formQueryString(); }; formPayload = () => { var startNode = this.state.startNode; startNode.trim(); console.log('startNode.trim().length: ' + startNode.trim().length); var queryName = this.state.query; var reqProps = this.state.reqProps; var optionalProps = this.state.optionalProps; console.log('start Node: ' + startNode); console.log('query name: ' + queryName); console.log('req props: ' + reqProps); console.log('Optional props: ' + optionalProps); let payload = null; if(queryName === 'node-fromURI'){ payload = { start: startNode }; } else if ( reqProps === '' && optionalProps === '' ){ payload = { start: startNode, query: 'query/' + queryName }; } else if(reqProps !== ''){ reqProps = '?' + reqProps; payload = { start: startNode, query: 'query/' + queryName + reqProps }; } if(optionalProps !== ''){ if(reqProps === ''){ optionalProps = '?' + optionalProps; }else{ optionalProps = reqProps + optionalProps; } payload = { start: startNode, query: 'query/' + queryName + optionalProps }; } return payload } formQueryString = () =>{ let payload = this.formPayload(); console.log('payload>>>>>' + payload.toString()); const settings = { 'NODESERVER': INVLIST.NODESERVER, 'PROXY': INVLIST.PROXY, 'PREFIX': INVLIST.PREFIX, 'VERSION': INVLIST.VERSION, 'USESTUBS': INVLIST.useStubs }; let queryStr = ''; if(this.typeOfCall){ queryStr = 'query?format=simple&resultIndex=' + this.state.activePage + '&resultSize=' + PAGINATION_CONSTANT.RESULTS_PER_PAGE; this.setState({isLoading: true,nodes: [], currentPayload:payload}); }else{ let pagerange=this.state.pageRange.toString(); pagerange=pagerange.split('-'); if(pagerange.length > 1){ queryStr = 'query?format=simple&resultIndex=' + parseInt(pagerange[0]) + '&resultSize=' + PAGINATION_CONSTANT.RESULTS_PER_PAGE + '&resultRangeEnd=' + parseInt(pagerange[1]); }else{ queryStr = 'query?format=simple&resultIndex=1&resultSize=' + parseInt(pagerange); } this.setState({enableModelBusyFeedback: true, currentPayload:payload}); } this.getNodes(settings, queryStr, 'PUT', payload); } getNodes(settings, path, httpMethodType, payload) { commonApi(settings, path, httpMethodType, payload, 'CQDefault') .then(res => { console.log(Object.keys(res.data)); this.processData(res); if(this.state.nodes.length > 0 && this.state.visualAddition){ Visualization.chart('currentState' , [], [], this.state.res.data, this); } console.log('res:' + res); }, error => { console.log(JSON.stringify(error)); if(this.typeOfCall){ this.triggerError(error); }else{ let errMsg = this.renderErrorMsg(error); this.setState({ isLoading: false,errorDownloadResults:true,downloadErrorMsg:errMsg,enableModelBusyFeedback:false}); } }).catch(error => { console.log(JSON.stringify(error)); if(this.typeOfCall){ this.triggerError(error); }else{ let errMsg = this.renderErrorMsg(error); this.setState({ isLoading: false,errorDownloadResults:true,downloadErrorMsg:errMsg,enableModelBusyFeedback:false}); } }); this.isEnabled = []; } triggerError = (error) =>{ // this.processData(''); this.setState({isLoading: false, totalResults: 0, showPagination: false, showResults: false, isInitialLoad: false, errorResults:true, noResults: true }); this.downloadAllTooltip = 'Downloads First ' + DOWNLOAD_ALL + ' Results'; let errMsg = this.renderErrorMsg(error); this.setState({errorMessage:errMsg}); } renderErrorMsg = (error) =>{ let errMsg=''; if (error.response) { // The request was made and the server responded with a status code // that falls out of the range of 2xx console.log(error.response.data); console.log(error.response.status); console.log(error.response.headers); if(error.response.status){ errMsg += " Code: " + error.response.status; } if(error.response.data){ errMsg += " - " + JSON.stringify(error.response.data); } } else if (error.request) { // The request was made but no response was received // `error.request` is an instance of XMLHttpRequest in the browser and an instance of // http.ClientRequest in node.js console.log(error.request); errMsg += " - Request was made but no response received"; } else { // Something happened in setting up the request that triggered an Error console.log('Error', error.message); errMsg += " - Unknown error occurred " + error.message; } console.log(error.config); return errMsg; } processData(resp) { //data = CustomQueryResponse; console.log( 'in Custom Query component file DATA: ' + JSON.stringify(resp.data)); if(this.typeOfCall){ if(resp.data && resp.data.results) { this.setState( { res: resp, nodes: resp.data.results}, function () { console.log('how many nodes? ', this.state.nodes.length); this.setState({ multipleNodes: this.state.nodes.length > 1 ? 'col-lg-3 col-xl-3' : '' }); }); } let totalResults = 0; let downloadCount = DOWNLOAD_ALL; if(resp.headers){ totalResults = parseInt(resp.headers['total-results']); if(totalResults > DOWNLOAD_ALL){ this.downloadAllTooltip = DOWNLOAD_ALL + ' results out of '+ totalResults +' Results will be downloaded, please filter results further to obtain full report'; }else{ this.downloadAllTooltip = (totalResults === 1) ?'Downloads ' + totalResults + ' Results' : 'Downloads all ' + totalResults + ' Results' ; downloadCount= totalResults; } this.setState({isLoading: false, totalResults: totalResults, totalPages: parseInt(resp.headers['total-pages']), showResults: resp.headers['total-results'] > 0 ? true : false, showPagination: resp.headers['total-results'] > 0 ? true : false, isInitialLoad: false, noResults: resp.headers['total-results'] && resp.headers['total-results'] > 0 ? false : true, errorResults: !resp.headers['total-results'], downloadCount: downloadCount }); } this.setState({ displayNodes: 'show', viewName: this.state.defaultViewName }); }else{ if(resp.data && resp.data.results) { this.nodeResults = resp.data.results; let totalResults = 0; let totalPages = 0; if(resp.headers){ totalResults = parseInt(resp.headers['total-results']); totalPages = parseInt(resp.headers['total-pages']); } this.setState({isLoading: false,totalPages:totalPages,errorDownloadResults:false,downloadErrorMsg:''},() => {this.getAllExcels()}); }else{ this.nodeResults = ''; this.setState({isLoading: false,errorDownloadResults:true,downloadErrorMsg:error+'',enableModelBusyFeedback:false}); } } } nodeOnClick(event, uri, id, nodeType) { event.preventDefault(); let delimiter = '\/'; let start = 3; let tokens = uri.split(delimiter).slice(start); let result = tokens.join(delimiter); sessionStorage.setItem(GlobalExtConstants.ENVIRONMENT + 'URI', result); console.log(['/model/' + nodeType + '/' + id + '/' + '1']); }; openDownloadRange = () =>{ this.setState({ showDownloadResultsModal: true, errorDownloadResults: false, downloadErrorMsg:''}); } closeDownloadResults = () =>{ this.setState({ showDownloadResultsModal: false, enableModelBusyFeedback: false }); } getAllExcels = (pageRange,rangeState) =>{ console.log('getAllExcels>>>>>>>>>>>*',pageRange); if(pageRange){ this.typeOfCall=false; let rangeModelState=(rangeState)? rangeState: false; this.setState( { pageRange: pageRange,enableModelBusyFeedback:true,showDownloadResultsModal:rangeModelState}, function () { this.formQueryString(); }.bind(this) ); }else{ this.setState( {errorDownloadResults: false, showDownloadResultsModal: false, downloadErrorMsg:'', isLoading: false, enableModelBusyFeedback:false}, function () { generateExcels(this.nodeResults);this.nodeResults='';this.typeOfCall = true;}.bind(this) ); } } getExcels = () =>{ this.typeOfCall = true; generateExcels(this.state.nodes); } handlePageChange = (pageNumber) => { console.log('[CustomQuery.jsx] HandelPageChange active page is', pageNumber); this.typeOfCall = true; this.setState( { activePage: pageNumber, isLoading: true, nodes: [], resetColumnFilters: false, isPageNumberChange: true }, function () { this.formQueryString(); }.bind(this) ); }; openHistory = (nodeDisplay, nodeUri, nodeType) => { // open modal from Card console.log('history >> showModal',nodeDisplay); if(nodeType){ this.setState({ nodeDisplay: nodeDisplay, showHistoryModal: true, showModelOptions:true, enableCalendar:true, historyType:(this.state.historyType === 'cq') ? 'nodeState' : this.state.historyType, focusedNodeUri: nodeUri, focusedNodeType: nodeType, }); }else{ let payload = this.formPayload(); this.setState({ showHistoryModal:true, showModelOptions:false, focusedNodeUri: JSON.stringify(payload), focusedNodeType: nodeType, enableCalendar:true, historyType :'cq' }); } } closeHistory = () => { this.setState({ showHistoryModal: false, enableCalendar:true, historyType :'nodeState' }); } setViewName(event) { console.log(event.currentTarget.value); this.setState({ viewName: event.currentTarget.value }); } setDefaultViewName(event) { let ENVIRONMENT = GlobalExtConstants.ENVIRONMENT; let layout = event.target.value; if(sessionStorage.getItem(ENVIRONMENT + 'userId')) { if (event.target.checked) { localStorage.setItem(ENVIRONMENT + '_' + sessionStorage.getItem(ENVIRONMENT + 'userId') + '_viewPreference', layout); } else { localStorage.removeItem(ENVIRONMENT + '_' + sessionStorage.getItem(ENVIRONMENT + 'userId') + '_viewPreference'); } } this.setState({ defaultViewName: event.target.value }); } submitHistory = () => { console.log("submitting history"); let paramToPassThrough = ''; if(this.state.focusedNodeType){ paramToPassThrough = '/history/' + this.state.historyType +'/' + this.state.focusedNodeType + '/' + btoa(this.state.focusedNodeUri); }else{ paramToPassThrough = '/historyQuery/' + this.state.historyType + '/' + btoa(this.state.focusedNodeUri); } let epochStartTime = (this.state.startDate).unix(); this.props.history.push(paramToPassThrough + '/' + epochStartTime * 1000); } handleDateChange = (newDate) =>{ this.setState({ startDate: moment(+newDate) }); console.log('[CustomQuery.jsx] handleDateChange date is ', this.state.startDate); console.log('[CustomQuery.jsx] handleDateChange date is in millis ', +this.state.startDate); } setHistoryType(event) { console.log(event.target.value); let enableCalendar = false; if(event.target.value === 'nodeLifeCycle'){ enableCalendar = false; }else{ enableCalendar = true; } this.setState({ historyType: event.target.value, enableCalendar: enableCalendar }); console.log(this.state.enableCalendar); } openNodeModal(nodeDisplay, nodeUri, nodeType){ // open modal console.log('customquery >> showModal'); nodeDisplay = "Node Details of " + nodeUri; let node = null; let found = false; for(var j = 0; j < this.state.nodes.length && !found; j++){ if(this.state.nodes[j].url === nodeUri){ node = this.state.nodes[j]; found = true; } } if(nodeDisplay && found){ this.setState({ nodeDisplay: nodeDisplay, focusedNode: node, showNodeModal:true }); }else{ this.setState({ showNodeModal:true }); } } closeNodeModal = () => { this.setState({ showNodeModal: false }); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState, snapshot) { if(this.state.nodes.length > 0 && !this.state.visualAddition){ Visualization.chart('currentState', [], [], this.state.res.data, this); this.setState({ showPagination: this.state.nodes.length > 0 ? true : false, visualAddition: true }); } } prepareDownloadRangeModel = () =>{ let downloadRangeModel = (this.state.showDownloadResultsModal)? : ''; return downloadRangeModel; } render() { let simple = 'Enter Start Node Location => network/generic-vnfs/generic-vnf/a642ad94-9a84-4418-9358-c1ee860315e2'; let advanced = 'Enter Start Node Location => /cloud-infrastructure/cloud-regions/cloud-region/cloudowner1/cloudregion1'; let downloadRangeModel = this.prepareDownloadRangeModel(); if (this.state.displayValidationError) { inputClasses.push('invalid'); } let styling = inputClasses.join(' '); console.log('styling:' + styling); let nodes = ''; let classes = `${this.state.displayNodes} container-fluid`; const modelGalleryElement = ; if (this.state.nodes.length > 0) { console.log('nodes exist'); nodes =

; } return (

Welcome to Custom Queries!

On this page you can choose from the many different predefined custom queries has to offer. Simply choose the query name and provide the location of the start node.
If prompted please also enter the values in required properties field as some queries require these values to execute.
Check the Help Section on the right for examples.

Retrieve {(this.state.focusedNodeType) ? this.state.focusedNodeType: 'Custom Query '} History
this.handleDateChange(newDate)} showTimeSelect timeFormat="HH:mm" timeIntervals={15} dateFormat="MMMM D, YYYY h:mm a" timeCaption="time" />
Retrieve {this.state.nodeDisplay}

{ INVLIST.isHistoryEnabled && ()}
+ Simple Query

Please specify a Query from the Dropdown Menu.

Please enter exact location of the Starting Node Path


Query => complex-fromVnf
Enter Starting Node => /network/pnfs/pnf/pnf-name1


*Simple Query requires no other values to be passed other than the start node path

+ Advanced Queries with Properties

Please specify a Query from the Dropdown Menu.

Please enter exact location of the Starting Node Path

Please enter required query parameter - if applicable

Please enter optional query parameter - if applicable

Query => vlantag-fromVlanidouter


Required Properties: vlanIdOuter=203

Optional Properties: vlanIdInner=103

{this.state.query} Results

Total Results: {this.state.totalResults}
{ this.state.showResults &&
} {this.downloadAllTooltip}}> {this.downloadRangeTooltip}}>
An error occurred, please try again later. If this issue persists, please contact the system administrator. {this.state.errorMessage}

No Results Found

); } } export default CustomQuery;