/** * ============LICENSE_START=================================================== * SPARKY (AAI UI service) * ============================================================================ * Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. * Copyright © 2017 Amdocs * All rights reserved. * ============================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END===================================================== * * ECOMP and OpenECOMP are trademarks * and service marks of AT&T Intellectual Property. */ package org.openecomp.sparky.logging; import com.att.eelf.i18n.EELFResourceManager; import org.openecomp.cl.eelf.LogMessageEnum; /** * The Enum AaiUiMsgs. */ public enum AaiUiMsgs implements LogMessageEnum { /** Arguments: {0} = Exception/error. */ FAILURE_TO_PROCESS_REQUEST, /** Arguments: {0} = Message and or error body. */ FAILED_TO_DETERMINE, /** Arguments: {0} = Exception/error. */ UNKNOWN_SERVER_ERROR, /** Arguments: {0} = Message and or error body. */ FAILED_TO_ANALYZE, /** Arguments: {0} = Exception/error. */ FAILED_TO_GET_NODES_QUERY_RESULT, /** Arguments: {0} = Expected link count, {1} = Actual link count. */ UNEXPECTED_NUMBER_OF_LINKS, /** Arguments: {0} = Reason. */ DANGLING_NODE_WARNING, /** Arguments: {0} = Node count, {1} = Link count. */ VISUALIZATION_GRAPH_OUTPUT, /** Arguments: {0} = JsonNode. */ ITEM_TYPE_NULL, /** Arguments: {0} = Filter property. */ UNEXPECTED_TOKEN_COUNT, /** Arguments: {0} = Error/exception message. */ ADD_SEARCH_TARGET_ATTRIBUTES_FAILED, /** No argument */ MAX_EVALUATION_ATTEMPTS_EXCEEDED, /** Arguments: {0} = Error/exception message. */ VISUALIZATION_OUTPUT_ERROR, /** Arguments: {0} = Total resolve time, {1} = Total links retrieved, {2} = Op time. */ ALL_TRANSACTIONS_RESOLVED, /** Arguments: {0} = Error/exception message. */ PROCESSING_LOOP_INTERUPTED, /** Arguments: {0} = Node ID. */ IGNORING_SKELETON_NODE, /** Arguments: {0} = Node count. */ OUTSTANDING_WORK_PENDING_NODES, /** Arguments: {0} = Reason. */ FAILED_TO_ADD_SKELETON_NODE, /** Arguments: {0} = Reason. */ FAILED_TO_PROCESS_SKELETON_NODE, INVALID_RESOLVE_STATE_DURING_INIT, /** Arguments: {0} = Reason. */ FAILED_TO_PROCESS_INITIAL_STATE, /** Arguments: {0} = Relationship. */ SKIPPING_RELATIONSHIP, /** Arguments: {0} = Failure reason. */ FAILED_TO_DETERMINE_NODE_ID, /** Arguments: {0} = Error/exception message. */ EXTRACTION_ERROR, /** Arguments: {0} = Error/exception message. */ SELF_LINK_NODE_PARSE_ERROR, /** Arguments: {0} = Node ID. */ ROOT_NODE_DISCOVERED, /** Arguments: {0} = Error/exception message. */ SELF_LINK_PROCESS_NEIGHBORS_ERROR, /** Arguments: {0} = Error/exception message. */ SELF_LINK_JSON_PARSE_ERROR, /** Arguments: {0} = Error/exception message. */ SELF_LINK_PROCESSING_ERROR, /** Arguments: {0} = Entity type. */ UNHANDLED_OBJ_TYPE_FOR_ENTITY_TYPE, /** Arguments: {0} = Attribute group. */ ATTRIBUTE_GROUP_FAILURE, /** Arguments: {0} = Situational description, {1} = Exception message. */ EXCEPTION_CAUGHT, /** Arguments: {0} = Operation name, {1} = Operation time. */ OPERATION_TIME, /** Arguments: {0} = Error message. */ SEARCH_SERVLET_ERROR, /** Arguments: {0} = Exception message. */ SEARCH_RESPONSE_BUILDING_EXCEPTION, /** Arguments: {0} = Error message, {1} = Error message. */ SEARCH_TAG_ANNOTATION_ERROR, /** Arguments: {0} = App type. */ QUERY_FAILED_UNHANDLED_APP_TYPE, /** Arguments: {0} = Entity type. */ ENTITY_NOT_FOUND_IN_OXM, /** Arguments: {0} = JSON conversion type, {1} = Error thrown. */ JSON_CONVERSION_ERROR, /** Arguments: {0} = Node ID */ NO_RELATIONSHIP_DISCOVERED, /** No argument */ SELF_LINK_NULL_EMPTY_RESPONSE, /** Arguments: {0} = Error message. */ SELF_LINK_RELATIONSHIP_LIST_ERROR, /** Arguments: {0} = AIN id, {1} = old depth, {2} = new depth. */ ACTIVE_INV_NODE_CHANGE_DEPTH, /** Arguments: {0} = Node ID, {1} = Current state, {2} = New state {3} = Triggering action */ ACTIVE_INV_NODE_CHANGE_STATE, /** Arguments: {0} = Current state, {1} = New state {2} = Triggering action */ ACTIVE_INV_NODE_CHANGE_STATE_NO_NODE_ID, /** Arguments: {0} = Count Key {1} = Aggregation Key. */ AGGREGATION_KEY_ERROR, /** Arguments: {0} Configuration */ CONFIGURATION_ERROR, /** Arguments: {0} = Source. */ ERROR_PARSING_JSON_PAYLOAD_NONVERBOSE, /** Arguments: {0} = Payload. */ ERROR_PARSING_JSON_PAYLOAD_VERBOSE, /** Arguments: {0} = Key {1} = JSON Blob. */ ERROR_FETCHING_JSON_VALUE, /** Arguments: {0} = Error. */ ERROR_PARSING_PARAMS, /** No argument */ INVALID_REQUEST_PARAMS, /** Arguments: {0} = Key. */ ERROR_SORTING_VIOLATION_DATA, /** Arguments: {0} = exception */ ERROR_SERVLET_PROCESSSING, /** Arguments: {0} = exception */ ERROR_BUILDING_RESPONSE_FOR_TABLE_QUERY, /** Arguments: {0} = exception */ ERROR_BUILDING_SEARCH_RESPONSE, /** No argument */ ERROR_CSP_CONFIG_FILE, /** Arguments: {0} = exception */ ERROR_SHUTDOWN_EXECUTORS, /** No argument */ ERROR_LOADING_OXM, /** Arguments: {0} = exception */ ERROR_GETTING_DATA_FROM_AAI, /** No argument */ WAIT_FOR_ALL_SELFLINKS_TO_BE_COLLECTED, /** Arguments: {0} = Entity Type */ MISSING_ENTITY_DESCRIPTOR, /** Arguments: {0} = Error */ SELF_LINK_GET, /** Arguments: {0} = Error */ ES_FAILED_TO_CONSTRUCT_QUERY, /** Arguments: {0} = Error */ ES_RETRIEVAL_FAILED, /** Arguments: {0} = Error */ ES_LINK_UPSERT, /** Arguments: {0} = Element */ ES_SIMPLE_PUT, /** Arguments: {0} = Value {1} = Element {2} = Error */ ES_ABORT_CROSS_ENTITY_REF_SYNC, /** Arguments: {0} Return Code */ ES_OPERATION_RETURN_CODE, /** Arguments: {0} = Error */ ES_CROSS_ENTITY_REF_PUT, /** No argument */ ES_CROSS_REF_SYNC_VERSION_CONFLICT, /** Arguments: {0} Result Code {1} = Error */ ES_CROSS_REF_SYNC_FAILURE, /** Arguments: {0} = Error */ ES_FAILED_TO_CONSTRUCT_URI, /** No argument */ ES_RETRIEVAL_FAILED_RESYNC, /** Arguments: {0} = Entity */ ES_CROSS_ENTITY_RESYNC_LIMIT, /** Arguments: {0} Entity Name */ ES_PKEYVALUE_NULL, /** Arguments: {0} = Error */ ES_STORE_FAILURE, /** Arguments: {0} Index Name {1} = Error */ ES_PRE_SYNC_FAILURE, /** Arguments: {0} Index Name */ ES_SYNC_CLEAN_UP, /** Arguments: {0} Index Name {1} Size before clean up {2} = Size after clean up */ ES_SYNC_CLEAN_UP_SIZE, /** Arguments: {0} Index Name {1} Index Type {2} = Size before delete */ ES_SYNC_SELECTIVE_DELETE, /** Arguments: {0} Index Name {1} Number of records */ ES_BULK_DELETE, /** Arguments: {0} Index name {1} = Error */ ES_BULK_DELETE_ERROR, /** Arguments: {0} Type of retrieval {1} Completion Time */ COLLECT_TIME_WITH_ERROR, /** Arguments: {0} Type of retrieval {1} Completion Time */ COLLECT_TIME_WITH_SUCCESS, /** Arguments: {0} Type of retrieval {1} Number of records */ COLLECT_TOTAL, /** Arguments: {0} Number of required fetches */ SYNC_NUMBER_REQ_FETCHES, /** Arguments: {0} Number of total fetches {1} Number of available records*/ SYNC_NUMBER_TOTAL_FETCHES, /** Arguments: {0} Completion Time */ COLLECT_TOTAL_TIME, /** Arguments: {0} = Error */ ES_SCROLL_CONTEXT_ERROR, /** No argument */ ES_BULK_DELETE_SKIP, /** Arguments: {0} = Number of docs */ ES_BULK_DELETE_START, /** No argument */ SELF_LINK_CROSS_REF_SYNC, /** Arguments: {0} = message */ ERROR_GENERIC, /** Arguments: {0} = error */ JSON_PROCESSING_ERROR, /** Arguments: {0} = exception */ ERROR_PROCESSING_REQUEST, /** Arguments: {0} = Self Link */ SELF_LINK_GET_NO_RESPONSE, /** Arguments: {0} = error */ HISTORICAL_COLLECT_ERROR, /** Arguments: {0} = Time */ HISTORICAL_ENTITY_COUNT_SUMMARIZER_STARTING, /** No argument */ HISTORICAL_ENTITY_COUNT_SUMMARIZER_NOT_STARTED, /** Arguments: {0} = Controller {1} = Time */ HISTORICAL_SYNC_DURATION, /** No argument */ HISTORICAL_SYNC_PENDING, /** Arguments: {0} = Time */ HISTORICAL_SYNC_TO_BEGIN, /** Arguments: {0} = message */ DEBUG_GENERIC, /** Arguments: {0} = message */ INFO_GENERIC, /** Arguments: {0} = message */ WARN_GENERIC, /** Arguments: {0} = context {1} = Exception*/ INTERRUPTED, /** Arguments: {0} = Entity Type {1} Entity */ GEO_SYNC_IGNORING_ENTITY, /** Arguments: {0} = type */ OXM_FAILED_RETRIEVAL, /** Arguments: {0} = Directory. */ OXM_FILE_NOT_FOUND, /** No argument */ OXM_READ_ERROR_NONVERBOSE, /** Arguments: {0} = OXM File name */ OXM_READ_ERROR_VERBOSE, /** No argument */ OXM_PARSE_ERROR_NONVERBOSE, /** Arguments: {0} = OXM File name {1} = Exception*/ OXM_PARSE_ERROR_VERBOSE, /** No argument */ OXM_LOAD_SUCCESS, /** Arguments: {0} = Entity {1} = Found property-value*/ OXM_PROP_DEF_ERR_CROSS_ENTITY_REF, /** Arguments: {0} = Sequence Number */ ETAG_RETRY_SEQ, /** Arguments: {0} = Reason */ ETAG_WAIT_INTERRUPTION, /** Arguments: {0} = URL {1} = Sequence Number */ QUERY_AAI_RETRY_SEQ, /** Arguments: {0} = URL {1} = Sequence Number */ QUERY_AAI_RETRY_DONE_SEQ, /** Arguments: {0} = Reason */ QUERY_AAI_WAIT_INTERRUPTION, /** Arguments: {0} = URL {1} = Sequence Number */ QUERY_AAI_RETRY_FAILURE_WITH_SEQ, /** Arguments: {0} = URL */ QUERY_AAI_RETRY_MAXED_OUT, /** Arguments: {0} = Reason */ PEGGING_ERROR, /** Arguments: {0} = Key */ DATA_CACHE_SUCCESS, /** Arguments: {0} = URL {1} = Sequence Number */ EXECUTOR_SERV_EXCEPTION, /** Arguments: {0} = Exception */ DISK_CACHE_READ_IO_ERROR, /** Arguments: {0} = Exception */ DISK_CREATE_DIR_IO_ERROR, /** Arguments: {0} = Exception */ DISK_DATA_WRITE_IO_ERROR, /** Arguments: {0} = Data Item {1} = Exception */ DISK_NAMED_DATA_WRITE_IO_ERROR, /** Arguments: {0} = Data Item {1} = Exception */ DISK_NAMED_DATA_READ_IO_ERROR, /** No argument */ OFFLINE_STORAGE_PATH_ERROR, /** Arguments: {0} = URL {1} = Error */ RESTFULL_OP_ERROR_VERBOSE, /** Arguments: {0} = Method {1} = Time {2} = URL {3} = Result Code */ RESTFULL_OP_COMPLETE, /** No argument */ INITIALIZE_OXM_MODEL_LOADER, /** Arguments: {0} = Exception */ AAI_RETRIEVAL_FAILED_GENERIC, /** Arguments: {0} = Self Link */ AAI_RETRIEVAL_FAILED_FOR_SELF_LINK, /** Arguments: {0} = Cookie */ COOKIE_FOUND, /** No argument */ COOKIE_NOT_FOUND, /** Arguments: {0} = Message */ INVALID_REQUEST, /** Arguments: {0} = User ID */ USER_AUTHORIZATION_FILE_UNAVAILABLE, /** Arguments: {0} = URL {1} = Cause */ INVALID_URL_VERBOSE, /** Arguments: {0} = Row ID */ DI_DATA_NOT_FOUND_NONVERBOSE, /** Arguments: {0} = Row ID {1} Attempt count */ DI_DATA_NOT_FOUND_VERBOSE, /** Arguments: {0} = Time in ms {1} Status */ DI_MS_TIME_FOR_DATA_FETCH, /** Arguments: {0} = Number of Entity Links */ ENTITY_SYNC_FAILED_SELFLINK_AMBIGUITY, /** Arguments: {0} = Message */ ERROR_EXTRACTING_FROM_RESPONSE, /** No argument */ ERROR_LOADING_OXM_SEARCHABLE_ENTITIES, /** Arguments: {0} = Message */ ES_SEARCHABLE_ENTITY_SYNC_ERROR, /** Arguments: {0} = Message */ FAILED_TO_REGISTER_DUE_TO_NULL, /** Arguments: {0} = File Path */ FAILED_TO_RESTORE_TXN_FILE_MISSING, /** Arguments: {0} = Index Name */ INDEX_ALREADY_EXISTS, /** Arguments: {0} = Index Name */ INDEX_EXISTS, /** Arguments: {0} = Index Name {1} = Operation Result */ INDEX_INTEGRITY_CHECK_FAILED, /** Arguments: {0} = Index Name */ INDEX_NOT_EXIST, /** Arguments: {0} = Index Name */ INDEX_RECREATED, /** Arguments: {0} = Time */ SEARCH_ENGINE_SYNC_STARTED, /** Arguments: {0} = Time */ SKIP_PERIODIC_SYNC_AS_SYNC_DIDNT_FINISH, /** Arguments: {0} = Message */ SYNC_DURATION, /** Arguments: {0} = Entity Type */ ENTITY_SYNC_FAILED_DESCRIPTOR_NOT_FOUND, /** Arguments: {0} = AAI Query Result */ ENTITY_SYNC_FAILED_DURING_AAI_RESPONSE_CONVERSION, /** Arguments: {0} = Message */ ENTITY_SYNC_FAILED_QUERY_ERROR, /** Arguments: {0} = Self Link Query */ SELF_LINK_DETERMINATION_FAILED_GENERIC, /** Arguments: {0} = Number of Entity Links */ SELF_LINK_DETERMINATION_FAILED_UNEXPECTED_LINKS, /** Arguments: {1} = Query {2} = Operation Result Code {3} = Operation Result */ SELF_LINK_RETRIEVAL_FAILED, /** Arguments: {0} = Controller {1} = Synchronizer Current Internal State {2} = New State {3} = Caused By Action */ SYNC_INTERNAL_STATE_CHANGED, /** Arguments: {0} = Message */ SYNC_INVALID_CONFIG_PARAM, /** Arguments: {0} = Synchronizer Current Internal State */ SYNC_NOT_VALID_STATE_DURING_REQUEST, /** No argument */ SYNC_SKIPPED_SYNCCONTROLLER_NOT_INITIALIZED, /** No argument */ SYNC_START_TIME, /** Arguments: {0} = Controller {1} = Time */ SYNC_TO_BEGIN, /** Arguments: {0} = File Path */ WILL_RETRIEVE_TXN, /** Arguments: {0} = Configuration file name {1} = Exception */ CONFIG_NOT_FOUND_VERBOSE, /** Arguments: {0} = File name */ FILE_NOT_FOUND, /** Arguments: {0} = File name */ FILE_READ_IN_PROGRESS, ERROR_LOADING_OXM_SUGGESTIBLE_ENTITIES, /** Arguments: {0} = Error message */ ES_SUGGESTION_SEARCH_ENTITY_SYNC_ERROR, /** Arguments: {0} = Error message */ ES_AGGREGATION_SUGGESTION_ENTITY_SYNC_ERROR, /** Arguments: {0} = Error message. */ ENTITY_SYNC_SEARCH_TAG_ANNOTATION_FAILED, /** Arguments: {0} = Error message */ SEARCH_ADAPTER_ERROR, /** Arguments: {0} = Decoding exception message */ UNSUPPORTED_URL_ENCODING, /** Arguments: {0} = Invalid URL */ INVALID_REDIRECT_URL, /** Arguments: {0} = Valid login URL */ VALID_REDIRECT_URL, /** Arguments: {0} = Query Parameter Self-Link Extraction Error */ QUERY_PARAM_EXTRACTION_ERROR, /** Arguments: {0} = Info message */ LOGIN_FILTER_INFO, /** Arguments: {0} = Debug message */ LOGIN_FILTER_DEBUG, /** Arguments: {0} = URL to extract parameter from */ ERROR_REMOVING_URL_PARAM, /** Arguments: {0} = Hash value */ ERROR_INVALID_HASH, ERROR_HASH_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_READING_HTTP_REQ_PARAMS, /** Arguments: {0} = Exception */ ERROR_D3_GRAPH_VISUALIZATION, /** Arguments: {0} = Exception */ ERROR_AAI_QUERY_WITH_RETRY, /** Arguments: Error extracting resource path from self-link. Error = {0} */ ERROR_EXTRACTING_RESOURCE_PATH_FROM_LINK; /** * Static initializer to ensure the resource bundles for this class are loaded... */ static { EELFResourceManager.loadMessageBundle("logging/AAIUIMsgs"); } }