# Configure AAF aaf_locate_url=https://aaf-locate.onap:8095 aaf_url=<%=https://aaf-locate.onap:8095/AAF_NS.service:2.0 # AAF Environment Designation #if you are running aaf service from a docker image you have to use aaf service IP and port number aaf_id=aai@aai.onap.org #Encrypt the password using AAF Jar aaf_password=enc:xxYw1FqXU5UpianbPeH5Rezg0YfjzuwQrSiLcCmJGfz #hostname=org.onap.aai. csp_domain=PROD # Add Absolute path to Keyfile cadi_keyfile=${CONFIG_HOME}/portal/keyFile # This is required to accept Certificate Authentication from Certman certificates. aaf_env=DEV # DEBUG prints off all the properties. Use to get started. cadi_loglevel=DEBUG # Add Absolute path to truststore2018.jks cadi_truststore=file:${CONFIG_HOME}/auth/truststoreONAPall.jks # Note: This is the ONLY password that doesn't have to be encrypted. All Java's TrustStores are this passcode by default, because they are public certs cadi_truststore_password=OBF:1vn21ugu1saj1v9i1v941sar1ugw1vo0 # how to turn on SSL Logging #javax.net.debug=ssl