# Java class that implements the ECOMP role and user mgt API portal.api.impl.class=org.openecomp.sparky.security.portal.PortalRestAPIServiceImpl # Instance of ECOMP Portal where the app has been on-boarded # ecomp_rest_url=http://ecomp.homer.att.com/ecompportal/auxapi # use insecure http for dev purposes to avoid self-signed certificate ecomp_rest_url=<%= @ECOMP_REST_URL %> ### CSP-SSO # Standard global logon page ecomp_redirect_url=<%= @ECOMP_REDIRECT_URL %> # Test global logon page only accepts registered users # ecomp_redirect_url=https://webtest.csp.att.com/ecompportal/ecompportal/process_csp # CSP settings csp_cookie_name=<%= @CSP_COOKIE_NAME %> # Alternate values: DEVL, V_DEVL, V_PROD csp_gate_keeper_prod_key = PROD # No use of UEB; however, this key is used to identify the app. ueb_listeners_enable=false # cl778h demo app ueb_app_key=<%= @UEB_APP_KEY %> # Use this tag if the app is centralized role_access_centralized = <%= @ROLE_ACCESS_CENTRALIZED %> # Connection and Read timeout values ext_req_connection_timeout = <%= @PORTAL_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT %> ext_req_read_timeout = <%= @PORTAL_READ_TIMEOUT %> #Add AAF namespace if the app is centralized aaf_namespace = <%= @AAF_NAMESPACE %>