#Cron expressions #please note these must be in Quartz cron syntax #column key: seconds minutes hours dayOfMonth month dayOfWeek #note: dayOfWeek is optional, the rest are mandatory #for more information refer to http://www.quartz-scheduler.org/documentation/quartz-2.x/tutorials/crontrigger.html #this site can generate new expressions for you: http://www.cronmaker.com/ #BUT you must omit the last (seventh) column when you copy its output (spring expects exactly 6 fields and doesn't allow the seventh optional one) datagroomingcleanup.enabled=${DATA_GROOMING_CLEANUP_ENABLED:true} datagroomingcleanup.cron=0 06 0 * * ? datagroomingtasks.enabled=${DATA_GROOMING_TASKS_ENABLED:true} datagroomingtasks.cron=0 10 1,5,9,13,17,21 * * ? datasnapshotcleanup.enabled=${DATA_SNAPSHOT_CLEANUP_ENABLED:true} datasnapshotcleanup.cron=0 17 0 * * ? datasnapshottasks.enabled=${DATA_SNAPSHOT_TASKS_ENABLED:true} datasnapshottasks.cron=0 45 * * * ?