/** * ============LICENSE_START======================================================= * org.onap.aai * ================================================================================ * Copyright © 2017-2018 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. * ================================================================================ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ============LICENSE_END========================================================= */ package org.onap.aai.datasnapshot; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.SequenceInputStream; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.Vertex; import org.apache.commons.configuration.PropertiesConfiguration; import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.io.IoCore; import org.onap.aai.dbmap.AAIGraph; import org.onap.aai.dbmap.AAIGraphConfig; import org.onap.aai.exceptions.AAIException; import org.onap.aai.logging.ErrorLogHelper; import org.onap.aai.util.AAIConfig; import org.onap.aai.util.AAIConstants; import org.onap.aai.util.GraphAdminConstants; import org.onap.aai.util.AAISystemExitUtil; import org.onap.aai.util.FormatDate; import org.onap.aai.util.GraphAdminDBUtils; import com.att.eelf.configuration.Configuration; import com.att.eelf.configuration.EELFLogger; import com.att.eelf.configuration.EELFManager; import com.beust.jcommander.JCommander; import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter; import com.beust.jcommander.ParameterException; import org.janusgraph.core.JanusGraph; import org.janusgraph.core.JanusGraphFactory; import org.janusgraph.core.util.JanusGraphCleanup; public class DataSnapshot { private static EELFLogger LOGGER; /* Using realtime d */ private static final String REALTIME_DB = "realtime"; private static final Set SNAPSHOT_RELOAD_COMMANDS = new HashSet<>(); private static final String MIGRATION_PROCESS_NAME = "migration"; static { SNAPSHOT_RELOAD_COMMANDS.add("RELOAD_DATA"); SNAPSHOT_RELOAD_COMMANDS.add("RELOAD_DATA_MULTI"); } private CommandLineArgs cArgs; /** * The main method. * * @param args * the arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { boolean success = true; Boolean dbClearFlag = false; JanusGraph graph = null; String command = "JUST_TAKE_SNAPSHOT"; // This is the default String oldSnapshotFileName = ""; DataSnapshot dataSnapshot = new DataSnapshot(); success = dataSnapshot.executeCommand(args, success, dbClearFlag, graph, command, oldSnapshotFileName); if(success){ AAISystemExitUtil.systemExitCloseAAIGraph(0); } else { AAISystemExitUtil.systemExitCloseAAIGraph(1); } }// End of main() public boolean executeCommand(String[] args, boolean success, Boolean dbClearFlag, JanusGraph graph, String command, String oldSnapshotFileName) { // Set the logging file properties to be used by EELFManager System.setProperty("aai.service.name", DataSnapshot.class.getSimpleName()); Properties props = System.getProperties(); props.setProperty(Configuration.PROPERTY_LOGGING_FILE_NAME, AAIConstants.AAI_LOGBACK_PROPS); props.setProperty(Configuration.PROPERTY_LOGGING_FILE_PATH, AAIConstants.AAI_HOME_BUNDLECONFIG); LOGGER = EELFManager.getInstance().getLogger(DataSnapshot.class); cArgs = new CommandLineArgs(); String itemName = "aai.datasnapshot.threads.for.create"; try { String val = AAIConfig.get(itemName); if( val != null && !val.equals("") ){ cArgs.threadCount = Integer.parseInt(val); } }catch ( Exception e ){ LOGGER.warn("WARNING - could not get [" + itemName + "] value from aaiconfig.properties file. " + e.getMessage()); } int threadCount4Create = cArgs.threadCount; cArgs.snapshotType = "graphson"; Long vertAddDelayMs = GraphAdminConstants.AAI_SNAPSHOT_DEFAULT_VERTEX_ADD_DELAY_MS; itemName = "aai.datasnapshot.vertex.add.delay.ms"; try { String val = AAIConfig.get(itemName); if( val != null && !val.equals("") ){ cArgs.vertAddDelayMs = Long.parseLong(val); } }catch ( Exception e ){ LOGGER.warn("WARNING - could not get [" + itemName + "] value from aaiconfig.properties file. " + e.getMessage()); } Long edgeAddDelayMs = GraphAdminConstants.AAI_SNAPSHOT_DEFAULT_EDGE_ADD_DELAY_MS; itemName = "aai.datasnapshot.edge.add.delay.ms"; try { String val = AAIConfig.get(itemName); if( val != null && !val.equals("") ){ cArgs.edgeAddDelayMs = Long.parseLong(val); } }catch ( Exception e ){ LOGGER.warn("WARNING - could not get [" + itemName + "] value from aaiconfig.properties file. " + e.getMessage()); } Long failureDelayMs = GraphAdminConstants.AAI_SNAPSHOT_DEFAULT_FAILURE_DELAY_MS; itemName = "aai.datasnapshot.failure.delay.ms"; try { String val = AAIConfig.get(itemName); if( val != null && !val.equals("") ){ cArgs.failureDelayMs = Long.parseLong(val); } }catch ( Exception e ){ LOGGER.warn("WARNING - could not get [" + itemName + "] value from aaiconfig.properties file. " + e.getMessage()); } Long retryDelayMs = GraphAdminConstants.AAI_SNAPSHOT_DEFAULT_RETRY_DELAY_MS; itemName = "aai.datasnapshot.retry.delay.ms"; try { String val = AAIConfig.get(itemName); if( val != null && !val.equals("") ){ cArgs.retryDelayMs = Long.parseLong(val); } }catch ( Exception e ){ LOGGER.warn("WARNING - could not get [" + itemName + "] value from aaiconfig.properties file. " + e.getMessage()); } int maxErrorsPerThread = GraphAdminConstants.AAI_SNAPSHOT_DEFAULT_MAX_ERRORS_PER_THREAD; itemName = "aai.datasnapshot.max.errors.per.thread"; try { String val = AAIConfig.get(itemName); if( val != null && !val.equals("") ){ cArgs.maxErrorsPerThread = Integer.parseInt(val); } }catch ( Exception e ){ LOGGER.warn("WARNING - could not get [" + itemName + "] value from aaiconfig.properties file. " + e.getMessage()); } Long vertToEdgeProcDelay = GraphAdminConstants.AAI_SNAPSHOT_DEFAULT_VERTEX_TO_EDGE_PROC_DELAY_MS; itemName = "aai.datasnapshot.vertex.to.edge.proc.delay.ms"; try { String val = AAIConfig.get(itemName); if( val != null && !val.equals("") ){ cArgs.vertToEdgeProcDelay = Long.parseLong(val); } }catch ( Exception e ){ LOGGER.warn("WARNING - could not get [" + itemName + "] value from aaiconfig.properties file. " + e.getMessage()); } itemName = "aai.datasnapshot.stagger.thread.delay.ms"; try { String val = AAIConfig.get(itemName); if( val != null && !val.equals("") ){ cArgs.staggerThreadDelay = Long.parseLong(val); } }catch ( Exception e ){ LOGGER.warn("WARNING - could not get [" + itemName + "] value from aaiconfig.properties file. " + e.getMessage()); } long debugAddDelayTime = 1; // Default to 1 millisecond Boolean debug4Create = false; // By default we do not use debugging for snapshot creation JCommander jCommander; try { jCommander = new JCommander(cArgs, args); jCommander.setProgramName(DataSnapshot.class.getSimpleName()); } catch (ParameterException e1) { LOGGER.error("Error - invalid value passed to list of args - "+args); AAISystemExitUtil.systemExitCloseAAIGraph(1); } if (args.length >= 1) { command = cArgs.command; } String source = cArgs.caller; String snapshotType = "graphson"; if( SNAPSHOT_RELOAD_COMMANDS.contains(cArgs.command)){ if (args.length >= 2) { // If re-loading, they need to also pass the snapshot file name to use. // We expected the file to be found in our snapshot directory. oldSnapshotFileName = cArgs.oldFileName; snapshotType = cArgs.snapshotType; } } else if( command.equals("THREADED_SNAPSHOT") ){ if (args.length >= 2) { // If doing a "threaded" snapshot, they need to specify how many threads to use try { threadCount4Create = cArgs.threadCount; } catch ( NumberFormatException nfe ){ ErrorLogHelper.logError("AAI_6128", "Bad (non-integer) threadCount passed to DataSnapshot [" + cArgs.threadCount + "]"); LOGGER.debug("Bad (non-integer) threadCount passed to DataSnapshot [" + cArgs.threadCount + "]"); AAISystemExitUtil.systemExitCloseAAIGraph(1); } if( threadCount4Create < 1 || threadCount4Create > 100 ){ ErrorLogHelper.logError("AAI_6128", "Out of range (1-100) threadCount passed to DataSnapshot [" + cArgs.threadCount + "]"); LOGGER.debug("Out of range (1-100) threadCount passed to DataSnapshot [" + cArgs.threadCount + "]"); AAISystemExitUtil.systemExitCloseAAIGraph(1); } LOGGER.debug(" Will do Threaded Snapshot with threadCount = " + threadCount4Create ); // If doing a "threaded" snapshot, they need to specify how many threads to use // They can also use debug mode if they pass the word "DEBUG" to do the nodes one at a time to see where it breaks. if( cArgs.debugFlag.equals("DEBUG") ){ debug4Create = true; } LOGGER.debug(" Will do Threaded Snapshot with threadCount = " + threadCount4Create + ", and DEBUG-flag set to: " + debug4Create ); if (debug4Create) { // If doing a "threaded" snapshot, they need to specify how many threads to use (param 1) // They can also use debug mode if they pass the word "DEBUG" to do the nodes one (param 2) // They can also pass a delayTimer - how many milliseconds to put between each node's ADD (param 3) try { debugAddDelayTime = cArgs.debugAddDelayTime; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { ErrorLogHelper.logError("AAI_6128", "Bad (non-integer) debugAddDelayTime passed to DataSnapshot [" + cArgs.debugAddDelayTime + "]"); LOGGER.debug("Bad (non-integer) debugAddDelayTime passed to DataSnapshot ["+ cArgs.debugAddDelayTime + "]"); AAISystemExitUtil.systemExitCloseAAIGraph(1); } LOGGER.debug(" Will do Threaded Snapshot with threadCount = "+ threadCount4Create + ", DEBUG-flag set to: " + debug4Create + ", and addDelayTimer = " + debugAddDelayTime + " mSec. "); } } else { ErrorLogHelper.logError("AAI_6128", "Wrong param count (should be 2,3 or 4) when using THREADED_SNAPSHOT."); LOGGER.debug("Wrong param count (should be 2,3 or 4) when using THREADED_SNAPSHOT."); AAISystemExitUtil.systemExitCloseAAIGraph(1); } } else if( command.equals("MULTITHREAD_RELOAD") ){ // Note - this will use as many threads as the snapshot file is // broken up into. (up to a limit) if (args.length >= 2) { // Since they are re-loading, they need to pass the snapshot file name to use. // We expected the file to be found in our snapshot directory. Note - if // it is a multi-part snapshot, then this should be the root of the name. // We will be using the default delay timers. oldSnapshotFileName = cArgs.oldFileName; // They should be passing the timers in in this order: // vertDelay, edgeDelay, failureDelay, retryDelay vertAddDelayMs = cArgs.vertAddDelayMs; edgeAddDelayMs = cArgs.edgeAddDelayMs; failureDelayMs = cArgs.failureDelayMs; retryDelayMs = cArgs.retryDelayMs; try { maxErrorsPerThread = cArgs.maxErrorsPerThread; } catch ( NumberFormatException nfe ){ ErrorLogHelper.logError("AAI_6128", "Bad (non-integer) maxErrorsPerThread passed to DataSnapshot [" + cArgs.maxErrorsPerThread + "]"); LOGGER.debug("Bad (non-integer) maxErrorsPerThread passed to DataSnapshot [" + cArgs.maxErrorsPerThread + "]"); AAISystemExitUtil.systemExitCloseAAIGraph(1); } if( maxErrorsPerThread < 1 ){ ErrorLogHelper.logError("AAI_6128", "Out of range (>0) maxErrorsPerThread passed to DataSnapshot [" + cArgs.maxErrorsPerThread + "]"); LOGGER.debug("Out of range (>0) maxErrorsPerThread passed to DataSnapshot [" + cArgs.maxErrorsPerThread + "]"); AAISystemExitUtil.systemExitCloseAAIGraph(1); } } else { ErrorLogHelper.logError("AAI_6128", "Wrong param count (should be either 2 or 7) when using MUTLITHREAD_RELOAD."); LOGGER.debug("Wrong param count (should be 2 or 7) when using MUTLITHREAD_RELOAD."); AAISystemExitUtil.systemExitCloseAAIGraph(1); } } else if (command.equals("CLEAR_ENTIRE_DATABASE")) { if (args.length >= 2) { oldSnapshotFileName = cArgs.oldFileName; } } //Print Defaults LOGGER.info("DataSnapshot command is [" + cArgs.command + "]"); LOGGER.info("File name to reload snapshot [" + cArgs.oldFileName + "]"); LOGGER.info("snapshotType is [" + cArgs.snapshotType + "]"); LOGGER.info("Thread count is [" + cArgs.threadCount + "]"); LOGGER.info("Debug Flag is [" + cArgs.debugFlag + "]"); LOGGER.info("DebugAddDelayTimer is [" + cArgs.debugAddDelayTime + "]"); LOGGER.info("VertAddDelayMs is [" + cArgs.vertAddDelayMs + "]"); LOGGER.info("FailureDelayMs is [" + cArgs.failureDelayMs + "]"); LOGGER.info("RetryDelayMs is [" + cArgs.retryDelayMs + "]"); LOGGER.info("MaxErrorsPerThread is [" + cArgs.maxErrorsPerThread + "]"); LOGGER.info("VertToEdgeProcDelay is [" + cArgs.vertToEdgeProcDelay + "]"); LOGGER.info("StaggerThreadDelay is [" + cArgs.staggerThreadDelay + "]"); LOGGER.info("Caller process is ["+ cArgs.caller + "]"); //Print non-default values if (!AAIConfig.isEmpty(cArgs.fileName)){ LOGGER.info("Snapshot file name (if not default) to use is [" + cArgs.fileName + "]"); } if (!AAIConfig.isEmpty(cArgs.snapshotDir)){ LOGGER.info("Snapshot file Directory path (if not default) to use is [" + cArgs.snapshotDir + "]"); } if (!AAIConfig.isEmpty(cArgs.oldFileDir)){ LOGGER.info("Directory path (if not default) to load the old snapshot file from is [" + cArgs.oldFileDir + "]"); } ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { AAIConfig.init(); ErrorLogHelper.loadProperties(); LOGGER.debug("Command = " + command + ", oldSnapshotFileName = [" + oldSnapshotFileName + "]."); String targetDir = AAIConstants.AAI_HOME + AAIConstants.AAI_FILESEP + "logs" + AAIConstants.AAI_FILESEP + "data" + AAIConstants.AAI_FILESEP + "dataSnapshots"; // Make sure the dataSnapshots directory is there new File(targetDir).mkdirs(); LOGGER.debug(" ---- NOTE --- about to open graph (takes a little while) "); if ( (command.equals("THREADED_SNAPSHOT") || command.equals("JUST_TAKE_SNAPSHOT")) && threadCount4Create == 1 ){ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // They want to take a snapshot on a single thread and have it go in a single file // NOTE - they can't use the DEBUG option in this case. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOGGER.debug("\n>>> Command = " + command ); verifyGraph(AAIGraph.getInstance().getGraph()); FormatDate fd = new FormatDate("yyyyMMddHHmm", "GMT"); String dteStr = fd.getDateTime(); graph = AAIGraph.getInstance().getGraph(); GraphAdminDBUtils.logConfigs(graph.configuration()); String newSnapshotOutFname = null; long timeA = System.nanoTime(); newSnapshotOutFname = targetDir + AAIConstants.AAI_FILESEP + "dataSnapshot.graphSON." + dteStr; graph.io(IoCore.graphson()).writeGraph(newSnapshotOutFname); LOGGER.debug("Snapshot written to " + newSnapshotOutFname); long timeB = System.nanoTime(); long diffTime = timeB - timeA; long minCount = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMinutes(diffTime); long secCount = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(diffTime) - (60 * minCount); LOGGER.debug(" -- Single-Thread dataSnapshot took: " + minCount + " minutes, " + secCount + " seconds " ); } else if ( (command.equals("THREADED_SNAPSHOT") || command.equals("JUST_TAKE_SNAPSHOT")) && threadCount4Create > 1 ){ // ------------------------------------------------------------ // They want the creation of the snapshot to be spread out via // threads and go to multiple files // ------------------------------------------------------------ LOGGER.debug("\n>>> Command = " + command ); String newSnapshotOutFname; if (!AAIConfig.isEmpty(cArgs.fileName)){ newSnapshotOutFname = cArgs.fileName; } else { FormatDate fd = new FormatDate("yyyyMMddHHmm", "GMT"); String dteStr = fd.getDateTime(); newSnapshotOutFname = targetDir + AAIConstants.AAI_FILESEP + "dataSnapshot.graphSON." + dteStr; } verifyGraph(AAIGraph.getInstance().getGraph()); graph = AAIGraph.getInstance().getGraph(); LOGGER.debug(" Successfully got the Graph instance. "); GraphAdminDBUtils.logConfigs(graph.configuration()); long timeA = System.nanoTime(); LOGGER.debug(" Need to divide vertexIds across this many threads: " + threadCount4Create ); HashMap vertListHash = new HashMap (); for( int t = 0; t < threadCount4Create; t++ ){ ArrayList vList = new ArrayList (); String tk = "" + t; vertListHash.put( tk, vList); } LOGGER.debug("Count how many nodes are in the db. "); long totalVertCount = graph.traversal().V().count().next(); LOGGER.debug(" Total Count of Nodes in DB = " + totalVertCount + "."); long nodesPerFile = totalVertCount / threadCount4Create; LOGGER.debug(" Thread count = " + threadCount4Create + ", each file will get (roughly): " + nodesPerFile + " nodes."); long timeA2 = System.nanoTime(); long diffTime = timeA2 - timeA; long minCount = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMinutes(diffTime); long secCount = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(diffTime) - (60 * minCount); LOGGER.debug(" -- To count all vertices in DB it took: " + minCount + " minutes, " + secCount + " seconds " ); long vtxIndex = 0; int currentTNum = 0; String currentTKey = "0"; long thisThrIndex = 0; Iterator vtxItr = graph.vertices(); while( vtxItr.hasNext() ){ // Divide up all the vertices so we can process them on different threads vtxIndex++; thisThrIndex++; if( (thisThrIndex > nodesPerFile) && (currentTNum < threadCount4Create -1) ){ // We will need to start adding to the Hash for the next thread currentTNum++; currentTKey = "" + currentTNum; thisThrIndex = 0; } (vertListHash.get(currentTKey)).add(vtxItr.next()); } long timeB = System.nanoTime(); diffTime = timeB - timeA2; minCount = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMinutes(diffTime); secCount = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(diffTime) - (60 * minCount); LOGGER.debug(" -- To Loop over all vertices, and put them into sub-Arrays it took: " + minCount + " minutes, " + secCount + " seconds " ); // Need to print out each set of vertices using it's own thread ArrayList threadArr = new ArrayList (); for( int thNum = 0; thNum < threadCount4Create; thNum++ ){ String thNumStr = "" + thNum; String subFName = newSnapshotOutFname + ".P" + thNumStr; Thread thr = new Thread(new PrintVertexDetails(graph, subFName, vertListHash.get(thNumStr), debug4Create, debugAddDelayTime, snapshotType) ); thr.start(); threadArr.add(thr); } // Make sure all the threads finish before moving on. for( int thNum = 0; thNum < threadCount4Create; thNum++ ){ if( null != threadArr.get(thNum) ){ (threadArr.get(thNum)).join(); } } long timeC = System.nanoTime(); diffTime = timeC - timeB; minCount = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMinutes(diffTime); secCount = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(diffTime) - (60 * minCount); LOGGER.debug(" -- To write all the data out to snapshot files, it took: " + minCount + " minutes, " + secCount + " seconds " ); } else if( command.equals("MULTITHREAD_RELOAD") ){ // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // They want the RELOAD of the snapshot to be spread out via threads // NOTE - it will only use as many threads as the number of files the // snapshot is written to. Ie. if you have a single-file snapshot, // then this will be single-threaded. // LOGGER.debug("\n>>> Command = " + command ); if (cArgs.oldFileDir != null && cArgs.oldFileDir != ""){ targetDir = cArgs.oldFileDir; } ArrayList snapFilesArr = getFilesToProcess(targetDir, oldSnapshotFileName, false); int fCount = snapFilesArr.size(); JanusGraph graph1 = AAIGraph.getInstance().getGraph(); long timeStart = System.nanoTime(); HashMap old2NewVertIdMap = new HashMap (); // We're going to try loading in the vertices - without edges or properties // using Separate threads ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(fCount); List>> list = new ArrayList>>(); for( int i=0; i < fCount; i++ ){ File f = snapFilesArr.get(i); String fname = f.getName(); String fullSnapName = targetDir + AAIConstants.AAI_FILESEP + fname; Thread.sleep(cArgs.staggerThreadDelay); // Stagger the threads a bit LOGGER.debug(" -- Read file: [" + fullSnapName + "]"); LOGGER.debug(" -- Call the PartialVertexLoader to just load vertices ----"); LOGGER.debug(" -- vertAddDelayMs = " + vertAddDelayMs + ", failureDelayMs = " + failureDelayMs + ", retryDelayMs = " + retryDelayMs + ", maxErrorsPerThread = " + maxErrorsPerThread ); Callable > vLoader = new PartialVertexLoader(graph1, fullSnapName, vertAddDelayMs, failureDelayMs, retryDelayMs, maxErrorsPerThread, LOGGER); Future > future = (Future>) executor.submit(vLoader); // add Future to the list, we can get return value using Future list.add(future); LOGGER.debug(" -- Starting PartialDbLoad VERT_ONLY thread # "+ i ); } int threadCount4Reload = 0; int threadFailCount = 0; for(Future> fut : list){ threadCount4Reload++; try { old2NewVertIdMap.putAll(fut.get()); LOGGER.debug(" -- back from PartialVertexLoader. returned thread # " + threadCount4Reload + ", current size of old2NewVertMap is: " + old2NewVertIdMap.size() ); } catch (InterruptedException e) { threadFailCount++; e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { threadFailCount++; e.printStackTrace(); } } executor.shutdown(); if( threadFailCount > 0 ) { String emsg = " FAILURE >> " + threadFailCount + " Vertex-loader thread(s) failed to complete successfully. "; LOGGER.debug(emsg); throw new Exception( emsg ); } long timeX = System.nanoTime(); long diffTime = timeX - timeStart; long minCount = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMinutes(diffTime); long secCount = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(diffTime) - (60 * minCount); LOGGER.debug(" -- To reload just the vertex ids from the snapshot files, it took: " + minCount + " minutes, " + secCount + " seconds " ); // Give the DB a little time to chew on all those vertices Thread.sleep(vertToEdgeProcDelay); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOGGER.debug("\n\n\n -- Now do the edges/props ----------------------"); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // We're going to try loading in the edges and missing properties // Note - we're passing the whole oldVid2newVid mapping to the PartialPropAndEdgeLoader // so that the String-updates to the GraphSON will happen in the threads instead of // here in the un-threaded calling method. executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(fCount); ArrayList>> listEdg = new ArrayList>>(); for( int i=0; i < fCount; i++ ){ File f = snapFilesArr.get(i); String fname = f.getName(); String fullSnapName = targetDir + AAIConstants.AAI_FILESEP + fname; Thread.sleep(cArgs.staggerThreadDelay); // Stagger the threads a bit LOGGER.debug(" -- Read file: [" + fullSnapName + "]"); LOGGER.debug(" -- Call the PartialPropAndEdgeLoader for Properties and EDGEs ----"); LOGGER.debug(" -- edgeAddDelayMs = " + vertAddDelayMs + ", failureDelayMs = " + failureDelayMs + ", retryDelayMs = " + retryDelayMs + ", maxErrorsPerThread = " + maxErrorsPerThread ); Callable eLoader = new PartialPropAndEdgeLoader(graph1, fullSnapName, edgeAddDelayMs, failureDelayMs, retryDelayMs, old2NewVertIdMap, maxErrorsPerThread, LOGGER); Future > future = (Future>) executor.submit(eLoader); //add Future to the list, we can get return value using Future listEdg.add(future); LOGGER.debug(" -- Starting PartialPropAndEdge thread # "+ i ); } threadCount4Reload = 0; for(Future> fut : listEdg){ threadCount4Reload++; try{ fut.get(); // DEBUG -- should be doing something with the return value if it's not empty - ie. errors LOGGER.debug(" -- back from PartialPropAndEdgeLoader. thread # " + threadCount4Reload ); } catch (InterruptedException e) { threadFailCount++; e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { threadFailCount++; e.printStackTrace(); } } executor.shutdown(); if( threadFailCount > 0 ) { String emsg = " FAILURE >> " + threadFailCount + " Property/Edge-loader thread(s) failed to complete successfully. "; LOGGER.debug(emsg); throw new Exception( emsg ); } // This is needed so we can see the data committed by the called threads graph1.tx().commit(); long timeEnd = System.nanoTime(); diffTime = timeEnd - timeX; minCount = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMinutes(diffTime); secCount = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(diffTime) - (60 * minCount); LOGGER.debug(" -- To reload the edges and properties from snapshot files, it took: " + minCount + " minutes, " + secCount + " seconds " ); long totalDiffTime = timeEnd - timeStart; long totalMinCount = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMinutes(totalDiffTime); long totalSecCount = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(totalDiffTime) - (60 * totalMinCount); LOGGER.debug(" -- TOTAL multi-threaded reload time: " + totalMinCount + " minutes, " + totalSecCount + " seconds " ); } else if (command.equals("CLEAR_ENTIRE_DATABASE")) { // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // They are calling this to clear the db before re-loading it // later // ------------------------------------------------------------------ LOGGER.debug("\n>>> Command = " + command ); // First - make sure the backup file(s) they will be using can be // found and has(have) data. // getFilesToProcess makes sure the file(s) exist and have some data. getFilesToProcess(targetDir, oldSnapshotFileName, true); LOGGER.debug("\n>>> WARNING <<<< "); LOGGER.debug(">>> All data and schema in this database will be removed at this point. <<<"); LOGGER.debug(">>> Processing will begin in 5 seconds. <<<"); LOGGER.debug(">>> WARNING <<<< "); try { // Give them a chance to back out of this Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (java.lang.InterruptedException ie) { LOGGER.debug(" DB Clearing has been aborted. "); AAISystemExitUtil.systemExitCloseAAIGraph(1); } LOGGER.debug(" Begin clearing out old data. "); String rtConfig = AAIConstants.REALTIME_DB_CONFIG; String serviceName = System.getProperty("aai.service.name", "NA"); LOGGER.debug("Getting new configs for clearig"); PropertiesConfiguration propertiesConfiguration = new AAIGraphConfig.Builder(rtConfig).forService(serviceName).withGraphType(REALTIME_DB).buildConfiguration(); LOGGER.debug("Open New Janus Graph"); JanusGraph janusGraph = JanusGraphFactory.open(propertiesConfiguration); verifyGraph(janusGraph); GraphAdminDBUtils.logConfigs(janusGraph.configuration()); janusGraph.close(); JanusGraphCleanup.clear(janusGraph); LOGGER.debug(" Done clearing data. "); LOGGER.debug(">>> IMPORTANT - NOTE >>> you need to run the SchemaGenerator (use GenTester) before "); LOGGER.debug(" reloading data or the data will be put in without indexes. "); dbClearFlag = true; LOGGER.debug("All done clearing DB"); } else if (command.equals("RELOAD_DATA")) { // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // They want to restore the database from either a single file, or a group // of snapshot files. Either way, this command will restore via single // threaded processing. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOGGER.debug("\n>>> Command = " + command ); verifyGraph(AAIGraph.getInstance().getGraph()); graph = AAIGraph.getInstance().getGraph(); GraphAdminDBUtils.logConfigs(graph.configuration()); if (oldSnapshotFileName.equals("")) { String emsg = "No oldSnapshotFileName passed to DataSnapshot when RELOAD_DATA used."; LOGGER.debug(emsg); AAISystemExitUtil.systemExitCloseAAIGraph(1); } long timeA = System.nanoTime(); ArrayList snapFilesArr = new ArrayList (); // First, see if this is a single file (ie. no ".P#" suffix) String onePieceSnapshotFname = targetDir + AAIConstants.AAI_FILESEP + oldSnapshotFileName; File sf = new File(onePieceSnapshotFname); if( sf.exists() ){ snapFilesArr.add(sf); } else { // If it's a multi-part snapshot, then collect all the files for it String thisSnapPrefix = oldSnapshotFileName + ".P"; File fDir = new File(targetDir); // Snapshot directory File[] allFilesArr = fDir.listFiles(); for (File snapFile : allFilesArr) { String snapFName = snapFile.getName(); if( snapFName.startsWith(thisSnapPrefix)){ snapFilesArr.add(snapFile); } } } if( snapFilesArr.isEmpty() ){ String emsg = "oldSnapshotFile " + onePieceSnapshotFname + "(with or without .P0) could not be found."; LOGGER.debug(emsg); AAISystemExitUtil.systemExitCloseAAIGraph(1); } int fCount = snapFilesArr.size(); Vector inputStreamsV = new Vector<>(); for( int i = 0; i < fCount; i++ ){ File f = snapFilesArr.get(i); String fname = f.getName(); if (!f.canRead()) { String emsg = "oldSnapshotFile " + fname + " could not be read."; LOGGER.debug(emsg); AAISystemExitUtil.systemExitCloseAAIGraph(1); } else if (f.length() == 0) { String emsg = "oldSnapshotFile " + fname + " had no data."; LOGGER.debug(emsg); AAISystemExitUtil.systemExitCloseAAIGraph(1); } String fullFName = targetDir + AAIConstants.AAI_FILESEP + fname; InputStream fis = new FileInputStream(fullFName); inputStreamsV.add(fis); } // Now add inputStreams.elements() to the Vector, // inputStreams.elements() will return Enumerations InputStream sis = new SequenceInputStream(inputStreamsV.elements()); LOGGER.debug("Begin loading data from " + fCount + " files -----"); if("gryo".equalsIgnoreCase(snapshotType)){ graph.io(IoCore.gryo()).reader().create().readGraph(sis, graph); } else { graph.io(IoCore.graphson()).reader().create().readGraph(sis, graph); } LOGGER.debug("Completed the inputGraph command, now try to commit()... "); graph.tx().commit(); LOGGER.debug("Completed reloading data."); long vCount = graph.traversal().V().count().next(); LOGGER.debug("A little after repopulating from an old snapshot, we see: " + vCount + " vertices in the db."); long timeB = System.nanoTime(); long diffTime = timeB - timeA; long minCount = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMinutes(diffTime); long secCount = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toSeconds(diffTime) - (60 * minCount); LOGGER.debug(" -- To Reload this snapshot, it took: " + minCount + " minutes, " + secCount + " seconds " ); LOGGER.debug("A little after repopulating from an old snapshot, we see: " + vCount + " vertices in the db."); } else { String emsg = "Bad command passed to DataSnapshot: [" + command + "]"; LOGGER.debug(emsg); AAISystemExitUtil.systemExitCloseAAIGraph(1); } } catch (AAIException e) { ErrorLogHelper.logError("AAI_6128", e.getMessage()); LOGGER.error("Encountered an exception during the datasnapshot: ", e); e.printStackTrace(); success = false; } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLogHelper.logError("AAI_6128", ex.getMessage()); LOGGER.error("Encountered an exception during the datasnapshot: ", ex); ex.printStackTrace(); success = false; } finally { if (!dbClearFlag && graph != null && !MIGRATION_PROCESS_NAME.equalsIgnoreCase(source)) { // Any changes that worked correctly should have already done // thier commits. if(!"true".equals(System.getProperty("org.onap.aai.graphadmin.started"))) { if (graph.isOpen()) { graph.tx().rollback(); graph.close(); } } } try { baos.close(); } catch (IOException iox) { } } return success; } private static ArrayList getFilesToProcess(String targetDir, String oldSnapshotFileName, boolean doingClearDb) throws Exception { if( oldSnapshotFileName == null || oldSnapshotFileName.equals("") ){ String emsg = "No oldSnapshotFileName passed to DataSnapshot for Reload. "; if( doingClearDb ) { emsg = "No oldSnapshotFileName passed to DataSnapshot. Needed when Clearing the db in case we need a backup. "; } LOGGER.debug(emsg); throw new Exception( emsg ); } ArrayList snapFilesArrList = new ArrayList (); // First, we'll assume that this is a multi-file snapshot and // look for names based on that. String thisSnapPrefix = oldSnapshotFileName + ".P"; File fDir = new File(targetDir); // Snapshot directory File[] allFilesArr = fDir.listFiles(); for (File snapFile : allFilesArr) { String snapFName = snapFile.getName(); if( snapFName.startsWith(thisSnapPrefix)){ if (!snapFile.canRead()) { String emsg = "oldSnapshotFile " + snapFName + " could not be read."; LOGGER.debug(emsg); throw new Exception (emsg); } else if (snapFile.length() == 0) { String emsg = "oldSnapshotFile " + snapFName + " had no data."; LOGGER.debug(emsg); throw new Exception (emsg); } snapFilesArrList.add(snapFile); } } if( snapFilesArrList.isEmpty() ){ // Multi-file snapshot check did not find files, so this may // be a single-file snapshot. String oldSnapshotFullFname = targetDir + AAIConstants.AAI_FILESEP + oldSnapshotFileName; File f = new File(oldSnapshotFullFname); if (!f.exists()) { String emsg = "oldSnapshotFile " + oldSnapshotFullFname + " could not be found."; LOGGER.debug(emsg); throw new Exception (emsg); } else if (!f.canRead()) { String emsg = "oldSnapshotFile " + oldSnapshotFullFname + " could not be read."; LOGGER.debug(emsg); throw new Exception (emsg); } else if (f.length() == 0) { String emsg = "oldSnapshotFile " + oldSnapshotFullFname + " had no data."; LOGGER.debug(emsg); throw new Exception (emsg); } snapFilesArrList.add(f); } if( snapFilesArrList.isEmpty() ){ // Still haven't found anything.. that was not a good file name. String fullFName = targetDir + AAIConstants.AAI_FILESEP + thisSnapPrefix; String emsg = "oldSnapshotFile " + fullFName + "* could not be found."; LOGGER.debug(emsg); throw new Exception(emsg); } return snapFilesArrList; } public static void verifyGraph(JanusGraph graph) { if (graph == null) { String emsg = "Not able to get a graph object in DataSnapshot.java\n"; LOGGER.debug(emsg); AAISystemExitUtil.systemExitCloseAAIGraph(1); } } class CommandLineArgs { @Parameter(names = "--help", help = true) public boolean help; @Parameter(names = "-c", description = "command for taking data snapshot") public String command = "JUST_TAKE_SNAPSHOT"; @Parameter(names = "-f", description = "previous snapshot file to reload") public String oldFileName = ""; @Parameter(names = "-snapshotType", description = "snapshot type of gryo or graphson") public String snapshotType = "graphson"; @Parameter(names = "-threadCount", description = "thread count for create") public int threadCount = GraphAdminConstants.AAI_SNAPSHOT_DEFAULT_THREADS_FOR_CREATE; @Parameter(names = "-debugFlag", description = "DEBUG flag") public String debugFlag = ""; @Parameter(names = "-debugAddDelayTime", description = "delay in ms between each Add for debug mode") public long debugAddDelayTime = 1L; @Parameter(names = "-vertAddDelayMs", description = "delay in ms while adding each vertex") public long vertAddDelayMs = GraphAdminConstants.AAI_SNAPSHOT_DEFAULT_VERTEX_ADD_DELAY_MS.longValue(); @Parameter(names = "-edgeAddDelayMs", description = "delay in ms while adding each edge") public long edgeAddDelayMs = GraphAdminConstants.AAI_SNAPSHOT_DEFAULT_EDGE_ADD_DELAY_MS.longValue(); @Parameter(names = "-failureDelayMs", description = "delay in ms when failure to load vertex or edge in snapshot") public long failureDelayMs = GraphAdminConstants.AAI_SNAPSHOT_DEFAULT_FAILURE_DELAY_MS.longValue(); @Parameter(names = "-retryDelayMs", description = "time in ms after which load snapshot is retried") public long retryDelayMs = GraphAdminConstants.AAI_SNAPSHOT_DEFAULT_FAILURE_DELAY_MS.longValue(); @Parameter(names = "-maxErrorsPerThread", description = "max errors allowed per thread") public int maxErrorsPerThread = GraphAdminConstants.AAI_SNAPSHOT_DEFAULT_MAX_ERRORS_PER_THREAD; @Parameter(names = "-vertToEdgeProcDelay", description = "vertex to edge processing delay in ms") public long vertToEdgeProcDelay = GraphAdminConstants.AAI_SNAPSHOT_DEFAULT_VERTEX_TO_EDGE_PROC_DELAY_MS.longValue(); @Parameter(names = "-staggerThreadDelay", description = "thread delay stagger time in ms") public long staggerThreadDelay = GraphAdminConstants.AAI_SNAPSHOT_DEFAULT_STAGGER_THREAD_DELAY_MS; @Parameter(names = "-fileName", description = "file name for generating snapshot ") public String fileName = ""; @Parameter(names = "-snapshotDir", description = "file path for generating snapshot ") public String snapshotDir = ""; @Parameter(names = "-oldFileDir", description = "directory containing the old snapshot file for reloading") public String oldFileDir = ""; @Parameter(names = "-caller", description = "process invoking the dataSnapshot") public String caller = ""; } }