/*! * Module dependencies. */ var readPref = require('./drivers').ReadPreference; var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; var VirtualType = require('./virtualtype'); var utils = require('./utils'); var MongooseTypes; var Kareem = require('kareem'); var each = require('async/each'); var SchemaType = require('./schematype'); var IS_KAREEM_HOOK = { count: true, find: true, findOne: true, findOneAndUpdate: true, findOneAndRemove: true, insertMany: true, update: true }; /** * Schema constructor. * * ####Example: * * var child = new Schema({ name: String }); * var schema = new Schema({ name: String, age: Number, children: [child] }); * var Tree = mongoose.model('Tree', schema); * * // setting schema options * new Schema({ name: String }, { _id: false, autoIndex: false }) * * ####Options: * * - [autoIndex](/docs/guide.html#autoIndex): bool - defaults to null (which means use the connection's autoIndex option) * - [bufferCommands](/docs/guide.html#bufferCommands): bool - defaults to true * - [capped](/docs/guide.html#capped): bool - defaults to false * - [collection](/docs/guide.html#collection): string - no default * - [emitIndexErrors](/docs/guide.html#emitIndexErrors): bool - defaults to false. * - [id](/docs/guide.html#id): bool - defaults to true * - [_id](/docs/guide.html#_id): bool - defaults to true * - `minimize`: bool - controls [document#toObject](#document_Document-toObject) behavior when called manually - defaults to true * - [read](/docs/guide.html#read): string * - [safe](/docs/guide.html#safe): bool - defaults to true. * - [shardKey](/docs/guide.html#shardKey): bool - defaults to `null` * - [strict](/docs/guide.html#strict): bool - defaults to true * - [toJSON](/docs/guide.html#toJSON) - object - no default * - [toObject](/docs/guide.html#toObject) - object - no default * - [typeKey](/docs/guide.html#typeKey) - string - defaults to 'type' * - [useNestedStrict](/docs/guide.html#useNestedStrict) - boolean - defaults to false * - [validateBeforeSave](/docs/guide.html#validateBeforeSave) - bool - defaults to `true` * - [versionKey](/docs/guide.html#versionKey): string - defaults to "__v" * * ####Note: * * _When nesting schemas, (`children` in the example above), always declare the child schema first before passing it into its parent._ * * @param {Object} definition * @param {Object} [options] * @inherits NodeJS EventEmitter http://nodejs.org/api/events.html#events_class_events_eventemitter * @event `init`: Emitted after the schema is compiled into a `Model`. * @api public */ function Schema(obj, options) { if (!(this instanceof Schema)) { return new Schema(obj, options); } this.obj = obj; this.paths = {}; this.subpaths = {}; this.virtuals = {}; this.singleNestedPaths = {}; this.nested = {}; this.inherits = {}; this.callQueue = []; this._indexes = []; this.methods = {}; this.statics = {}; this.tree = {}; this._requiredpaths = undefined; this.discriminatorMapping = undefined; this._indexedpaths = undefined; this.query = {}; this.childSchemas = []; this.s = { hooks: new Kareem(), kareemHooks: IS_KAREEM_HOOK }; this.options = this.defaultOptions(options); // build paths if (obj) { this.add(obj); } // check if _id's value is a subdocument (gh-2276) var _idSubDoc = obj && obj._id && utils.isObject(obj._id); // ensure the documents get an auto _id unless disabled var auto_id = !this.paths['_id'] && (!this.options.noId && this.options._id) && !_idSubDoc; if (auto_id) { obj = {_id: {auto: true}}; obj._id[this.options.typeKey] = Schema.ObjectId; this.add(obj); } // ensure the documents receive an id getter unless disabled var autoid = !this.paths['id'] && (!this.options.noVirtualId && this.options.id); if (autoid) { this.virtual('id').get(idGetter); } for (var i = 0; i < this._defaultMiddleware.length; ++i) { var m = this._defaultMiddleware[i]; this[m.kind](m.hook, !!m.isAsync, m.fn); } if (this.options.timestamps) { this.setupTimestamp(this.options.timestamps); } } /*! * Returns this documents _id cast to a string. */ function idGetter() { if (this.$__._id) { return this.$__._id; } this.$__._id = this._id == null ? null : String(this._id); return this.$__._id; } /*! * Inherit from EventEmitter. */ Schema.prototype = Object.create(EventEmitter.prototype); Schema.prototype.constructor = Schema; Schema.prototype.instanceOfSchema = true; /** * Default middleware attached to a schema. Cannot be changed. * * This field is used to make sure discriminators don't get multiple copies of * built-in middleware. Declared as a constant because changing this at runtime * may lead to instability with Model.prototype.discriminator(). * * @api private * @property _defaultMiddleware */ Object.defineProperty(Schema.prototype, '_defaultMiddleware', { configurable: false, enumerable: false, writable: false, value: [ { kind: 'pre', hook: 'save', fn: function(next, options) { var _this = this; // Nested docs have their own presave if (this.ownerDocument) { return next(); } var hasValidateBeforeSaveOption = options && (typeof options === 'object') && ('validateBeforeSave' in options); var shouldValidate; if (hasValidateBeforeSaveOption) { shouldValidate = !!options.validateBeforeSave; } else { shouldValidate = this.schema.options.validateBeforeSave; } // Validate if (shouldValidate) { // HACK: use $__original_validate to avoid promises so bluebird doesn't // complain if (this.$__original_validate) { this.$__original_validate({__noPromise: true}, function(error) { return _this.schema.s.hooks.execPost('save:error', _this, [_this], { error: error }, function(error) { next(error); }); }); } else { this.validate({__noPromise: true}, function(error) { return _this.schema.s.hooks.execPost('save:error', _this, [ _this], { error: error }, function(error) { next(error); }); }); } } else { next(); } } }, { kind: 'pre', hook: 'save', isAsync: true, fn: function(next, done) { var _this = this; var subdocs = this.$__getAllSubdocs(); if (!subdocs.length || this.$__preSavingFromParent) { done(); next(); return; } each(subdocs, function(subdoc, cb) { subdoc.$__preSavingFromParent = true; subdoc.save(function(err) { cb(err); }); }, function(error) { for (var i = 0; i < subdocs.length; ++i) { delete subdocs[i].$__preSavingFromParent; } if (error) { return _this.schema.s.hooks.execPost('save:error', _this, [_this], { error: error }, function(error) { done(error); }); } next(); done(); }); } }, { kind: 'pre', hook: 'validate', isAsync: true, fn: function(next, done) { // Hack to ensure that we always wrap validate() in a promise next(); done(); } }, { kind: 'pre', hook: 'remove', isAsync: true, fn: function(next, done) { if (this.ownerDocument) { done(); next(); return; } var subdocs = this.$__getAllSubdocs(); if (!subdocs.length || this.$__preSavingFromParent) { done(); next(); return; } each(subdocs, function(subdoc, cb) { subdoc.remove({ noop: true }, function(err) { cb(err); }); }, function(error) { if (error) { done(error); return; } next(); done(); }); } } ] }); /** * The original object passed to the schema constructor * * ####Example: * * var schema = new Schema({ a: String }).add({ b: String }); * schema.obj; // { a: String } * * @api public * @property obj */ Schema.prototype.obj; /** * Schema as flat paths * * ####Example: * { * '_id' : SchemaType, * , 'nested.key' : SchemaType, * } * * @api private * @property paths */ Schema.prototype.paths; /** * Schema as a tree * * ####Example: * { * '_id' : ObjectId * , 'nested' : { * 'key' : String * } * } * * @api private * @property tree */ Schema.prototype.tree; /** * Returns default options for this schema, merged with `options`. * * @param {Object} options * @return {Object} * @api private */ Schema.prototype.defaultOptions = function(options) { if (options && options.safe === false) { options.safe = {w: 0}; } if (options && options.safe && options.safe.w === 0) { // if you turn off safe writes, then versioning goes off as well options.versionKey = false; } options = utils.options({ strict: true, bufferCommands: true, capped: false, // { size, max, autoIndexId } versionKey: '__v', discriminatorKey: '__t', minimize: true, autoIndex: null, shardKey: null, read: null, validateBeforeSave: true, // the following are only applied at construction time noId: false, // deprecated, use { _id: false } _id: true, noVirtualId: false, // deprecated, use { id: false } id: true, typeKey: 'type', retainKeyOrder: false }, options); if (options.read) { options.read = readPref(options.read); } return options; }; /** * Adds key path / schema type pairs to this schema. * * ####Example: * * var ToySchema = new Schema; * ToySchema.add({ name: 'string', color: 'string', price: 'number' }); * * @param {Object} obj * @param {String} prefix * @api public */ Schema.prototype.add = function add(obj, prefix) { prefix = prefix || ''; var keys = Object.keys(obj); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { var key = keys[i]; if (obj[key] == null) { throw new TypeError('Invalid value for schema path `' + prefix + key + '`'); } if (Array.isArray(obj[key]) && obj[key].length === 1 && obj[key][0] == null) { throw new TypeError('Invalid value for schema Array path `' + prefix + key + '`'); } if (utils.isObject(obj[key]) && (!obj[key].constructor || utils.getFunctionName(obj[key].constructor) === 'Object') && (!obj[key][this.options.typeKey] || (this.options.typeKey === 'type' && obj[key].type.type))) { if (Object.keys(obj[key]).length) { // nested object { last: { name: String }} this.nested[prefix + key] = true; this.add(obj[key], prefix + key + '.'); } else { if (prefix) { this.nested[prefix.substr(0, prefix.length - 1)] = true; } this.path(prefix + key, obj[key]); // mixed type } } else { if (prefix) { this.nested[prefix.substr(0, prefix.length - 1)] = true; } this.path(prefix + key, obj[key]); } } }; /** * Reserved document keys. * * Keys in this object are names that are rejected in schema declarations b/c they conflict with mongoose functionality. Using these key name will throw an error. * * on, emit, _events, db, get, set, init, isNew, errors, schema, options, modelName, collection, _pres, _posts, toObject * * _NOTE:_ Use of these terms as method names is permitted, but play at your own risk, as they may be existing mongoose document methods you are stomping on. * * var schema = new Schema(..); * schema.methods.init = function () {} // potentially breaking */ Schema.reserved = Object.create(null); var reserved = Schema.reserved; // Core object reserved['prototype'] = // EventEmitter reserved.emit = reserved.on = reserved.once = reserved.listeners = reserved.removeListener = // document properties and functions reserved.collection = reserved.db = reserved.errors = reserved.init = reserved.isModified = reserved.isNew = reserved.get = reserved.modelName = reserved.save = reserved.schema = reserved.set = reserved.toObject = reserved.validate = // hooks.js reserved._pres = reserved._posts = 1; /*! * Document keys to print warnings for */ var warnings = {}; warnings.increment = '`increment` should not be used as a schema path name ' + 'unless you have disabled versioning.'; /** * Gets/sets schema paths. * * Sets a path (if arity 2) * Gets a path (if arity 1) * * ####Example * * schema.path('name') // returns a SchemaType * schema.path('name', Number) // changes the schemaType of `name` to Number * * @param {String} path * @param {Object} constructor * @api public */ Schema.prototype.path = function(path, obj) { if (obj === undefined) { if (this.paths[path]) { return this.paths[path]; } if (this.subpaths[path]) { return this.subpaths[path]; } if (this.singleNestedPaths[path]) { return this.singleNestedPaths[path]; } // subpaths? return /\.\d+\.?.*$/.test(path) ? getPositionalPath(this, path) : undefined; } // some path names conflict with document methods if (reserved[path]) { throw new Error('`' + path + '` may not be used as a schema pathname'); } if (warnings[path]) { console.log('WARN: ' + warnings[path]); } // update the tree var subpaths = path.split(/\./), last = subpaths.pop(), branch = this.tree; subpaths.forEach(function(sub, i) { if (!branch[sub]) { branch[sub] = {}; } if (typeof branch[sub] !== 'object') { var msg = 'Cannot set nested path `' + path + '`. ' + 'Parent path `' + subpaths.slice(0, i).concat([sub]).join('.') + '` already set to type ' + branch[sub].name + '.'; throw new Error(msg); } branch = branch[sub]; }); branch[last] = utils.clone(obj); this.paths[path] = Schema.interpretAsType(path, obj, this.options); if (this.paths[path].$isSingleNested) { for (var key in this.paths[path].schema.paths) { this.singleNestedPaths[path + '.' + key] = this.paths[path].schema.paths[key]; } for (key in this.paths[path].schema.singleNestedPaths) { this.singleNestedPaths[path + '.' + key] = this.paths[path].schema.singleNestedPaths[key]; } this.childSchemas.push(this.paths[path].schema); } else if (this.paths[path].$isMongooseDocumentArray) { this.childSchemas.push(this.paths[path].schema); } return this; }; /** * Converts type arguments into Mongoose Types. * * @param {String} path * @param {Object} obj constructor * @api private */ Schema.interpretAsType = function(path, obj, options) { if (obj.constructor) { var constructorName = utils.getFunctionName(obj.constructor); if (constructorName !== 'Object') { var oldObj = obj; obj = {}; obj[options.typeKey] = oldObj; } } // Get the type making sure to allow keys named "type" // and default to mixed if not specified. // { type: { type: String, default: 'freshcut' } } var type = obj[options.typeKey] && (options.typeKey !== 'type' || !obj.type.type) ? obj[options.typeKey] : {}; if (utils.getFunctionName(type.constructor) === 'Object' || type === 'mixed') { return new MongooseTypes.Mixed(path, obj); } if (Array.isArray(type) || Array === type || type === 'array') { // if it was specified through { type } look for `cast` var cast = (Array === type || type === 'array') ? obj.cast : type[0]; if (cast && cast.instanceOfSchema) { return new MongooseTypes.DocumentArray(path, cast, obj); } if (Array.isArray(cast)) { return new MongooseTypes.Array(path, Schema.interpretAsType(path, cast, options), obj); } if (typeof cast === 'string') { cast = MongooseTypes[cast.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + cast.substring(1)]; } else if (cast && (!cast[options.typeKey] || (options.typeKey === 'type' && cast.type.type)) && utils.getFunctionName(cast.constructor) === 'Object') { if (Object.keys(cast).length) { // The `minimize` and `typeKey` options propagate to child schemas // declared inline, like `{ arr: [{ val: { $type: String } }] }`. // See gh-3560 var childSchemaOptions = {minimize: options.minimize}; if (options.typeKey) { childSchemaOptions.typeKey = options.typeKey; } var childSchema = new Schema(cast, childSchemaOptions); childSchema.$implicitlyCreated = true; return new MongooseTypes.DocumentArray(path, childSchema, obj); } else { // Special case: empty object becomes mixed return new MongooseTypes.Array(path, MongooseTypes.Mixed, obj); } } if (cast) { type = cast[options.typeKey] && (options.typeKey !== 'type' || !cast.type.type) ? cast[options.typeKey] : cast; name = typeof type === 'string' ? type : type.schemaName || utils.getFunctionName(type); if (!(name in MongooseTypes)) { throw new TypeError('Undefined type `' + name + '` at array `' + path + '`'); } } return new MongooseTypes.Array(path, cast || MongooseTypes.Mixed, obj, options); } if (type && type.instanceOfSchema) { return new MongooseTypes.Embedded(type, path, obj); } var name; if (Buffer.isBuffer(type)) { name = 'Buffer'; } else { name = typeof type === 'string' ? type // If not string, `type` is a function. Outside of IE, function.name // gives you the function name. In IE, you need to compute it : type.schemaName || utils.getFunctionName(type); } if (name) { name = name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.substring(1); } if (undefined == MongooseTypes[name]) { throw new TypeError('Undefined type `' + name + '` at `' + path + '`\n Did you try nesting Schemas? ' + 'You can only nest using refs or arrays.'); } return new MongooseTypes[name](path, obj); }; /** * Iterates the schemas paths similar to Array#forEach. * * The callback is passed the pathname and schemaType as arguments on each iteration. * * @param {Function} fn callback function * @return {Schema} this * @api public */ Schema.prototype.eachPath = function(fn) { var keys = Object.keys(this.paths), len = keys.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { fn(keys[i], this.paths[keys[i]]); } return this; }; /** * Returns an Array of path strings that are required by this schema. * * @api public * @param {Boolean} invalidate refresh the cache * @return {Array} */ Schema.prototype.requiredPaths = function requiredPaths(invalidate) { if (this._requiredpaths && !invalidate) { return this._requiredpaths; } var paths = Object.keys(this.paths), i = paths.length, ret = []; while (i--) { var path = paths[i]; if (this.paths[path].isRequired) { ret.push(path); } } this._requiredpaths = ret; return this._requiredpaths; }; /** * Returns indexes from fields and schema-level indexes (cached). * * @api private * @return {Array} */ Schema.prototype.indexedPaths = function indexedPaths() { if (this._indexedpaths) { return this._indexedpaths; } this._indexedpaths = this.indexes(); return this._indexedpaths; }; /** * Returns the pathType of `path` for this schema. * * Given a path, returns whether it is a real, virtual, nested, or ad-hoc/undefined path. * * @param {String} path * @return {String} * @api public */ Schema.prototype.pathType = function(path) { if (path in this.paths) { return 'real'; } if (path in this.virtuals) { return 'virtual'; } if (path in this.nested) { return 'nested'; } if (path in this.subpaths) { return 'real'; } if (path in this.singleNestedPaths) { return 'real'; } if (/\.\d+\.|\.\d+$/.test(path)) { return getPositionalPathType(this, path); } return 'adhocOrUndefined'; }; /** * Returns true iff this path is a child of a mixed schema. * * @param {String} path * @return {Boolean} * @api private */ Schema.prototype.hasMixedParent = function(path) { var subpaths = path.split(/\./g); path = ''; for (var i = 0; i < subpaths.length; ++i) { path = i > 0 ? path + '.' + subpaths[i] : subpaths[i]; if (path in this.paths && this.paths[path] instanceof MongooseTypes.Mixed) { return true; } } return false; }; /** * Setup updatedAt and createdAt timestamps to documents if enabled * * @param {Boolean|Object} timestamps timestamps options * @api private */ Schema.prototype.setupTimestamp = function(timestamps) { if (timestamps) { var createdAt = timestamps.createdAt || 'createdAt'; var updatedAt = timestamps.updatedAt || 'updatedAt'; var schemaAdditions = {}; schemaAdditions[updatedAt] = Date; if (!this.paths[createdAt]) { schemaAdditions[createdAt] = Date; } this.add(schemaAdditions); this.pre('save', function(next) { var defaultTimestamp = new Date(); var auto_id = this._id && this._id.auto; if (!this[createdAt] && this.isSelected(createdAt)) { this[createdAt] = auto_id ? this._id.getTimestamp() : defaultTimestamp; } if (this.isNew || this.isModified()) { this[updatedAt] = this.isNew ? this[createdAt] : defaultTimestamp; } next(); }); var genUpdates = function(overwrite) { var now = new Date(); var updates = {}; if (overwrite) { updates[updatedAt] = now; updates[createdAt] = now; return updates; } updates = { $set: {}, $setOnInsert: {} }; updates.$set[updatedAt] = now; updates.$setOnInsert[createdAt] = now; return updates; }; this.methods.initializeTimestamps = function() { if (!this[createdAt]) { this[createdAt] = new Date(); } if (!this[updatedAt]) { this[updatedAt] = new Date(); } return this; }; this.pre('findOneAndUpdate', function(next) { var overwrite = this.options.overwrite; this.findOneAndUpdate({}, genUpdates(overwrite), { overwrite: overwrite }); applyTimestampsToChildren(this); next(); }); this.pre('update', function(next) { var overwrite = this.options.overwrite; this.update({}, genUpdates(overwrite), { overwrite: overwrite }); applyTimestampsToChildren(this); next(); }); } }; /*! * ignore */ function applyTimestampsToChildren(query) { var now = new Date(); var update = query.getUpdate(); var keys = Object.keys(update); var key; var schema = query.model.schema; var len; var createdAt; var updatedAt; var timestamps; var path; var hasDollarKey = keys.length && keys[0].charAt(0) === '$'; if (hasDollarKey) { if (update.$push) { for (key in update.$push) { var $path = schema.path(key); if (update.$push[key] && $path && $path.$isMongooseDocumentArray && $path.schema.options.timestamps) { timestamps = $path.schema.options.timestamps; createdAt = timestamps.createdAt || 'createdAt'; updatedAt = timestamps.updatedAt || 'updatedAt'; update.$push[key][updatedAt] = now; update.$push[key][createdAt] = now; } } } if (update.$set) { for (key in update.$set) { path = schema.path(key); if (!path) { continue; } if (Array.isArray(update.$set[key]) && path.$isMongooseDocumentArray) { len = update.$set[key].length; timestamps = schema.path(key).schema.options.timestamps; if (timestamps) { createdAt = timestamps.createdAt || 'createdAt'; updatedAt = timestamps.updatedAt || 'updatedAt'; for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { update.$set[key][i][updatedAt] = now; update.$set[key][i][createdAt] = now; } } } else if (update.$set[key] && path.$isSingleNested) { timestamps = schema.path(key).schema.options.timestamps; if (timestamps) { createdAt = timestamps.createdAt || 'createdAt'; updatedAt = timestamps.updatedAt || 'updatedAt'; update.$set[key][updatedAt] = now; update.$set[key][createdAt] = now; } } } } } } /*! * ignore */ function getPositionalPathType(self, path) { var subpaths = path.split(/\.(\d+)\.|\.(\d+)$/).filter(Boolean); if (subpaths.length < 2) { return self.paths[subpaths[0]]; } var val = self.path(subpaths[0]); var isNested = false; if (!val) { return val; } var last = subpaths.length - 1, subpath, i = 1; for (; i < subpaths.length; ++i) { isNested = false; subpath = subpaths[i]; if (i === last && val && !/\D/.test(subpath)) { if (val.$isMongooseDocumentArray) { var oldVal = val; val = new SchemaType(subpath); val.cast = function(value, doc, init) { return oldVal.cast(value, doc, init)[0]; }; val.caster = oldVal.caster; val.schema = oldVal.schema; } else if (val instanceof MongooseTypes.Array) { // StringSchema, NumberSchema, etc val = val.caster; } else { val = undefined; } break; } // ignore if its just a position segment: path.0.subpath if (!/\D/.test(subpath)) { continue; } if (!(val && val.schema)) { val = undefined; break; } var type = val.schema.pathType(subpath); isNested = (type === 'nested'); val = val.schema.path(subpath); } self.subpaths[path] = val; if (val) { return 'real'; } if (isNested) { return 'nested'; } return 'adhocOrUndefined'; } /*! * ignore */ function getPositionalPath(self, path) { getPositionalPathType(self, path); return self.subpaths[path]; } /** * Adds a method call to the queue. * * @param {String} name name of the document method to call later * @param {Array} args arguments to pass to the method * @api public */ Schema.prototype.queue = function(name, args) { this.callQueue.push([name, args]); return this; }; /** * Defines a pre hook for the document. * * ####Example * * var toySchema = new Schema(..); * * toySchema.pre('save', function (next) { * if (!this.created) this.created = new Date; * next(); * }) * * toySchema.pre('validate', function (next) { * if (this.name !== 'Woody') this.name = 'Woody'; * next(); * }) * * @param {String} method * @param {Function} callback * @see hooks.js https://github.com/bnoguchi/hooks-js/tree/31ec571cef0332e21121ee7157e0cf9728572cc3 * @api public */ Schema.prototype.pre = function() { var name = arguments[0]; if (IS_KAREEM_HOOK[name]) { this.s.hooks.pre.apply(this.s.hooks, arguments); return this; } return this.queue('pre', arguments); }; /** * Defines a post hook for the document * * var schema = new Schema(..); * schema.post('save', function (doc) { * console.log('this fired after a document was saved'); * }); * * shema.post('find', function(docs) { * console.log('this fired after you run a find query'); * }); * * var Model = mongoose.model('Model', schema); * * var m = new Model(..); * m.save(function(err) { * console.log('this fires after the `post` hook'); * }); * * m.find(function(err, docs) { * console.log('this fires after the post find hook'); * }); * * @param {String} method name of the method to hook * @param {Function} fn callback * @see middleware http://mongoosejs.com/docs/middleware.html * @see hooks.js https://www.npmjs.com/package/hooks-fixed * @see kareem http://npmjs.org/package/kareem * @api public */ Schema.prototype.post = function(method, fn) { if (IS_KAREEM_HOOK[method]) { this.s.hooks.post.apply(this.s.hooks, arguments); return this; } // assuming that all callbacks with arity < 2 are synchronous post hooks if (fn.length < 2) { return this.queue('on', [arguments[0], function(doc) { return fn.call(doc, doc); }]); } if (fn.length === 3) { this.s.hooks.post(method + ':error', fn); return this; } return this.queue('post', [arguments[0], function(next) { // wrap original function so that the callback goes last, // for compatibility with old code that is using synchronous post hooks var _this = this; var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); fn.call(this, this, function(err) { return next.apply(_this, [err].concat(args)); }); }]); }; /** * Registers a plugin for this schema. * * @param {Function} plugin callback * @param {Object} [opts] * @see plugins * @api public */ Schema.prototype.plugin = function(fn, opts) { fn(this, opts); return this; }; /** * Adds an instance method to documents constructed from Models compiled from this schema. * * ####Example * * var schema = kittySchema = new Schema(..); * * schema.method('meow', function () { * console.log('meeeeeoooooooooooow'); * }) * * var Kitty = mongoose.model('Kitty', schema); * * var fizz = new Kitty; * fizz.meow(); // meeeeeooooooooooooow * * If a hash of name/fn pairs is passed as the only argument, each name/fn pair will be added as methods. * * schema.method({ * purr: function () {} * , scratch: function () {} * }); * * // later * fizz.purr(); * fizz.scratch(); * * @param {String|Object} method name * @param {Function} [fn] * @api public */ Schema.prototype.method = function(name, fn) { if (typeof name !== 'string') { for (var i in name) { this.methods[i] = name[i]; } } else { this.methods[name] = fn; } return this; }; /** * Adds static "class" methods to Models compiled from this schema. * * ####Example * * var schema = new Schema(..); * schema.static('findByName', function (name, callback) { * return this.find({ name: name }, callback); * }); * * var Drink = mongoose.model('Drink', schema); * Drink.findByName('sanpellegrino', function (err, drinks) { * // * }); * * If a hash of name/fn pairs is passed as the only argument, each name/fn pair will be added as statics. * * @param {String|Object} name * @param {Function} [fn] * @api public */ Schema.prototype.static = function(name, fn) { if (typeof name !== 'string') { for (var i in name) { this.statics[i] = name[i]; } } else { this.statics[name] = fn; } return this; }; /** * Defines an index (most likely compound) for this schema. * * ####Example * * schema.index({ first: 1, last: -1 }) * * @param {Object} fields * @param {Object} [options] Options to pass to [MongoDB driver's `createIndex()` function](http://mongodb.github.io/node-mongodb-native/2.0/api/Collection.html#createIndex) * @param {String} [options.expires=null] Mongoose-specific syntactic sugar, uses [ms](https://www.npmjs.com/package/ms) to convert `expires` option into seconds for the `expireAfterSeconds` in the above link. * @api public */ Schema.prototype.index = function(fields, options) { options || (options = {}); if (options.expires) { utils.expires(options); } this._indexes.push([fields, options]); return this; }; /** * Sets/gets a schema option. * * ####Example * * schema.set('strict'); // 'true' by default * schema.set('strict', false); // Sets 'strict' to false * schema.set('strict'); // 'false' * * @param {String} key option name * @param {Object} [value] if not passed, the current option value is returned * @see Schema ./ * @api public */ Schema.prototype.set = function(key, value, _tags) { if (arguments.length === 1) { return this.options[key]; } switch (key) { case 'read': this.options[key] = readPref(value, _tags); break; case 'safe': this.options[key] = value === false ? {w: 0} : value; break; case 'timestamps': this.setupTimestamp(value); this.options[key] = value; break; default: this.options[key] = value; } return this; }; /** * Gets a schema option. * * @param {String} key option name * @api public */ Schema.prototype.get = function(key) { return this.options[key]; }; /** * The allowed index types * * @static indexTypes * @receiver Schema * @api public */ var indexTypes = '2d 2dsphere hashed text'.split(' '); Object.defineProperty(Schema, 'indexTypes', { get: function() { return indexTypes; }, set: function() { throw new Error('Cannot overwrite Schema.indexTypes'); } }); /** * Compiles indexes from fields and schema-level indexes * * @api public */ Schema.prototype.indexes = function() { 'use strict'; var indexes = []; var seenPrefix = {}; var collectIndexes = function(schema, prefix) { if (seenPrefix[prefix]) { return; } seenPrefix[prefix] = true; prefix = prefix || ''; var key, path, index, field, isObject, options, type; var keys = Object.keys(schema.paths); for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { key = keys[i]; path = schema.paths[key]; if ((path instanceof MongooseTypes.DocumentArray) || path.$isSingleNested) { collectIndexes(path.schema, key + '.'); } else { index = path._index; if (index !== false && index !== null && index !== undefined) { field = {}; isObject = utils.isObject(index); options = isObject ? index : {}; type = typeof index === 'string' ? index : isObject ? index.type : false; if (type && ~Schema.indexTypes.indexOf(type)) { field[prefix + key] = type; } else if (options.text) { field[prefix + key] = 'text'; delete options.text; } else { field[prefix + key] = 1; } delete options.type; if (!('background' in options)) { options.background = true; } indexes.push([field, options]); } } } if (prefix) { fixSubIndexPaths(schema, prefix); } else { schema._indexes.forEach(function(index) { if (!('background' in index[1])) { index[1].background = true; } }); indexes = indexes.concat(schema._indexes); } }; collectIndexes(this); return indexes; /*! * Checks for indexes added to subdocs using Schema.index(). * These indexes need their paths prefixed properly. * * schema._indexes = [ [indexObj, options], [indexObj, options] ..] */ function fixSubIndexPaths(schema, prefix) { var subindexes = schema._indexes, len = subindexes.length, indexObj, newindex, klen, keys, key, i = 0, j; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { indexObj = subindexes[i][0]; keys = Object.keys(indexObj); klen = keys.length; newindex = {}; // use forward iteration, order matters for (j = 0; j < klen; ++j) { key = keys[j]; newindex[prefix + key] = indexObj[key]; } indexes.push([newindex, subindexes[i][1]]); } } }; /** * Creates a virtual type with the given name. * * @param {String} name * @param {Object} [options] * @return {VirtualType} */ Schema.prototype.virtual = function(name, options) { if (options && options.ref) { if (!options.localField) { throw new Error('Reference virtuals require `localField` option'); } if (!options.foreignField) { throw new Error('Reference virtuals require `foreignField` option'); } this.pre('init', function(next, obj) { if (name in obj) { if (!this.$$populatedVirtuals) { this.$$populatedVirtuals = {}; } if (options.justOne) { this.$$populatedVirtuals[name] = Array.isArray(obj[name]) ? obj[name][0] : obj[name]; } else { this.$$populatedVirtuals[name] = Array.isArray(obj[name]) ? obj[name] : obj[name] == null ? [] : [obj[name]]; } delete obj[name]; } if (this.ownerDocument) { next(); return obj; } else { next(); } }); var virtual = this.virtual(name); virtual.options = options; return virtual. get(function() { if (!this.$$populatedVirtuals) { this.$$populatedVirtuals = {}; } if (name in this.$$populatedVirtuals) { return this.$$populatedVirtuals[name]; } return null; }). set(function(v) { if (!this.$$populatedVirtuals) { this.$$populatedVirtuals = {}; } this.$$populatedVirtuals[name] = v; }); } var virtuals = this.virtuals; var parts = name.split('.'); if (this.pathType(name) === 'real') { throw new Error('Virtual path "' + name + '"' + ' conflicts with a real path in the schema'); } virtuals[name] = parts.reduce(function(mem, part, i) { mem[part] || (mem[part] = (i === parts.length - 1) ? new VirtualType(options, name) : {}); return mem[part]; }, this.tree); return virtuals[name]; }; /*! * ignore */ Schema.prototype._getVirtual = function(name) { return _getVirtual(this, name); }; /*! * ignore */ function _getVirtual(schema, name) { var parts = name.split('.'); var cur = ''; var nestedSchemaPath = ''; for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i) { cur += (cur.length > 0 ? '.' : '') + parts[i]; if (schema.virtuals[cur]) { if (i === parts.length - 1) { schema.virtuals[cur].$nestedSchemaPath = nestedSchemaPath; return schema.virtuals[cur]; } continue; } else if (schema.paths[cur] && schema.paths[cur].schema) { schema = schema.paths[cur].schema; nestedSchemaPath += (nestedSchemaPath.length > 0 ? '.' : '') + cur; cur = ''; } else { return null; } } } /** * Returns the virtual type with the given `name`. * * @param {String} name * @return {VirtualType} */ Schema.prototype.virtualpath = function(name) { return this.virtuals[name]; }; /** * Removes the given `path` (or [`paths`]). * * @param {String|Array} path * * @api public */ Schema.prototype.remove = function(path) { if (typeof path === 'string') { path = [path]; } if (Array.isArray(path)) { path.forEach(function(name) { if (this.path(name)) { delete this.paths[name]; var pieces = name.split('.'); var last = pieces.pop(); var branch = this.tree; for (var i = 0; i < pieces.length; ++i) { branch = branch[pieces[i]]; } delete branch[last]; } }, this); } }; /** * Loads an ES6 class into a schema. Maps setters + getters, static methods, and instance methods to schema virtuals, statics, and methods. * * @param {Function} model */ Schema.prototype.loadClass = function(model, virtualsOnly) { if (model === Object.prototype || model === Function.prototype) { return this; } // Add static methods if (!virtualsOnly) { Object.getOwnPropertyNames(model).forEach(function(name) { if (name.match(/^(length|name|prototype)$/)) { return; } var method = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(model, name); if (typeof method.value === 'function') this.static(name, method.value); }, this); } // Add methods and virtuals Object.getOwnPropertyNames(model.prototype).forEach(function(name) { if (name.match(/^(constructor)$/)) { return; } var method = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(model.prototype, name); if (!virtualsOnly) { if (typeof method.value === 'function') { this.method(name, method.value); } } if (typeof method.get === 'function') { this.virtual(name).get(method.get); } if (typeof method.set === 'function') { this.virtual(name).set(method.set); } }, this); return (this.loadClass(Object.getPrototypeOf(model))); }; /*! * ignore */ Schema.prototype._getSchema = function(path) { var _this = this; var pathschema = _this.path(path); var resultPath = []; if (pathschema) { pathschema.$fullPath = path; return pathschema; } function search(parts, schema) { var p = parts.length + 1, foundschema, trypath; while (p--) { trypath = parts.slice(0, p).join('.'); foundschema = schema.path(trypath); if (foundschema) { resultPath.push(trypath); if (foundschema.caster) { // array of Mixed? if (foundschema.caster instanceof MongooseTypes.Mixed) { foundschema.caster.$fullPath = resultPath.join('.'); return foundschema.caster; } // Now that we found the array, we need to check if there // are remaining document paths to look up for casting. // Also we need to handle array.$.path since schema.path // doesn't work for that. // If there is no foundschema.schema we are dealing with // a path like array.$ if (p !== parts.length && foundschema.schema) { if (parts[p] === '$') { // comments.$.comments.$.title return search(parts.slice(p + 1), foundschema.schema); } // this is the last path of the selector return search(parts.slice(p), foundschema.schema); } } foundschema.$fullPath = resultPath.join('.'); return foundschema; } } } // look for arrays return search(path.split('.'), _this); }; /*! * ignore */ Schema.prototype._getPathType = function(path) { var _this = this; var pathschema = _this.path(path); if (pathschema) { return 'real'; } function search(parts, schema) { var p = parts.length + 1, foundschema, trypath; while (p--) { trypath = parts.slice(0, p).join('.'); foundschema = schema.path(trypath); if (foundschema) { if (foundschema.caster) { // array of Mixed? if (foundschema.caster instanceof MongooseTypes.Mixed) { return { schema: foundschema, pathType: 'mixed' }; } // Now that we found the array, we need to check if there // are remaining document paths to look up for casting. // Also we need to handle array.$.path since schema.path // doesn't work for that. // If there is no foundschema.schema we are dealing with // a path like array.$ if (p !== parts.length && foundschema.schema) { if (parts[p] === '$') { if (p === parts.length - 1) { return { schema: foundschema, pathType: 'nested' }; } // comments.$.comments.$.title return search(parts.slice(p + 1), foundschema.schema); } // this is the last path of the selector return search(parts.slice(p), foundschema.schema); } return { schema: foundschema, pathType: foundschema.$isSingleNested ? 'nested' : 'array' }; } return { schema: foundschema, pathType: 'real' }; } else if (p === parts.length && schema.nested[trypath]) { return { schema: schema, pathType: 'nested' }; } } return { schema: foundschema || schema, pathType: 'undefined' }; } // look for arrays return search(path.split('.'), _this); }; /*! * Module exports. */ module.exports = exports = Schema; // require down here because of reference issues /** * The various built-in Mongoose Schema Types. * * ####Example: * * var mongoose = require('mongoose'); * var ObjectId = mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId; * * ####Types: * * - [String](#schema-string-js) * - [Number](#schema-number-js) * - [Boolean](#schema-boolean-js) | Bool * - [Array](#schema-array-js) * - [Buffer](#schema-buffer-js) * - [Date](#schema-date-js) * - [ObjectId](#schema-objectid-js) | Oid * - [Mixed](#schema-mixed-js) * * Using this exposed access to the `Mixed` SchemaType, we can use them in our schema. * * var Mixed = mongoose.Schema.Types.Mixed; * new mongoose.Schema({ _user: Mixed }) * * @api public */ Schema.Types = MongooseTypes = require('./schema/index'); /*! * ignore */ exports.ObjectId = MongooseTypes.ObjectId;