
Overview[ depends on jquery.ztree.excheck js ]

The checked status about node's checkbox or radio. It is valid when [setting.check.enable = true & treeNode.nocheck = false]

1. If change the 'checked' to other attribute, please set the '' attribute.

2. If you create node data, and set 'checked' attribute to true, zTree will check this node's checkbox or radio when zTree is initialized.

3. Use the treeObj.checkNode or checkAllNodes or updateNode method, you can check or uncheck the node. Please see the API about these methods.

4. zTree support identification string 'true' & 'false'.

Default: false

Boolean Format

true means: check the checkbox or radio when zTree is initialized.

false means: uncheck the checkbox or radio when zTree is initialized.

Examples of treeNode

1. check the checkbox when zTree is initialized

var nodes = [
{ "id":1, "name":"test1", checked:true },
{ "id":2, "name":"test2", checked:true }

2. Get the checked status of the first root node

var treeObj = $.fn.zTree.getZTreeObj("tree");
var checked = treeObj.getNodes()[0].checked;