JSON / Function(treeId, treeNode)setting.view.fontCss

Overview[ depends on jquery.ztree.core js ]

Personalized text style, only applies to <A> object in the node DOM

Default: {}

JSON Format

As same as .css() method in jQuery. e.g. {color:"#ff0011", background:"blue"}

Function Parameter Descriptions


zTree unique identifier: treeId, easy for users to control.


JSON data object of the node which use the personalized text style

Return JSON

Return value is same as 'JSON Format'. e.g. {color:"#ff0011", background:"blue"}

Examples of setting & function

1. Don't modify css file, and set the node name's color to red

var setting = {
	view: {
		fontCss : {color:"red"}

2. Don't modify css file, and set the root node name's color to red

function setFontCss(treeId, treeNode) {
	return treeNode.level == 0 ? {color:"red"} : {};
var setting = {
	view: {
		fontCss: setFontCss