(ns chameleon.route (:require [org.httpkit.client :as kitclient] [chameleon.logging :as log] [ring.util.http-status :as hs])) (defn query "Retrieve an entity referenced by id at the provided host. Optionally provide a time 't-k' that defines a query based on when the system knew about the state of the entity." [host key type & [gallifrey-params]] @(kitclient/request { :url (str "https://" host "/" type "/" key) :method :get :query-params gallifrey-params :insecure? true :keepalive 300 :timeout 20000})) (defn assert-create! "Creates an entity in Gallifrey with an initial set of assertions coming from the provided payload" [host actor type key payload & [time-dimensions]] (kitclient/request {:url (str "https://" host "/" type "/" key) :method :put :query-params (into {"actor" actor "create" "true"} time-dimensions) :body payload :insecure? true :keepalive 300 :timeout 1000})) (defn assert-update! "Update an entity in Gallifrey with a set of assertions coming from the provided payload" [host actor type key payload & [time-dimensions]] (kitclient/request {:url (str "https://" host "/" type "/" key) :method :put :query-params (into {"actor" actor "changes-only" "true"} time-dimensions) :body payload :insecure? true :keepalive 300 :timeout 1000})) (defn assert-delete! "Assert a deletion for an entity in Gallifrey based on the provided key." [host actor type key & [time-dimensions]] (kitclient/request {:url (str "https://" host "/" type "/" key) :method :delete :query-params (into {"actor" actor} time-dimensions) :insecure? true :keepalive 300 :timeout 1000})) (defn assert-gallifrey! [host actor type payload & [e-logger a-logger]] "Propagates an assertion to Gallifrey based off of an event payload coming in from the event service." (let [{:keys [meta body]} payload {:keys [key operation time]} meta _ (log/info e-logger "GALLIFREY_ASSERTION" (mapv str [operation type key])) g-assert (case operation "CREATE" (assert-create! host actor type key body time) "UPDATE" (assert-update! host actor type key body time) "DELETE" (assert-delete! host actor type key time)) {:keys [status body]} @g-assert] (log/info e-logger "RESPONSE" (mapv str [operation key status body])) (if (and (>= status 200) (<= status 299)) (log/info e-logger "GALLIFREY_ASSERTED" ["SUCCEEDED" (str type) (str key)]) (log/info e-logger "GALLIFREY_ASSERTED" ["FAILED" (str type) (str key)])) (log/info a-logger "RESPONSE" (mapv str [operation key status body]) :fields {:response-code status :response-description (hs/get-name status)})))