tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0 metadata: invariantUUID: e929eb25-c82d-4dac-9a9c-0193ccc131c8 UUID: b88ab067-a684-4c44-bdd1-80fb859cbcdd name: NeutronPort description: Represents a logical entity that associates between Compute and Network normative types. type: CP category: Generic subcategory: Network Elements resourceVendor: ATT (Tosca) resourceVendorRelease: 1.0.0.wd03 imports: - nodes: file: nodes.yml - datatypes: file: data.yml - capabilities: file: capabilities.yml - relationships: file: relationships.yml - groups: file: groups.yml - policies: file: policies.yml node_types: derived_from: description: Represents a logical entity that associates between Compute and Network normative types. properties: port_security_enabled: type: boolean description: Flag to enable/disable port security on the network device_id: type: string description: Device ID of this port qos_policy: type: string description: The name or ID of QoS policy to attach to this network allowed_address_pairs: type: list description: Additional MAC/IP address pairs allowed to pass through the port entry_schema: type: binding:vnic_type: type: string description: The vnic type to be bound on the neutron port value_specs: type: map default: { } description: Extra parameters to include in the request entry_schema: type: string device_owner: type: string description: Name of the network owning the port network: type: string description: Network this port belongs to replacement_policy: type: string default: AUTO description: Policy on how to respond to a stack-update for this resource security_groups: type: list description: List of security group names or IDs entry_schema: type: string fixed_ips: type: list description: Desired IPs for this port entry_schema: type: org.openecomp.datatypes.heat.neutron.port.FixedIps mac_address: type: string description: MAC address to give to this port admin_state_up: type: boolean default: true description: A boolean value specifying the administrative status of the network name: type: string description: A symbolic name for this port capabilities: attachment: type: tosca.capabilities.Attachment occurrences: - 1 - UNBOUNDED binding: type: occurrences: - 0 - UNBOUNDED valid_source_types: -