### Create a directory /tmp/volume (mkdir -p /tmp/volume) on host. ### This is used as shared volume and mounted inside container ### Build docker image with a base image ```` $ docker build -t -f dockerfile . ```` ### Running the CA service container - Below command will run and log you into the container ```` $ docker run -d -e DATA_FOLDER= -v /tmp/run/dbus:/var/run/dbus:rw -v /tmp/volume:/tmp/files:rw --name -i -t --entrypoint=/bin/bash ```` ### Login to the container ```` $ docker exec -it /bin/bash ```` ### Running the Import utility ```` $ import.sh ```` ### Running the Import utility with stress test with multithreading ```` $ ./testca/test/multithreadimport.sh ```` #### Make sure the TABRMD container is running on the same dbus mountpoint on the host as the CA service container ### Expected Input files for SoftHSM operations ### 1. passphrase 2. privkey.pem.gpg 3. ca.cert ### Output - None ### Expected Input files for TPM Hardware opeartion ### 1. ca.cert 2. duPEncKey 3. dupPriv 4. dupPub 5. dupSymseed 6. tpm_handle (srkhandle) ### Output - None ### Expected Input for Application's operations ### 1. test.csr 2. CaSign.java(Application file) 3. ca.cert ### Output - test.cert (in /tmp Directory)