/* * Copyright (c) 2013 SURFnet bv * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE * GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER * IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR * OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /***************************************************************************** DBObject.h This class represents object records in a database *****************************************************************************/ #include "config.h" #include "DBObject.h" #include "OSPathSep.h" #include "DB.h" #include "OSAttributes.h" #include #include #include #include #include // Create an object that can access a record, but don't do anything yet. DBObject::DBObject(DB::Connection *connection, ObjectStoreToken *token) : _mutex(MutexFactory::i()->getMutex()), _connection(connection), _token(token), _objectId(0), _transaction(NULL) { } DBObject::DBObject(DB::Connection *connection, ObjectStoreToken *token, long long objectId) : _mutex(MutexFactory::i()->getMutex()), _connection(connection), _token(token), _objectId(objectId), _transaction(NULL) { } // Destructor DBObject::~DBObject() { for (std::map::iterator it = _attributes.begin(); it!=_attributes.end(); ++it) { delete it->second; it->second = NULL; } if (_transaction) { for (std::map::iterator it = _transaction->begin(); it!=_transaction->end(); ++it) { delete it->second; it->second = NULL; } delete _transaction; } MutexFactory::i()->recycleMutex(_mutex); } void DBObject::dropConnection() { MutexLocker lock(_mutex); _connection = NULL; } // create tables to support storage of attributes for the DBObject bool DBObject::createTables() { MutexLocker lock(_mutex); if (_connection == NULL) { ERROR_MSG("Object is not connected to the database."); return false; } // Create the tables inside the database DB::Statement cr_object = _connection->prepare("create table object (id integer primary key autoincrement);"); if (!_connection->execute(cr_object)) { ERROR_MSG("Failed to create \"object\" table"); return false; } // attribute_text DB::Statement cr_attr_text = _connection->prepare( "create table attribute_text (" "value text," "type integer," "object_id integer references object(id) on delete cascade," "id integer primary key autoincrement)" ); if (!_connection->execute(cr_attr_text)) { ERROR_MSG("Failed to create \"attribute_text\" table"); return false; } // attribute_integer DB::Statement cr_attr_integer = _connection->prepare( "create table attribute_integer (" "value integer," "type integer," "object_id integer references object(id) on delete cascade," "id integer primary key autoincrement)" ); if (!_connection->execute(cr_attr_integer)) { ERROR_MSG("Failed to create \"attribute_integer\" table"); return false; } // attribute_binary DB::Statement cr_attr_binary = _connection->prepare( "create table attribute_binary (" "value blob," "type integer," "object_id integer references object(id) on delete cascade," "id integer primary key autoincrement)" ); if (!_connection->execute(cr_attr_binary)) { ERROR_MSG("Failed to create \"attribute_binary\" table"); return false; } // attribute_array DB::Statement cr_attr_array = _connection->prepare( "create table attribute_array (" "value blob," "type integer," "object_id integer references object(id) on delete cascade," "id integer primary key autoincrement)" ); if (!_connection->execute(cr_attr_array)) { ERROR_MSG("Failed to create \"attribute_array\" table"); return false; } // attribute_boolean DB::Statement cr_attr_boolean = _connection->prepare( "create table attribute_boolean (" "value boolean," "type integer," "object_id integer references object(id) on delete cascade," "id integer primary key autoincrement)" ); if (!_connection->execute(cr_attr_boolean)) { ERROR_MSG("Failed to create \"attribute_boolean\" table"); return false; } // attribute_datetime DB::Statement cr_attr_datetime = _connection->prepare( "create table attribute_datetime (" "value datetime," "type integer," "object_id integer references object(id) on delete cascade," "id integer primary key autoincrement)" ); if (!_connection->execute(cr_attr_datetime)) { ERROR_MSG("Failed to create \"attribute_datetime\" table"); return false; } // attribute_real DB::Statement cr_attr_real = _connection->prepare( "create table attribute_real (" "value real," "type integer," "object_id integer references object(id) on delete cascade," "id integer primary key autoincrement)" ); if (!_connection->execute(cr_attr_real)) { ERROR_MSG("Failed to create \"attribute_real\" table"); return false; } return true; } bool DBObject::dropTables() { MutexLocker lock(_mutex); if (_connection == NULL) { ERROR_MSG("Object is not connected to the database."); return false; } // Create the tables inside the database DB::Statement dr_object = _connection->prepare("drop table object"); if (!_connection->execute(dr_object)) { ERROR_MSG("Failed to drop \"object\" table"); return false; } // attribute_text DB::Statement dr_attr_text = _connection->prepare("drop table attribute_text"); if (!_connection->execute(dr_attr_text)) { ERROR_MSG("Failed to drop \"attribute_text\" table"); return false; } // attribute_integer DB::Statement dr_attr_integer = _connection->prepare("drop table attribute_integer"); if (!_connection->execute(dr_attr_integer)) { ERROR_MSG("Failed to drop \"attribute_integer\" table"); return false; } // attribute_binary DB::Statement dr_attr_binary = _connection->prepare("drop table attribute_binary"); if (!_connection->execute(dr_attr_binary)) { ERROR_MSG("Failed to drop \"attribute_binary\" table"); return false; } // attribute_array DB::Statement dr_attr_array = _connection->prepare("drop table attribute_array"); if (!_connection->execute(dr_attr_array)) { ERROR_MSG("Failed to drop \"attribute_array\" table"); return false; } // attribute_boolean DB::Statement dr_attr_boolean = _connection->prepare("drop table attribute_boolean"); if (!_connection->execute(dr_attr_boolean)) { ERROR_MSG("Failed to drop \"attribute_boolean\" table"); return false; } // attribute_datetime DB::Statement dr_attr_datetime = _connection->prepare("drop table attribute_datetime"); if (!_connection->execute(dr_attr_datetime)) { ERROR_MSG("Failed to drop \"attribute_datetime\" table"); return false; } // attribute_real DB::Statement dr_attr_real = _connection->prepare("drop table attribute_real"); if (!_connection->execute(dr_attr_real)) { ERROR_MSG("Failed to drop \"attribute_real\" table"); return false; } return true; } bool DBObject::find(long long objectId) { MutexLocker lock(_mutex); if (_connection == NULL) { ERROR_MSG("Object is not connected to the database."); return false; } if (objectId == 0) { ERROR_MSG("Invalid object_id 0 passed to find"); return false; } // find the object in the database for the given object_id DB::Statement statement = _connection->prepare( "select id from object where id=%lld", objectId); if (!statement.isValid()) { ERROR_MSG("Preparing object selection statement failed"); return false; } DB::Result result = _connection->perform(statement); if (result.getLongLong(1) != objectId) { ERROR_MSG("Failed to find object with id %lld",objectId); return false; } _objectId = objectId; return true; } bool DBObject::insert() { MutexLocker lock(_mutex); if (_connection == NULL) { ERROR_MSG("Object is not connected to the database."); return false; } DB::Statement statement = _connection->prepare("insert into object default values"); if (!_connection->execute(statement)) { ERROR_MSG("Failed to insert a new object"); return false; } _objectId = _connection->lastInsertRowId(); return _objectId != 0; } bool DBObject::remove() { MutexLocker lock(_mutex); if (_connection == NULL) { ERROR_MSG("Object is not connected to the database."); return false; } DB::Statement statement = _connection->prepare("delete from object where id=%lld",_objectId); if (!_connection->execute(statement)) { ERROR_MSG("Failed to remove an existing object"); return false; } _objectId = 0; return true; } long long DBObject::objectId() { MutexLocker lock(_mutex); return _objectId; } static bool isModifiable(CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type) { switch (type) { case CKA_LABEL: case CKA_TRUSTED: case CKA_ID: case CKA_ISSUER: case CKA_SERIAL_NUMBER: case CKA_START_DATE: case CKA_END_DATE: case CKA_DERIVE: case CKA_SUBJECT: case CKA_ENCRYPT: case CKA_VERIFY: case CKA_VERIFY_RECOVER: case CKA_WRAP: case CKA_SENSITIVE: case CKA_DECRYPT: case CKA_SIGN: case CKA_SIGN_RECOVER: case CKA_UNWRAP: case CKA_EXTRACTABLE: case CKA_OS_TOKENFLAGS: case CKA_OS_SOPIN: case CKA_OS_USERPIN: case CKA_OS_PRIVATE_HANDLE: return true; default: return false; } } enum AttributeKind { akUnknown, akBoolean, akInteger, akBinary, akAttrMap, akMechSet }; static AttributeKind attributeKind(CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type) { switch (type) { case CKA_CLASS: return akInteger; case CKA_TOKEN: return akBoolean; case CKA_PRIVATE: return akBoolean; case CKA_LABEL: return akBinary; case CKA_APPLICATION: return akBinary; case CKA_VALUE: return akBinary; case CKA_OBJECT_ID: return akBinary; case CKA_CERTIFICATE_TYPE: return akInteger; case CKA_ISSUER: return akBinary; case CKA_SERIAL_NUMBER: return akBinary; case CKA_AC_ISSUER: return akBinary; case CKA_OWNER: return akBinary; case CKA_ATTR_TYPES: return akBinary; case CKA_TRUSTED: return akBoolean; case CKA_CERTIFICATE_CATEGORY: return akInteger; case CKA_JAVA_MIDP_SECURITY_DOMAIN: return akInteger; case CKA_URL: return akBinary; case CKA_HASH_OF_SUBJECT_PUBLIC_KEY: return akBinary; case CKA_HASH_OF_ISSUER_PUBLIC_KEY: return akBinary; case CKA_NAME_HASH_ALGORITHM: return akInteger; case CKA_CHECK_VALUE: return akBinary; case CKA_KEY_TYPE: return akInteger; case CKA_SUBJECT: return akBinary; case CKA_ID: return akBinary; case CKA_SENSITIVE: return akBoolean; case CKA_ENCRYPT: return akBoolean; case CKA_DECRYPT: return akBoolean; case CKA_WRAP: return akBoolean; case CKA_UNWRAP: return akBoolean; case CKA_SIGN: return akBoolean; case CKA_SIGN_RECOVER: return akBoolean; case CKA_VERIFY: return akBoolean; case CKA_VERIFY_RECOVER: return akBoolean; case CKA_DERIVE: return akBoolean; case CKA_START_DATE: return akBinary; case CKA_END_DATE: return akBinary; case CKA_MODULUS: return akBinary; case CKA_MODULUS_BITS: return akInteger; case CKA_PUBLIC_EXPONENT: return akBinary; case CKA_PRIVATE_EXPONENT: return akBinary; case CKA_PRIME_1: return akBinary; case CKA_PRIME_2: return akBinary; case CKA_EXPONENT_1: return akBinary; case CKA_EXPONENT_2: return akBinary; case CKA_COEFFICIENT: return akBinary; case CKA_PRIME: return akBinary; case CKA_SUBPRIME: return akBinary; case CKA_BASE: return akBinary; case CKA_PRIME_BITS: return akInteger; case CKA_SUB_PRIME_BITS: return akInteger; case CKA_VALUE_BITS: return akInteger; case CKA_VALUE_LEN: return akInteger; case CKA_EXTRACTABLE: return akBoolean; case CKA_LOCAL: return akBoolean; case CKA_NEVER_EXTRACTABLE: return akBoolean; case CKA_ALWAYS_SENSITIVE: return akBoolean; case CKA_KEY_GEN_MECHANISM: return akInteger; case CKA_MODIFIABLE: return akBoolean; case CKA_COPYABLE: return akBoolean; case CKA_ECDSA_PARAMS: return akBinary; case CKA_EC_POINT: return akBinary; case CKA_SECONDARY_AUTH: return akBoolean; case CKA_AUTH_PIN_FLAGS: return akInteger; case CKA_ALWAYS_AUTHENTICATE: return akBoolean; case CKA_WRAP_WITH_TRUSTED: return akBoolean; /* case CKA_OTP_FORMAT: case CKA_OTP_LENGTH: case CKA_OTP_TIME_INTERVAL: case CKA_OTP_USER_FRIENDLY_MODE: case CKA_OTP_CHALLENGE_REQUIREMENT: case CKA_OTP_TIME_REQUIREMENT: case CKA_OTP_COUNTER_REQUIREMENT: case CKA_OTP_PIN_REQUIREMENT: case CKA_OTP_COUNTER: case CKA_OTP_TIME: case CKA_OTP_USER_IDENTIFIER: case CKA_OTP_SERVICE_IDENTIFIER: case CKA_OTP_SERVICE_LOGO: case CKA_OTP_SERVICE_LOGO_TYPE: */ case CKA_GOSTR3410_PARAMS: return akBinary; case CKA_GOSTR3411_PARAMS: return akBinary; case CKA_GOST28147_PARAMS: return akBinary; /* case CKA_HW_FEATURE_TYPE: case CKA_RESET_ON_INIT: case CKA_HAS_RESET: case CKA_PIXEL_X: case CKA_PIXEL_Y: case CKA_RESOLUTION: case CKA_CHAR_ROWS: case CKA_CHAR_COLUMNS: case CKA_COLOR: case CKA_BITS_PER_PIXEL: case CKA_CHAR_SETS: case CKA_ENCODING_METHODS: case CKA_MIME_TYPES: case CKA_MECHANISM_TYPE: case CKA_REQUIRED_CMS_ATTRIBUTES: case CKA_DEFAULT_CMS_ATTRIBUTES: case CKA_SUPPORTED_CMS_ATTRIBUTES: */ case CKA_WRAP_TEMPLATE: return akAttrMap; case CKA_UNWRAP_TEMPLATE: return akAttrMap; case CKA_DERIVE_TEMPLATE: return akAttrMap; case CKA_ALLOWED_MECHANISMS: return akMechSet; case CKA_OS_TOKENLABEL: return akBinary; case CKA_OS_TOKENSERIAL: return akBinary; case CKA_OS_TOKENFLAGS: return akInteger; case CKA_OS_SOPIN: return akBinary; case CKA_OS_USERPIN: return akBinary; case CKA_OS_PRIVATE_HANDLE: return akInteger; default: return akUnknown; } } static bool decodeMechanismTypeSet(std::set& set, const unsigned char *binary, size_t size) { for (size_t pos = 0; pos < size; ) { // finished? if (pos == size) break; CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mechType; if (pos + sizeof(mechType) > size) { ERROR_MSG("mechanism type set overrun"); return false; } memcpy(&mechType, binary + pos, sizeof(mechType)); pos += sizeof(mechType); set.insert(mechType); } return true; } static void encodeMechanismTypeSet(ByteString& value, const std::set& set) { for (std::set::const_iterator i = set.begin(); i != set.end(); ++i) { CK_MECHANISM_TYPE mechType = *i; value += ByteString((unsigned char *) &mechType, sizeof(mechType)); } } static bool decodeAttributeMap(std::map& map, const unsigned char *binary, size_t size) { for (size_t pos = 0; pos < size; ) { // finished? if (pos == size) break; CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attrType; if (pos + sizeof(attrType) > size) { goto overrun; } memcpy(&attrType, binary + pos, sizeof(attrType)); pos += sizeof(attrType); AttributeKind attrKind; if (pos + sizeof(AttributeKind) > size) { goto overrun; } memcpy(&attrKind, binary + pos, sizeof(attrKind)); pos += sizeof(attrKind); // Verify using attributeKind()? switch (attrKind) { case akBoolean: { bool value; if (pos + sizeof(value) > size) { goto overrun; } memcpy(&value, binary + pos, sizeof(value)); pos += sizeof(value); map.insert(std::pair (attrType, value)); } break; case akInteger: { unsigned long value; if (pos + sizeof(value) > size) { goto overrun; } memcpy(&value, binary + pos, sizeof(value)); pos += sizeof(value); map.insert(std::pair (attrType, value)); } break; case akBinary: { ByteString value; unsigned long len; if (pos + sizeof(len) > size) { goto overrun; } memcpy(&len, binary + pos, sizeof(len)); pos += sizeof(len); if (pos + len > size) { goto overrun; } value.resize(len); memcpy(&value[0], binary + pos, len); pos += len; map.insert(std::pair (attrType, value)); } break; case akMechSet: { unsigned long len; if (pos + sizeof(len) > size) { goto overrun; } memcpy(&len, binary + pos, sizeof(len)); pos += sizeof(len); if (pos + len > size) { goto overrun; } std::set value; if (!decodeMechanismTypeSet(value, binary + pos, len)) { return false; } pos += len; map.insert(std::pair (attrType, value)); } break; default: ERROR_MSG("unsupported attribute kind in attribute map"); return false; } } return true; overrun: ERROR_MSG("attribute map template overrun"); return false; } static bool encodeAttributeMap(ByteString& value, const std::map& attributes) { for (std::map::const_iterator i = attributes.begin(); i != attributes.end(); ++i) { CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE attrType = i->first; value += ByteString((unsigned char*) &attrType, sizeof(attrType)); OSAttribute attr = i->second; if (attr.isBooleanAttribute()) { AttributeKind attrKind = akBoolean; value += ByteString((unsigned char*) &attrKind, sizeof(attrKind)); bool val = attr.getBooleanValue(); value += ByteString((unsigned char*) &val, sizeof(val)); } else if (attr.isUnsignedLongAttribute()) { AttributeKind attrKind = akInteger; value += ByteString((unsigned char*) &attrKind, sizeof(attrKind)); unsigned long val = attr.getUnsignedLongValue(); value += ByteString((unsigned char*) &val, sizeof(val)); } else if (attr.isByteStringAttribute()) { AttributeKind attrKind = akBinary; value += ByteString((unsigned char*) &attrKind, sizeof(attrKind)); ByteString val = attr.getByteStringValue(); unsigned long len = val.size(); value += ByteString((unsigned char*) &len, sizeof(len)); value += val; } else if (attr.isMechanismTypeSetAttribute()) { AttributeKind attrKind = akMechSet; value += ByteString((unsigned char*) &attrKind, sizeof(attrKind)); ByteString val; encodeMechanismTypeSet(val, attr.getMechanismTypeSetValue()); unsigned long len = val.size(); value += ByteString((unsigned char*) &len, sizeof(len)); value += val; } else { ERROR_MSG("unsupported attribute kind for attribute map"); return false; } } return true; } OSAttribute *DBObject::accessAttribute(CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type) { switch (attributeKind(type)) { case akUnknown: return NULL; case akBoolean: { // try to find the attribute in the boolean attribute table DB::Statement statement = _connection->prepare( "select value from attribute_boolean where type=%lu and object_id=%lld", type, _objectId); if (!statement.isValid()) { return NULL; } DB::Result result = _connection->perform(statement); if (!result.isValid()) { return NULL; } // Store the attribute in the transaction when it is active. std::map *attrs = &_attributes; if (_transaction) attrs = _transaction; bool value = result.getInt(1) != 0; std::map::iterator it = attrs->find(type); OSAttribute *attr; if (it != attrs->end()) { if (it->second != NULL) { delete it->second; } it->second = new OSAttribute(value); attr = it->second; } else { attr = new OSAttribute(value); (*attrs)[type] = attr; } return attr; } case akInteger: { // try to find the attribute in the integer attribute table DB::Statement statement = _connection->prepare( "select value from attribute_integer where type=%lu and object_id=%lld", type, _objectId); if (!statement.isValid()) { return NULL; } DB::Result result = _connection->perform(statement); if (!result.isValid()) { return NULL; } // Store the attribute in the transaction when it is active. std::map *attrs = &_attributes; if (_transaction) attrs = _transaction; unsigned long value = result.getULongLong(1); std::map::iterator it = attrs->find(type); OSAttribute *attr; if (it != attrs->end()) { if (it->second != NULL) { delete it->second; } it->second = new OSAttribute(value); attr = it->second; } else { attr = new OSAttribute(value); (*attrs)[type] = attr; } return attr; } case akBinary: { // try to find the attribute in the binary attribute table DB::Statement statement = _connection->prepare( "select value from attribute_binary where type=%lu and object_id=%lld", type, _objectId); if (!statement.isValid()) { return NULL; } DB::Result result = _connection->perform(statement); if (!result.isValid()) { return NULL; } // Store the attribute in the transaction when it is active. std::map *attrs = &_attributes; if (_transaction) attrs = _transaction; const unsigned char *value = result.getBinary(1); size_t size = result.getFieldLength(1); std::map::iterator it = attrs->find(type); OSAttribute *attr; if (it != attrs->end()) { if (it->second != NULL) { delete it->second; } it->second = new OSAttribute(ByteString(value,size)); attr = it->second; } else { attr = new OSAttribute(ByteString(value,size)); (*attrs)[type] = attr; return attr; } return attr; } case akMechSet: { // try to find the attribute in the binary attribute table DB::Statement statement = _connection->prepare( "select value from attribute_binary where type=%lu and object_id=%lld", type, _objectId); if (!statement.isValid()) { return NULL; } DB::Result result = _connection->perform(statement); if (!result.isValid()) { return NULL; } // Store the attribute in the transaction when it is active. std::map *attrs = &_attributes; if (_transaction) attrs = _transaction; const unsigned char *value = result.getBinary(1); size_t size = result.getFieldLength(1); std::set set; if (!decodeMechanismTypeSet(set, value, size)) { return NULL; } OSAttribute *attr; std::map::iterator it = attrs->find(type); if (it != attrs->end()) { if (it->second != NULL) { delete it->second; } it->second = new OSAttribute(set); attr = it->second; } else { attr = new OSAttribute(set); (*attrs)[type] = attr; return attr; } return attr; } case akAttrMap: { // try to find the attribute in the array attribute table DB::Statement statement = _connection->prepare( "select value from attribute_array where type=%lu and object_id=%lld", type, _objectId); if (!statement.isValid()) { return NULL; } DB::Result result = _connection->perform(statement); if (!result.isValid()) { return NULL; } // Store the attribute in the transaction when it is active. std::map *attrs = &_attributes; if (_transaction) attrs = _transaction; const unsigned char *binary = result.getBinary(1); size_t size = result.getFieldLength(1); std::map::iterator it = attrs->find(type); OSAttribute *attr; if (it != attrs->end()) { std::map value; if (!decodeAttributeMap(value,binary,size)) { return NULL; } if (it->second != NULL) { delete it->second; } it->second = new OSAttribute(value); attr = it->second; } else { std::map value; if (!decodeAttributeMap(value,binary,size)) { return NULL; } attr = new OSAttribute(value); (*attrs)[type] = attr; return attr; } return attr; } } return NULL; } // Retrieve the specified attribute for internal use // Calling function must lock the mutex OSAttribute* DBObject::getAttributeDB(CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type) { if (_connection == NULL) { ERROR_MSG("Object is not connected to the database."); return NULL; } if (_objectId == 0) { ERROR_MSG("Cannot read from invalid object."); return NULL; } // If a transaction is in progress, we can just return the attribute from the transaction. if (_transaction) { std::map::iterator it = _transaction->find(type); if (it != _transaction->end()) return it->second; } // If the attribute exists and is non-modifiable then return a previously retrieved attribute value. if (!isModifiable(type)) { std::map::iterator it = _attributes.find(type); if (it != _attributes.end()) { return it->second; } } return accessAttribute(type); } // Check if the specified attribute exists bool DBObject::attributeExists(CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type) { MutexLocker lock(_mutex); return getAttributeDB(type) != NULL; } // Retrieve the specified attribute OSAttribute DBObject::getAttribute(CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type) { MutexLocker lock(_mutex); OSAttribute* attr = getAttributeDB(type); if (attr == NULL) return OSAttribute((unsigned long)0); return *attr; } bool DBObject::getBooleanValue(CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type, bool val) { MutexLocker lock(_mutex); OSAttribute* attr = getAttributeDB(type); if (attr == NULL) return val; if (attr->isBooleanAttribute()) { return attr->getBooleanValue(); } else { ERROR_MSG("The attribute is not a boolean: 0x%08X", type); return val; } } unsigned long DBObject::getUnsignedLongValue(CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type, unsigned long val) { MutexLocker lock(_mutex); OSAttribute* attr = getAttributeDB(type); if (attr == NULL) return val; if (attr->isUnsignedLongAttribute()) { return attr->getUnsignedLongValue(); } else { ERROR_MSG("The attribute is not an unsigned long: 0x%08X", type); return val; } } ByteString DBObject::getByteStringValue(CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type) { MutexLocker lock(_mutex); ByteString val; OSAttribute* attr = getAttributeDB(type); if (attr == NULL) return val; if (attr->isByteStringAttribute()) { return attr->getByteStringValue(); } else { ERROR_MSG("The attribute is not a byte string: 0x%08X", type); return val; } } CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE DBObject::nextAttributeType(CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE) { MutexLocker lock(_mutex); if (_connection == NULL) { ERROR_MSG("Object is not connected to the database."); return false; } if (_objectId == 0) { ERROR_MSG("Cannot get next attribute for invalid object."); return false; } // FIXME: implement for C_CopyObject return CKA_CLASS; } // Set the specified attribute bool DBObject::setAttribute(CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type, const OSAttribute& attribute) { MutexLocker lock(_mutex); if (_connection == NULL) { ERROR_MSG("Object is not connected to the database."); return false; } if (_objectId == 0) { ERROR_MSG("Cannot update invalid object."); return false; } // Retrieve and existing attribute if it exists or NULL if it doesn't OSAttribute *attr = getAttributeDB(type); // Update an existing attribute... if (attr) { DB::Statement statement; if (attr->isBooleanAttribute()) { // update boolean attribute statement = _connection->prepare( "update attribute_boolean set value=%d where type=%lu and object_id=%lld", attribute.getBooleanValue() ? 1 : 0, type, _objectId); } else if (attr->isUnsignedLongAttribute()) { // update integer attribute statement = _connection->prepare( "update attribute_integer set value=%lld where type=%lu and object_id=%lld", static_cast(attribute.getUnsignedLongValue()), type, _objectId); } else if (attr->isByteStringAttribute()) { // update binary attribute statement = _connection->prepare( "update attribute_binary set value=? where type=%lu and object_id=%lld", type, _objectId); DB::Bindings(statement).bindBlob(1, attribute.getByteStringValue().const_byte_str(), attribute.getByteStringValue().size(), SQLITE_STATIC); } else if (attr->isMechanismTypeSetAttribute()) { // update binary attribute ByteString value; encodeMechanismTypeSet(value, attribute.getMechanismTypeSetValue()); statement = _connection->prepare( "update attribute_binary set value=? where type=%lu and object_id=%lld", type, _objectId); DB::Bindings(statement).bindBlob(1, value.const_byte_str(), value.size(), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); } else if (attr->isAttributeMapAttribute()) { // update attribute map attribute ByteString value; if (!encodeAttributeMap(value, attribute.getAttributeMapValue())) { return false; } statement = _connection->prepare( "update attribute_array set value=? where type=%lu and object_id=%lld", type, _objectId); DB::Bindings(statement).bindBlob(1, value.const_byte_str(), value.size(), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); } // Statement is valid when a prepared statement has been attached to it. if (statement.isValid()) { if (!_connection->execute(statement)) { ERROR_MSG("Failed to update attribute %lu for object %lld",type,_objectId); return false; } if (_transaction) { std::map::iterator it = _transaction->find(type); if (it != _transaction->end()) *it->second = attribute; else (*_transaction)[type] = new OSAttribute(attribute); } else *attr = attribute; return true; } } DB::Statement statement; // Insert the attribute, because it is currently unknown if (attribute.isBooleanAttribute()) { // Could not update it, so we need to insert it. statement = _connection->prepare( "insert into attribute_boolean (value,type,object_id) values (%d,%lu,%lld)", attribute.getBooleanValue() ? 1 : 0, type, _objectId); } else if (attribute.isUnsignedLongAttribute()) { // Could not update it, so we need to insert it. statement = _connection->prepare( "insert into attribute_integer (value,type,object_id) values (%lld,%lu,%lld)", static_cast(attribute.getUnsignedLongValue()), type, _objectId); } else if (attribute.isByteStringAttribute()) { // Could not update it, so we need to insert it. statement = _connection->prepare( "insert into attribute_binary (value,type,object_id) values (?,%lu,%lld)", type, _objectId); DB::Bindings(statement).bindBlob(1, attribute.getByteStringValue().const_byte_str(), attribute.getByteStringValue().size(), SQLITE_STATIC); } else if (attribute.isMechanismTypeSetAttribute()) { // Could not update it, so we need to insert it. ByteString value; encodeMechanismTypeSet(value, attribute.getMechanismTypeSetValue()); statement = _connection->prepare( "insert into attribute_binary (value,type,object_id) values (?,%lu,%lld)", type, _objectId); DB::Bindings(statement).bindBlob(1, value.const_byte_str(), value.size(), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); } else if (attribute.isAttributeMapAttribute()) { // Could not update it, so we need to insert it. ByteString value; if (!encodeAttributeMap(value, attribute.getAttributeMapValue())) { return false; } statement = _connection->prepare( "insert into attribute_array (value,type,object_id) values (?,%lu,%lld)", type, _objectId); DB::Bindings(statement).bindBlob(1, value.const_byte_str(), value.size(), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); } // Statement is valid when a prepared statement has been attached to it. if (statement.isValid()) { if (!_connection->execute(statement)) { ERROR_MSG("Failed to insert attribute %lu for object %lld",type,_objectId); return false; } if (_transaction) (*_transaction)[type] = new OSAttribute(attribute); else _attributes[type] = new OSAttribute(attribute); return true; } return false; } // Set the specified attribute bool DBObject::deleteAttribute(CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE type) { MutexLocker lock(_mutex); if (_connection == NULL) { ERROR_MSG("Object is not connected to the database."); return false; } if (_objectId == 0) { ERROR_MSG("Cannot update invalid object."); return false; } // Retrieve and existing attribute if it exists or NULL if it doesn't OSAttribute *attr = getAttributeDB(type); if (attr == NULL) { ERROR_MSG("Cannot delete an attribute that doesn't exist."); return false; } DB::Statement statement; if (attr->isBooleanAttribute()) { // delete boolean attribute statement = _connection->prepare( "delete from attribute_boolean where type=%lu and object_id=%lld", type, _objectId); } else if (attr->isUnsignedLongAttribute()) { // delete integer attribute statement = _connection->prepare( "delete from attribute_integer where type=%lu and object_id=%lld", type, _objectId); } else if (attr->isByteStringAttribute() || attr -> isMechanismTypeSetAttribute()) { // delete binary attribute statement = _connection->prepare( "delete from attribute_binary where type=%lu and object_id=%lld", type, _objectId); } else if (attr->isAttributeMapAttribute()) { // delete attribute map attribute statement = _connection->prepare( "delete from attribute_array where type=%lu and object_id=%lld", type, _objectId); } // Statement is valid when a prepared statement has been attached to it. if (statement.isValid()) { if (!_connection->execute(statement)) { ERROR_MSG("Failed to delete attribute %lu for object %lld",type,_objectId); return false; } if (_transaction) { std::map::iterator it = _transaction->find(type); if (it != _transaction->end()) { delete it->second; it->second = NULL; } } return true; } return false; } // The validity state of the object bool DBObject::isValid() { MutexLocker lock(_mutex); return _objectId != 0 && _connection != NULL; } // Start an attribute set transaction; this method is used when - for // example - a key is generated and all its attributes need to be // persisted in one go. // // N.B.: Starting a transaction locks the object! bool DBObject::startTransaction(Access access) { MutexLocker lock(_mutex); if (_connection == NULL) { ERROR_MSG("Object is not connected to the database."); return false; } if (_transaction) { ERROR_MSG("Transaction is already active."); return false; } _transaction = new std::map; if (_transaction == NULL) { ERROR_MSG("Not enough memory to start transaction."); return false; } if (_connection->inTransaction()) { ERROR_MSG("Transaction in database is already active."); return false; } // Ask the connection to start the transaction. if (access == ReadWrite) return _connection->beginTransactionRW(); else return _connection->beginTransactionRO(); } // Commit an attribute transaction bool DBObject::commitTransaction() { MutexLocker lock(_mutex); if (_connection == NULL) { ERROR_MSG("Object is not connected to the database."); return false; } if (_transaction == NULL) { ERROR_MSG("No transaction active."); return false; } if (!_connection->commitTransaction()) { return false; } // Copy the values from the internally stored transaction to the _attributes field. for (std::map::iterator it = _transaction->begin(); it!=_transaction->end(); ++it) { std::map::iterator attr_it = _attributes.find(it->first); if (attr_it == _attributes.end()) { _attributes[it->first] = it->second; } else { *attr_it->second = *it->second; delete it->second; } it->second = NULL; } delete _transaction; _transaction = NULL; return true; } // Abort an attribute transaction; loads back the previous version of the object from disk bool DBObject::abortTransaction() { MutexLocker lock(_mutex); if (_connection == NULL) { ERROR_MSG("Object is not connected to the database."); return false; } // Forget the atributes that were set during the transaction. if (_transaction) { for (std::map::iterator it = _transaction->begin(); it!=_transaction->end(); ++it) { delete it->second; it->second = NULL; } delete _transaction; _transaction = NULL; } return _connection->rollbackTransaction(); } // Destroy the object; WARNING: pointers to the object become invalid after this call bool DBObject::destroyObject() { // NOTE: Do not lock _mutex, because _token will call us back and cause a deadlock. // There is no need to lock anyway as _token is a non-mutable pointer, so no race // conditions possible. if (_token == NULL) { ERROR_MSG("Cannot destroy an object that is not associated with a token"); return false; } return _token->deleteObject(this); }