.. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. .. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 .. Copyright © 2017 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. ============================ Installing from Source Code ============================ *Note: this document assumes UNIX Bash Shell. Being Java, AAF works in Windows, but you will have to create your own script/instruction conversions.* ------------------ Modes ------------------ AAF can be run in various ways * Standalone (on your O/S) * Docker (localized) * Kubernetes * ONAP Styles * HEAT (Docker Container Based Initilization) * OOM (a Helm Chart based Kubernetes Environment) ------------------ Prerequisites ------------------ You need the following tools to build and run AAF * git * maven * Java (JDK 1.8+, openjdk is fine) * Cassandra * a separate installation is fine * these instructions will start off with a Docker based Cassandra instance * Machine - one of the following * Standalone Java Processes - no additional running environments necessary * docker - typically available via packages for O/S * kubernetes - ditto ------------------ Build from Source ------------------ Choose the directory you wish to start in... This process will create an "authz" subdirectory:: $ mkdir -p ~/src $ cd ~/src Use 'git' to 'clone' the master code:: $ git clone https://gerrit.onap.org/r/aaf/authz Change to that directory:: $ cd authz Use Maven to build:: << TODO, get ONAP Settings.xml>> $ mvn install .. ----------------- .. Standalone .. ----------------- ----------------- Docker Mode ----------------- After you have successfully run maven, you will need a Cassandra. If you don't have one, here are instructions for a Docker Standalone Cassandra. For a *serious* endeavor, you need a multi-node Cassandra. From "authz":: $ cd auth/auth-cass/src/main/cql $ vi config.dat =================== Existing Cassandra =================== AAF Casablanca has added a table. If you have an existing AAF Cassandra, do the following:: ### If Container Cassandra, add these steps, otherwise, skip $ docker container cp init2_1.cql aaf_cass:/tmp $ docker exec -it aaf_cass bash (docker) $ cd /tmp ### $ cqlsh -f 'init2_1.cql' ===================== New Docker Cassandra ===================== Assuming you are in your src/authz directory:: $ cd auth/auth-cass/docker $ bash dinstall.sh --------------------- AAF Itself --------------------- Assuming you are in your src/authz directory:: $ cd auth/docker ### If you have not done so before (don't overwrite your work!) $ cp d.props.init d.props You will need to edit and fill out the information in your d.props file. Here is info to help **Local Env info** - These are used to load the /etc/hosts file in the Containers, so AAF is available internally and externally =============== ============= Variable Explanation =============== ============= HOSTNAME This must be the EXTERNAL FQDN of your host. Must be in DNS or /etc/hosts HOST_IP This must be the EXTERNAL IP of your host. Must be accessible from "anywhere" CASS_HOST If Docker Cass, this is the INTERNAL FQDN/IP. If external Cass, then DNS|/etc/hosts entry aaf_env This shows up in GUI and certs, to differentiate environments aaf_register_as As pre-set, it is the same external hostname. cadi_latitude Use "https://bing.com/maps", if needed, to locate your current Global Coords cadi_longitude ditto =============== ============= ============================== "Bleeding Edge" Source install ============================== AAF can be built, and local Docker Images built with the following:: $ bash dbuild.sh Otherwise, just let it pull from Nexus ============================== Configure AAF Volume ============================== AAF uses a Persistent Volume to store data longer term, such as CADI configs, Organization info, etc, so that data is not lost when changing out a container. This volume is created automatically, as necessary, and linked into the container when starting. :: ## Be sure to have your 'd.props' file filled out before running. $ bash aaf.sh ============================== Bootstrapping with Keystores ============================== Start the container in bash mode, so it stays up. :: $ bash aaf.sh bash id@77777: In another shell, find out your Container name. :: $ docker container ls | grep aaf_config CD to directory with CA p12 files * org.osaaf.aaf.p12 * org.osaaf.aaf.signer.p12 (if using Certman to sign certificates) Copy keystores for this AAF Env :: $ docker container cp -L org.osaaf.aaf.p12 aaf_agent_:/opt/app/osaaf/local ### IF using local CA Signer $ docker container cp -L org.osaaf.aaf.signer.p12 aaf_agent_:/opt/app/osaaf/local In Agent Window :: id@77777: agent encrypt cadi_keystore_password ### IF using local CA Signer id@77777: agent encrypt cm_ca.local Check to make sure all passwords are set :: id@77777: grep "enc:" *.props When good, exit from Container Shell and run AAF :: id@77777: exit $ bash drun.sh Check the Container logs for correct Keystore passwords, other issues :: $ docker container logs aaf_ Watch logs :: $ bash aaf.sh taillog Notes: You can find an ONAP Root certificate, and pre-built trustores for ONAP Test systems at: | authz/auth/sample/public/AAF_RootCA.cert | authz/auth/sample/public/truststoreONAPall.jks Good Tests to run :: ## From "docker" dir ## ## assumes you have DNS or /etc/hosts entry for aaf-onap-test.osaaf.org ## $ curl --cacert ../sample/public/AAF_RootCA.cer -u demo@people.osaaf.org:demo123456! https://aaf-onap-test.osaaf.org:8100/authz/perms/user/demo@people.osaaf.org $ openssl s_client -connect aaf-onap-test.osaaf.org:8100